Las Vegas Strip Abandoned Coronavirus
Per order of Governor Steve Sisolak Las Vegas and indeed Nevada is on shutdown. Or I should say it kind of is. While some are ignoring the governor’s order for non-essential businesses to temporarily close, the casinos were given no choice. A few days ago the entire Las Vegas Strip with the exception of a few businesses closed.
Today I decided to head out to see what that would look like in principle. I do believe in setting a good example here, so I only took photos from my car when it was stopped. I also didn’t leave my vehicle in order to limit my exposure. Additionally, I only entered unblocked areas and left if/when I was told to as to not break any rules. I also obeyed all posted signs.
McCarran International Airport Is Quiet
I started my little adventure by taking a swing by McCarran International Airport. If you didn’t know, there is an awesome runway viewing area off of Sunset Road on the south side of the airport. I observed planes coming in at a significantly reduced frequency to normal plus with the except of a few American planes, most gates were empty.

Welcome to Las Vegas Sign
But how would the Strip be? I started my drive by heading North on the Strip past the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign. This area is usually packed with people. While I won’t say it was empty, there were probably only 15-20 people in the area which is significantly less than usual.

Driving Up the Las Vegas Strip
I began to notice a trend at this point. There were a lot of cars, however very few people. As I ventured deeper into the heart of the Las Vegas Strip there at times were no people with the exception of an occasional police officer, casino security officer or homeless person.
Driving past Aria/Planet Hollywood/Cosmo was very surreal. The pedestrian bridges were empty, the sidewalks quiet and I couldn’t help but notice all of the bollards scattered around without people to protect.

Abandoned Paris Las Vegas
The pedestrian entrances on the Strip have all been closed, but so have many of the vehicle entrances as well. I did manage to find a couple of properties which weren’t closed. The first I stumbled on was Paris Las Vegas. Despite the front doors being shuttered, the main driveway was open to drive through. After I parked for about 30 seconds to grab these photos security quickly came outside to tell me to leave.

Venetian Completely Empty
The next big stop I was able to make was at the Venetian. This is the second largest hotel in the world with over 7,000 rooms, however no one is staying tonight. The Venetian’s main driveway is large and is normally full of activity. Today it was abandoned. Once again I was quickly told to leave after stopping briefly to grab these pics and the video below.
Looking a bit abandoned at the Venetian. One of the few big #Vegas casinos to allow people to drive on property. Security wasn’t fond of me taking pictures so I stopped when they came out. pic.twitter.com/e5Xf9BOcLG
— Miles to Memories (@milestomemories) March 20, 2020

Construction Continues On It Seems
Construction projects around town still seem to be progressing for now. I saw construction workers on site at Resorts World Las Vegas and Allegiant Stadium (home of the Las Vegas Raiders). Construction on the latter is moving along nicely with an (as of now) scheduled opening date at the end of July. In fact, they are installing the stadium’s sign right now!
Resorts World Las Vegas is still under construction. One has to ponder how current events will impact the project.

T-Mobile Arena Is Quiet
Speaking of stadiums, T-Mobile arena is normally a very busy place this time of year with Vegas Golden Knights games plus tons of other events. Today it was like a ghost town as was Park MGM next door. There are a few service vehicles around, however everything else is closed to the public.

The Fountains Are Off
It really was crazy to see some of the typically busy Strip spots absent of people. The Bellagio Fountains were supposed to host the NFL Draft next month, however that has been cancelled. Gone is the famous fountain show as well. There were a handful of people in the area, but not anything like normal.

Vegas Is Closed
Vegas is closed and it looks that way. Tons of people are driving to see what “closed Las Vegas” looks like, but it feels so different. There is no doubt in my mind that Las Vegas will be devastated by the effects of this shutdown, however I know the city will bounce back. #VegasStrong

Your Thoughts?
What do you think will be the impact Coronavirus has on the Las Vegas Strip? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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[…] Shuttered: Here Is What the Vegas Strip Looks Like Today! […]
All the complainers on this site. You all have the right not to go back to Vegas, forever if you like! I love the restaurants, shows, a little gambling and just hanging out at the lounges and bars. Yeah, machines may be a lot “tighter” for a bit; so don’t play, hang out by the pool and have a few adult beverages! I’m of the opinion that Vegas will come back stronger than ever after just a few months. And…when I can get away, I’ll be one of the first ones to go back!
The machines are gonna be so tight cause their gonna want to recoup some of their major losses! It’s gonna be a long time before I put my money in any of these machines!
I did a ton of donating at all the local casinos…it actually feels good to see my nest egg building & money in my purse, cause normally nest egg would be dwindling down to nothing & my wallet would be empty, so I’d have to say, this has been a real eye opener for me! Now they all get to feel how it feels to lose money! Ha, give them a taste of their own medicine ! What comes around, goes around ….
And don’t be looking for comps or freebies when this town does open back up . I think your gonna be seeing a lot more fees that we haven’t had before …they will put a fancy name to it..you’ll see! But, that’s just my opinion…I know how greedy these casinos are !
I definitely agree just like Vegas wasn’t the same after the Great Recession I think it won’t be the same coming back from this. How exactly it will change remains to be seen but there is no doubt these companies are in rougher financial shape than they were before.
There was this youtube boy who posted subjects like the 5 worst dives on the strip. Now, with this shutdown/hiatus/time off the slums can finally get rebuilt/disinfected, just practice 6 feet apart. Then these shysters can tack on as many fees as they want!
I know , for a fact, because I’ve seen it before , that when it is finally over, Vegas will come back even stronger than before.
Yes of course the world will come back stronger, not just Vegas. We will lose majority of our older population. This reduction of people will also help the earth heal and improve global warming, it will bring people closer once we mourn the great loss (people & wealth) the economy will recover in 1-2 years and we all will be much stronger, that the cycle of life, we will always become stronger and prosper after a tragedy.
Until the next pandemic that comes around. And every epidemiologist in the world agrees that they will become more commonplace.
I disagree but I hope I am wrong.
If they are smart , which who knows. When they compe back all report fees and parking should be waived. At least for the rest of 2020. They have to do something as an incentive.
When they reopen, we will see higher resort fees and parking fees and creation of other “new name” fees after the reopen and get bailout money.
When the hotels open they will be initiating a surcharge, or extra deep cleaning of rooms. MGM reports it will be $19 a night, in additional to resort fees!!!!
There is absolutely no reason to have any extra deep cleaning fees. The virus can’t live that long. The longest it can live is 3-5 days on any surface. The shutdown will be 30 plus days. They might say that to make people feel safe but not necessary. I think they will have to reduce rates and fees to get people traveling again.
Forget about Vegas.
Where are the tests?
Where is the PPE our health care workers need NOW?
Your right!! Here is a great site to see how many test were administered compared to positive cases in each state.
When things open, I wonder if the resort fees will be eliminated.
Nope. Doubled.
Are casino employees paid during the shut down? I learned my relative who works at an east coast casino they only got paid covering 2 weeks, no more, even that’s less than normal cuz there is no tips. There are over 35k casino employees in Vegas, I read somewhere. So worry for them! #virusbegone
I can imagine Las Vegas has to be extremely infected once they actually start testing they will be in the hundred thousands of cases. All of the tourist and germs passed from large crowds, card dealers, money chips, waitress passing drinks and taking tips, thousands eating at the buffets, hotel workers, cashiers, slot machines etc confirmed cases will be extraordinary in Vegas I wish them luck and hope the hospitals are ramping up for the upcoming surge.
Good point. I hope not.