The One Thing I Do When Traveling That Drives My Wife CRAZY!
If you have a spouse or significant other then you know there are certain things that always drive you crazy. Simple things like not putting dirty clothes in the hamper or humming while you read etc. can drive your significant other up the wall. These little things most other people probably don’t notice can lead to blowout arguments. There is one thing I do when traveling that drives my wife crazy. Not over the top crazy but she gives me the look of death each time I do it. It is something that I have done ever since I was a kid and even though I don’t do it as often I still will partake in my mini ritual when it suits me. My dark secret is I often bring home the little bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash etc. The more the merrier! If it isn’t a part of the room I may partake in bringing it home with me.
I figured posting this on our 14th year wedding anniversary was perfect timing 🤣.

But Why? Who Cares About Mini Shampoos?!?!
I could be really smart or edgy and say I know they are gonna throw out those barely used bottles and I don’t want them to go to waste. But the green movement wasn’t a thing in my preteen years. So it didn’t start there.
To be honest I don’t know why I do it. Don’t get me wrong I will use them a lot of the time at home but it isn’t to save money or anything. If I had to guess I would say that it has to do with connecting traveling to hotels in my youth.
We didn’t fly a ton growing up. Maybe once or twice a year and a lot of our trips were road trip types, which are some of my favorite trips! And I used to love checking out the different hotels and their pool areas, the arcade, the lobby. The hotel was the best part of our trip in my opinion. We stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort in Orlando once and I had more fun driving the boats and running around the grounds then I did going to the theme parks. Shawn is so disappointed in 10 year old me right now.
Bringing home those little bottles and soaps was like bringing a home a small piece of our vacation.

Why Do I Still Do It?
I don’t do it as much anymore mainly because of my wife’s lack of excitement over the whole thing 😂 . But also because flying with liquids is a real pain now. I am more likely to bring home some tiny suds filled souvenirs on a road trip, like my recent baseball tour road trip.
I tend to only do it when it is a product I enjoy or that smells good etc. Hampton Inn soaps and shampoos are not making their way into my bag. I do enjoy the Hyatt Regency products so I will usually snag one or two of those.
As you know I am not a fan of IHG and it appears I won’t be nabbing any of their soaps or shampoos anytime soon.
Is There Anything Else I Snag?
I have been known to grab that little bottle of dish soap from Hyatt House rooms too. If you didn’t know a little dish soap and water is the best way to clean sunglasses 😉. It is made to cut through grease after all. That little bottle is perfect for cleaning my sunglasses on the go too!
Final Thoughts
I was curious to see if anyone else brought home the bathroom souvenirs as well. Or am I the only weirdo among us? If you do bring them back with you does it drive your spouse or significant other crazy too?
I think a lot of this does track back to my childhood and wanting to take a piece of the hotel experience home with me. I fear my kids don’t fall too far from the old apple tree. They often find the hotels to be the most exciting part of the trip as well. I haven’t rubbed off my shampoo bottle nabbing off on them yet at least!
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[…] or may not be harmless. Apparently, Mark from Miles To Memories drives his wife crazy because of this one thing he does in hotels. I don’t know what he’s going to do when that really isn’t an option anymore. […]
I have a drawer full of toothbrushes and razors from my annual trips to Japan. I pick up like 20 every trip. Haven’t had to buy toothbrushes for a decade
Awesome Jesse!
I stopped years ago but have recently started again only to donate them to local charities.
I have my own shampoo I’ve always traveled with but I did end up taking all the pharmacopeia lotion from every Hyatt I went to on my last trip to Asia. It’s hard to feel bad, I wanted to give them my money but when I looked them up they don’t sell that exact purple bottle you have shown in lotion form in any size anywhere. I didn’t know there was brands just for hotels? If you can direct to me to that lotion I’d be to happy, my skin reacted wonderfully to it and it smells amazing lol
I have not seen it anywhere and it does smell pretty awesome!
Intercontinental Hotels in Thailand provide high quality Harnn products. Happy to bring those outstanding products home but wouldn’t think to grab anything from Holiday Inns, Hyatt Places, Marriott Courtyards. If you HAVE to take everything not nailed down, it’s simply compulsion and hoarding.
Oh I am sure there is some compulsion mixed in there for me haha
I have always done that also. About 15 years ago we started traveling much more and the little bottles became numerous. A friend recommended taking them to a shelter and I was so thrilled with that idea. I still take them but now I do it to donate them. My husband has always laughed at my habit but now that he travels a lot on his motorcycle he is enjoying the small bottles. Glad I am not the only one!
Awesome CLA – thanks for sharing!
Happy Anniversary!
I travel with my own shampoo and conditioner because I color my hair (I’m old). I do nab the mini bottles and soaps to bring home though. My sister fills Christmas stockings for a women’s shelter, so I get them for her.
My wife often brings her own when she has recently colored her hair as well. Great idea on the stockings!
Happy Anniversary ❤️
Thank you Teresa
My husband just got rid of ALL of mine without my permission. And yes- there were a lot. Especially conditioner. He just doesn’t understand.
No he doesn’t! 🙂
I collect them. When I have a full bag of them, I give them to my local homeless service center which provides showers for the homeless.
Great idea Gary
I do this and agree IHG products are that great but some IHG properties have the Lemon Verbina shampoo and I just love the smell for some odd reason. The Neutrogena products are my favorites. I got to the point a few years ago where I stopped but have started again with the looming threat of wall-mounted bulk dispensers in the future. I’m hoarding a supply for future years.
I wonder if people will bring other hotel’s stuff on their IHG stays…I bet it will happen quite a bit
This is literally one of my favorite past times. It’s a must to bring back le labo, bliss, asprey, acqua di parma. even if it takes up half of my checked suitcase.
Glad to know I am not alone Dave!
For a few years, I didn’t have to buy shampoo because I brought home partly used bottles from hotels.
LOL I knew that first comment was going to be the main theme of responses to this article before I even scrolled down here, which is fine just predictable.
I stopped bringing them home for the same reason you stated, too much trouble traveling with them and we didn’t really use them. Good for guest bathrooms, but once we’re fully stocked, anything beyond that doesn’t pass the test for my wife’s discerning tastes…
The thing I do that drives my wife crazy when we travel is kill time in the hotel every morning. I like to relax and quietly wallow in the freedom from deadlines or pressing needs. She feels like we’re wasting time and money sitting in a hotel room when we could be “out there” doing all the things we traveled to do. She’s totally right, but somehow my brain doesn’t translate that into a need for action 🙂
The buddy I travel with often is like that – wants to get out as soon as possible. I ended up doing more and seeing more on trips I go with him on than ones I don’t. But sometimes I just wanna veg for a little bit haha
I do like to take the nice ones from really high-end hotels, but generally leave them behind. My luggage space is generally limited (team carry-on) so that probably factors in as well.
Well you only stay in 5 star hotels….besides that Quality Inn last week at least
I kid I kid – I know you stay in some 4 star hotels too 🙂
Those little bottles and packages of toiletries and such are VERY popular at Shelters and other places that take care of folks in sudden need, like Women’s shelters. They can be donated to many of them. Maybe think about doing this, if they are accepted in your area.
Great tip Carl. That is a very good idea.