100K American Express Platinum Offer Through CardMatch
Yesterday Greg the Frequent Miler had a great post about the American Express Platinum card. In his post, Greg described a reader who contacted him about a 100k offer they received for the American Express Platinum card on June 5 through the CardMatch tool.
The offer as described by Greg was:
Get 100,000 Membership Reward® points after $3,000 in purchases with your new Card in the first three months.
I have written about the features and benefits of the American Express Platinum card before and Greg does a great run down on who this card is good for and who probably should look elsewhere. Even with a 100,000 point bonus, the American Express Platinum card probably isn’t for everyone.
What Is CardMatch
For those who are not familiar with CardMatch, it presents credit card offers based on the visitor’s individual profile. When visiting, simply fill out your information and the system will show you which offers you are targeted for. No hard credit inquiry is performed.
Everyone’s offers are generally different and there is no guarantee that you will get the 100,000 point American Express Platinum or any other offer. (In the past the 100k offer has been highly targeted.) With that said, I generally feel it doesn’t hurt to check. Personally, just to make sure I don’t miss out, I normally check CardMatch about once a month when I remember. Thus far I haven’t personally been targeted for any offers from American Express.
How to Check
To check if you have been targeted, simply click through to the CardMatch Tool and fill out your information.
Note: The above link is my affiliate CardMatch link. You can also reach the tool directly from the creditcards.com website. Applying through our links helps to support the site, but I feel it is important to let you know that you can reach the tool without our link.
Other Available Offers
To add a little perspective, here is some information about other offers available.
- The normal public offer for this card gives 40,000 Membership Rewards points after $3k in spend.
- The Mercedes Benz version of the card gives 50,000 Membership Rewards points after $3k in spend and has a slightly higher $475 annual fee and other unique features.
- There is also a version of the Platinum card for Ameriprise customers that waives the annual fee the first year and comes with 25,000 Membership Rewards points after $3k in spend. (More info here.)
Would I Do It
I recently just picked up the business version of the American Express Platinum card, but I would apply for this offer if I didn’t already have a different version of the card. (And I was targeted.) This 100K offer matches the highest bonus I have seen on the American Express Personal Platinum, meaning it may be worth considering if you are in the market for the card and are targeted.
As I mentioned before, it has become part of my normal routine to check the CardMatch tool about once a month. While only select people end up being targeted for great offers such as this, for me it is worth the few seconds it takes. Were you targeted for the 100K American Express Platinum card or any other increased offers? Let us know in the comments!
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These Offers are only avaliable to those who are solicited. If the offer wasn’t send directly to you, by mail, email, or from your online account it is NOT available for you!!!
Thanks. The information in this article talks about a tool called Cardmatch which checks for prescreened offers.
Thanks for the link. No immediate approval but cleared about 1 hour into review.
Keep up the good work!
Shawn: I was targeted for the 100K points offer for Amex Platinum ($3,000 spending in 3 months) and applied through the CardMatch link. This is the message I got: “Thank you for applying for the Platinum Card® from American Express. Your application has been received and will be processed as soon as possible and
we will notify you of the decision by mail within 14 days.”
My question: is this a bad sign? I know this is a common message–and we’ve got a similar message with Citi before and the card was approved without a problem–but since I was “targeted,” should I have been approved immediately? Thanks for any insights.
I have had the same thing happen with a targeted Amex offer. I wouldn’t worry about it, but feel free to call if you want. Sometimes they are approved pretty quickly as well. You can check the application status at: americanexpress.com/applicationstatus
Shawn…If I got the Mercedez bonus 6 months ago…can I get the Ameriprise or another Platinum card bonus? Or no?
Are all Platinum cards considered the same product?
They haven’t been considered the same in the past (for example one could get a bonus on both the Mercedes and regular versions), but I’m not aware of anyone who has specifically tested this with the Ameriprise version.
Something fishy with this “card match tool.” Like the concept, but not impressed. I finally tried it, and never mind having an 830 range FICO, years (decades) of good/perfect credit, very restrained new account efforts, etc., I only see new offers for the chase freedom card (no thanks — wife already has), none of the Amex cards, and a few lame Citi cards I’d never heard of, nor care to hear of again. Again, not impressed.
Also check your amex offers. Sometimes there are target offers for card bonuses there as well. I currently have a 50k platinum offer on my everyday preferred card offers tab.
I was targeted for the platinum card with the 40,000 offer.
I called Amex. The agent informed me that I could not get the 100,00 offer, as I was not “targeted for it”. Targeted for the 40M, but not the 100M offer