Ebates Doubles in Store Cashback this Weekend
I received an email this morning from Ebates that they are offering double in store cash back on select stores this weekend. I didn’t think too much about it because they do this semi often but when I opened up the list of participants my jaw hit the floor!
The Offer is back this weekend! Two more days left with the Office Depot deal too!!!
The details are as follows:
- Double in store cashback for select stores until Monday
4/30Â 5/13 at 11:59PM PT. - You have to link each stores offer individually to your card.
- The offer only works one time per card and then you have to reload it before using it again
- You can load multiple cards at the same time and you can cycle through them each once before needing to reload the offer on each card.
The list of stores is solid but 2 really stuck out to me.
- Office Max/Office Depot – 6% in store cash back (I could probably stop here!)
- Bed Bath & Beyond – 4% in store
Deal Making Opportunities
For Bed Bath & Beyond check and see if they have any promos available and you can stack with those. Sometimes they have very good Visa gift card rebates.
You could load up on Amazon gift cards earning 5X Ultimate Rewards plus 6% since you can’t get them easily online any longer. Or you can stick with Visa gift cards since the 6% back makes it a very profitable purchase. Gift cards for personal purchases like Whole Foods, Shell or Target are another opportunity.
This has always worked on gift cards in the past but I can’t guarantee it will in the future. The terms do say no gift cards so there is risk. You may want to do a test purchase first and wait for the email.
There is a lot of opportunity here but remember to BE RESPONSIBLE. Ebates has SHUT DOWN people’s accounts for abusing this in store offer so don’t go full bananas. If you do remember that you have been warned.
This is a pretty amazing offer that you may be able to stack with another offer. If not you can get paid to earn 5X Ultimate Rewards! Might want to hit is sooner rather than later especially if you have an Ink Cash card.
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Potential dumb question but how do you get 5x ultimate rewards at BBB? I didn’t think that was considered an office supply store?
No 5X at BBB only OD/OM
I use two different stores. One tracks the other does not. You may want to shop around a bit.
Confirming 6%, it tracks.
Excellent fingers crossed it sticks come pay time!
Still, AMEX SPG tracks instantly. Inks dont.
People have reported AMex cards tracking better.
I’ve been using my Ink all week with the promo it has been tracking everytime at 3%. Worth setting up if you are doing the deal anyways.
Didn’t work for me last time when buying Amazon gift cards.
didnt work for me last week…no email
NO Ebates triggered for me, last time I did this.
I linked my 2 cards.
Went to OM on Friday, bought a couple of VGC using card#1.
Went back on Saturday, bought 2 more using card #2.
Never saw any ebates activity. My 2 cards still show linked
when I checked them just now.
Why is BB&B a good deal? For resale only correct? Otherwise it’s a break even situation.
OD/OM a different story when combined with 5x UR. Thoughts? Am I off here?
Visa gift cards cost 3% in fees and liquidation cost – Ebates gives you 4% back. So you are generating points at a small profit. More for racking up points for free or meeting min spend on some cards.
At BB&B this sat & sun I’ve been buying vgc’s – 3 x $200 per transaction (as the 4th card needs pesky management override) and the rebate emails are coming through just fine and they are listed on my account online.
I bought ~$4k of $200 Everywhere $200 vgcs at an OD and while teh email came through. It’s not posting on my account online. I also made 2 smaller similar purchase at other OD/ OM’s and no emails of posting either ….at least so far.
I re-linked after each transaction and before the next.
BB&B seems to work ok and I’ve had the rebate payout several times previously for the months they’ve ran this 2x in-store promo. This was my firts time with OD/OM, and while ambitious in my purchases, I’m no longer hopeful. But transactions may take 7 days to post, so my fingers are crossed! All BB&B transactions have all posted already.
Sounds like you should be tired :). Now we hope they stick!
I think that ebates may not track a second purchase if you are doing back to back transactions, unless you get the email confirming the 1st transaction before you do the second transaction. All my transactions this weekend tracked but only some of player 2’s transactions tracked. The ones that didn’t track were the ones that were the second in a back to back transaction (at the same store using a different linked cc.) So, I suggest waiting til you get the confirmation email, hit the “re-link” button before going thru the line again, even with a different card. Hope this makes sense. I’m tired today.. .
Was that at office depot or BB&B? Because after my purchase at office depot my card was still “linked”. Makes me think there is an issue with the purchases flowing over to ebates.
BB&B instant email (I always get instant emails from them). OM/OD no email.Well see
Fingers crossed
Did a little experiment: AMEX SPG cards at OM/OD returned an instant email from ebates, while Ink cards returned no email. Both were GC purchases.Not sure what is going on here and if there is a way around it.
Interesting – thanks for letting us know. I will have to try it out. Maybe it is a visa issue etc.
Yesterday, I bought a few gift cards (VGC, Disneyland, Google play) and a pen. NO email or cash back pending in the app. Doesn’t look good….
Seems to be a 50% hit rate right now. BB&B is batting 100% for me right now.
[…] promotion includes many popular merchants, but two of them stand out as Mark notes at Miles to Memories. Office Depot/Max and Bed Bath & Beyond both have doubled cashback rates in store. Office […]
[…] Double cash back in store (doubled rates are already displayed) [via Miles to Memories] […]
[…] Double cash back in store (doubled rates are already displayed) [via Miles to Memories] […]
[…] Hat Tip: Miles to Memories […]
Would there be any difference between VCG and 3rd-Party gift cards in terms of ebates allowing the 6% cb? If not, if you’re going the profit route on this, wouldn’t it be easier to just go with an Amazon gift card to resell rather than VGCs? Both will come out roughly the same in profit, but I would much rather just click a few keys and sell the Amazon card than go through the hassle of a Walmart and MO run. I guess the VGC would be more of an immediate cash back, but if you’re in no big hurry, I’m going with Amazon.
Thats actually a good point..i should have gone that route when I made those VGC purchases. Next time though..
If you have a good reselling hook up where you can sell them at 96-97% then that is a great option.
I’ve got a 95% outlet. Feel free to pass on any 96-97% sources!
At 95% you would be slightly better off with the VGC since the cost is only 3%
Yeah, my shaky 9th grade-level math skills let me down sometimes. If you’re doing this in any larger quantities, definitely worth it to suck it up and deal with the Wally/MO runs. (I like the “runs” reference. I dibs it!)
how long does it take to get the email? bought some VGC and amazon GC about an hour ago
When I’ve done in-store purchase using ebates before, the emails came within moments of the charge at the register. I also made a purchase about an hour ago and still nothing. Hope I’m wrong, but it looks like they may have tightened up their “no gift cards” rule.
Reports in our FB group have people getting the emails. Could just be delayed maybe?
Crossing fingers (not holding breath).
I tried it today at OD and got the email! Hopefully i get the refund in my account.
Excellent! Fingers crossed
how much do you guys think is too much? $500-$600 in VGCs?
Thanks for this! I hope the VCG work at OM/OD.
Me too – let us know if you try it today!
Well, I bought 2 VCGs and received no email. Ebates doesn’t even register that I bought anything. Same thing with my gf. Very odd.
It didn’t work for me yesterday but I got the email today. Not sure what is going on.
When does this start? You say “this weekend” but does that include today (Friday)?
Also it has language in the details about ” A linked offer is good for one redemption only.”. If I have linked 2 credit cards to the offer, will only only work for the 1st one I use? Or will it work for each card, just once?
I looked and couldn’t find a start date/time so I think it is active now.
That is how it worked at BB&B in the past – I split tender on 4 cards and all 4 got the ebates credit
Mark, is there a post on Ebates in-store cashback? I have never tried this in-store thingy, so feel like I am gonna screw this up.
The offer only works one time per card – this just means for multiple translations with the same card, you have to load every single time, correct?
Also, is there a max limit on either purchase amount or cashback amount for these in-store offers? Couldn’t find this info on Ebates.
If you look at the post linked talking about Bed Bath & Beyond I think I put more detail in there on the process.
Yes you can use each linked card for one transaction before you would have to reload the Ebates offer in order to use it again.
I don’t think there is a limit but I wouldn’t go too large since they have shut down people in the past. Also it is probably worth testing out with a small purchase first since I don’t know for sure if GCs will work again this time around even though they have in the past.
Thanks. The OD/OM deal is good till 7/23/2018?! That’s what I see ….
Also, I linked these 2 deals to two of my cards on their desktop site, but in their app, I see no credit cards under my account. Do I have to have these 2 cards added to my account too or simply linking would be enough? Hope I’m not confusing you with this ..
Yeah I saw that too but drops down to 3% which is still really good.
I always just link it online – don’t have/use the app
Can anyone verify that it works on VGC from OM/OD?
It has in the past but YMMV
“Offer not valid for gift card purchases”
It has worked in the past but that doesn’t guarantee that it will in the future. I plan on testing it out later today.
Lol. What does “abusing” mean?