Roundup: Articles From Around the Web
Here are some posts from around the web that I thought you may find interesting. Let me know if there is anything good I missed. Email me anything awesome that you find, or write, at
Cruise trips are back. This is what they look like now – CNN Travel
A look at what it is currently like for anyone missing cruising or considering booking something in the near future.
When Airbnbs go bad: Here are signs you should bail on yours and how to get your money back – USA Today
Some good nuggets in here. With the rise in home rentals this year, and likely over the next year or two, it is good to be prepared for anything.
Black father-of-six is surrounded by three white armed Texas cops who interrogate him because he had ‘too many’ credit cards while withdrawing cash from ATM – Daily Mail
I shared this one because some of what we do looks shady to the outside world. Even though this appears to be debit cards and not credit cards it is something to remember. If you have a stack of Visa gift cards and get pulled over they could get confiscated if they think it is for illegal activity. Just be cautious out there is my point. You never know who will raise the alarm. And swiping cards and getting denied on multiple cards is going to look suspicious.
Which article did you find most interesting? Remember to let me know of anything you come across that you want added into the next edition at
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Man, some of the comments here. White privilege sure is a hell of a drug.
[…] Having too many credit cards while black (HT: Mark Ostermann) […]
[…] Having too many credit cards while black (HT: Mark Ostermann) […]
Unfortunately, there is a concept of civil asset forfeiture that exists in the minds of sick cops, prosecutors, and judges who let it continue. It’s a liberal idea you don’t have a right to manage your affairs as you see fit and that government can seize your money because they don’t like how you spend it or have a suspicion on how you spend it without any evidence. This is big government bureaucracy that I detest. It’s the same reason citizens and tourists are harassed by TSA and customs and spied on by intelligence agencies, while the actual people who don’t belong here get special favor of lax enforcement of immigration policy. It’s the same reasons why we have liberal gun control, and the liberal war on drugs. Speech control is next.
Thankfully, the left and right wings of both parties oppose civil asset forfeiture and the public is more aware of the issue. Never trust government because this is an example of what government does and is.
Obviously, the article is click bait that has nothing to do with race. Cops abuse white people all the time and infringe one fundamental freedoms (drug laws, seat belt laws, gun control, and nanny state laws). If BLM were about police abuse, over policing, and the war on drugs, we would be marching hand in hand. Unfortunately, it pushes anti white hate and violence that causes people to wholeheartedly support cops when they should only support cops on a case by case basis.
I have a hard time believing that you would support anything related to Black Americans besides music and sports- BLM is about police abuse and over policing, you just choose to ignore the message, because doing so would shatter your snowflake views on what it means to have white privilege in America- I bet you think kneeing during NFL games is about hurt the US Flag, and that the Confederate Flag, a symbol of a 5 year rebel Anti- American Army is some how related to your southern roots. We don’t need BLM for black people to hate us, white Americans, black people only need to turn on the TV or open a history book to see white oppression all over the world and in America. I’m sure your going to say “Blacks need to stop killing each other”, White need to stop killing each other – if black cops were killing white people, I’m sure you would be rioting in the streets, but since its White Cops killing Black people, your burning brain energy trying to justify why your a racist white American.
Whites do actually suffer from a disproportionate amount of interracial violence from blacks. 99.9% of all interracial rapes are black on white. Let that sink in. Yes, whites should be taking to the streets and speaking out. However, that has nothing to do with private property, businesses, and random citizens. That doesn’t justify rioting, looting, violent attacks on civilians, and arson. Whites are also frequent victims of police abuse, but of course you don’t hear about it because it doesn’t fit the media narrative. Given that whites commit much less violent crime than blacks (blacks are 13% of the population and commit 53% of the murders), this police abuse is even more numerous. Black cops kill blacks at the same rate as white cops. The Somali born cop did kill the white woman from Australia named Justine Damond in Minneapolis and it took 6 months for him to be indicted. We have a policing problem (war on drugs, use of force, restraint policies, and enforcement of nanny state laws) but the anti white hate needs to stop. Somehow it is acceptable for blacks to have a community, celebrate black culture, and speak out about issues facing the black community; however, whites are not allowed to have a community, to celebrate white culture, and speak out about issues facing the white community. That’s privilege. It’s non white privilege. I don’t apologize for being born white, being proud to be white, building complex societies, and having lower crime rates.
Since you seem to have your finger on the pulse of all things societal, what would be your response to this? Should the world, not just blacks or even whites, do? Should they sit idly by and watch stuff like this happen and then tell the person involved that the police, because of title and badge, have the right to question any and everything they desire?
I know what they shouldn’t do: riot, loot, set private property on fire, and commit violent attacks on civilians.
People should call for police reform, an end to the war on drugs and over policing, reducing the prison population, and promoting accountability. This is productive. Looting, arson, vandalism, rioting, and violent attacks are injustices and evil acts themselves. They accomplish nothing other than putting innocent white and black families at risk and exacerbating the issues.
I live in Miami and I’m hispanic and I’ve seen and heard of blacks and Hispanics going into stores with multiple credit cards with different names. In this case someone alerted the police that he kept going through cards and they were being declined, they didn’t single him out, why do you make it about race? I would do the same thing of someone looked suspicious. My credit was stolen, I know of other people who have gone through the same issues because of suspicious people, why can’t you read the facts and not make it about race all the time?? Blacks commit more crimes than any other group within their own race and others.
OMG!!!!! ARMED police officers…as opposed to unarmed ones? You should have just said 3 white men with guns. Some worthless advice: The overwhelming readership is here for travel stuff. There are plenty of other places to read hit- jobs about cops. Be better
In Mark’s defense, he didn’t write the original article, and its “racist white cops” clickbait message likely wasn’t the reason he shared it. Personally, I wouldn’t promote race-baiting garbage, but this blog isn’t mine.
Chris I didn’t write the article or put anything about race in the title. I shared it because it does show what could possibly happen and as a reminder for people driving around with tons of gift cards or money orders etc. My own comment said there was reason for probable cause so maybe you should read better????
A person’s race has absolutely nothing to do with looking suspicious for carrying around a bunch of credit cards, so why do the media insist on making it so? I’m an older white guy who’s had the police ask me about why I had several credit cards and gift cards on my person and in the car. I wasn’t shaken by the incident, and I didn’t blame the cops for asking questions, as I can see why it would look pretty odd.
Why mention that the police had weapons, are we in England/UK? Police carry firearms. Bottom line, a valid inquiry and a non-violent ending.
Having ten cards — not all of which are credit cards even in the case of this person subjected to police interrogation of sort at the convenience store — in a wallet or purse is not evidence of a crime. And this can hold even if the cards aren’t all in the name of the individual in possession of the cards at the time of a stop.
It’s also not all that unusual — and certainly not criminal — to have one or more bank-issued cards fail — and fail repeatedly — to work at an ATM for any variety of legitimate reasons.
The only thing that is suspicious many times is the suspect thinking of those who perceive a criminal suspect and criminal activity under conditions where it is not applicable at the time they hit someone with the suspect thinking of their own making.
If the police had to personally pay money out of pocket for each and every false alarm call of their own making, their behavior would change rather quickly.
But standing at an ATM, shuffling through numerous rejected PINs, is IMHO, ovious probable cause to ask, and that’s all they did, ask, and in doing so, protected the greater public including the man himself.
What the ifs so “shady ” about someone going to a atm and looking at his cards to decide which to use?
As a white person I do that all the time, after all depending on my purchase,I will earn different miles or points. Never been surrounded by 3 cops demanding me to prove I could have credit cards, asking why I was in the area. Call it out for what is is, RACISM. Good thing my black husband of 29 years never carries more then 2 cc at a time.
What you are saying is not really accurate. He was swiping multiple cards and getting denials on all of them. That is going to look suspicious no matter who it is. When we swiped multiple cards for a money order people get suspicious….same thing.
The cashiers at my local grocery store would get suspicious of me buying (1) $500 VGC. It’s just not something they were used to seeing. My frequent is the place has allowed them to get to know me and I’ve never had a problem since.
With that being said, no ones “suspicion” trumps the freedom of another. This is why folks oppose “stop and frisk”. It allows for someone’s perception to trample on the rights of another.