Save on Lowe’s Purchases with New Amex Offers
Many American Express cardholders have new Amex Offers today for savings of up to 25% on Lowe’s purchases. These offers vary, so you need to check your won cards to see the exact terms. Let’s see the details.
The Offers
These Amex Offers will earn you a statement credit after using your enrolled eligible Card to make one or more purchases in-store at Lowe’s and online at or by 12/31/2024. Here are some of the offers :
- $100 credit when you spend $600 or more.
- $25 credit when you spend $100 or more.
- $10 credit when you spend $60 or more.
Key Terms
- Offer valid in-store at participating Lowe’s locations in the US and online only at US websites or
- Excludes Lowe’s outlet locations, gift cards purchased online, and corporate gift cards.
- Excludes purchases made at Lowe’s branded websites that are operated by a third party on behalf of Lowe’s, including but not limited to,, and
- Offer valid only on purchases made in US dollars.
- Offer only valid on purchases made directly with the merchant.
- Offer not valid on purchases made using third parties, such as resellers, delivery services, or other intermediaries.
These new Lowe’s Amex Offers can save you up to 25% on your Lowe’s purchases. I have seen three different versions of this offer so far, but your offer could have different terms.
Let us know if you are targeted!
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