Netherlands Covid Curfew Sparks Protests
The Netherlands has experienced the third day of civil unrest over the country’s tough lockdown. The Netherlands has nearly one million confirmed Covid-19 cases since the start of the outbreak, with more than 13,500 deaths.
The government recently introduced a night-time curfew which runs from 9PM to 4:30AM. Anyone caught violating the curfew faces a €95 ($115) fine.
More than 180 people were arrested in 10 Dutch cities as protesters defying a curfew clashed with riot police. Shops in Rotterdam were looted and police used water cannons and tear gas to clear out protesters. Local media also reported trouble in the capital, Amsterdam, the central city of Amersfoort, the southern town of Geleen and elsewhere.
Fires were lit on the streets of The Hague, home to the U.N.’s International Court of Justice, where police on bicycles attempted to move small clusters of men who threw stones and fireworks.
Prime Minister Mark Rutte said the police had the government’s full support, as per BBC. He added that “the riots have nothing to do with protesting or fighting for freedom.” Mayors in several of the cities affected by the violence have vowed to introduce emergency measures in an effort to prevent more disturbances.
This comes a few days after KLM canceled all long haul flights with recent restrictions implemented.
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It doesn’t look like the reach people are helping much.
The world is dividing into sheep and independent thinkers.
It looks like 95% of the population just does as it’s told.
History tells us, as the population becomes ever more compliant – the government and politicians are all too happy to take more power and become more autocratic.
This is where we are today. It’s going to get way worse before it gets better sadly.
Everyone loves the easy life today. Netflix, Amazon delivery, all that…
The lazy and weak soon become the slaves.
As if a curfew is gonna stop the spread of Covid.
In the US, post Trump a lot of major Democrat run cities are loosening their Covid restrictions. My question is how is it that a new administration all of a sudden makes a difference in the spread of Covid.
Dishonest government is the problem. Be upfront with your constituents, don’t try to gain political advantage out of a bad situation. It will only create more opposition.
People everywhere are just so rebellious and inconsiderate
Already happened in various parts of Denmark too.
From what I could find of the arrested and others involved in the rioting/protesting in Denmark against Covid-19 restrictions, many of them had a lot of the same kind of beliefs and connection to right-wing misinformation that could be found for the seditious Trump-supporters in Washington, DC, on January 6th, 2021.