TravelCard Review – Credit Card Sized Travel Charger
I was contacted by the people at TravelCard to see if I was willing to test out their product and write a review. The product seemed pretty slick and I know that it could be useful to many of our readers so I decided to take them up on the offer.
The charger was provided free of charge but I did not guarantee a positive review etc. The review is 100% my own thoughts and words. I received no other commission for this review.
Product Overview
The TravelCard is an ultra portable travel charger. It is advertised as being able to easily fit in your wallet. I thought that would be pretty amazing, being able to carry around a phone charger in my wallet. There are 7 different colors to choose from as well.
I don’t think this charger is meant to compete with the majority of the other travel chargers that give you 2-3 phone charges on every charge. This is more of a supplement to make it through a busy night. I think comparing it with phone cases that have an extra battery pack would be a more apt comparison.
The TravelCard comes with two cords built in. One is the USB cord for charging the battery and the other is the cord that goes into your phone. This is a pretty unique feature that most other chargers don’t offer. There is no need to lug around extra cords when using it or charging it etc.
The USB cord can be plugged into the standard wall charger or into your computer or laptop.
Using the Product
After receiving the charger the first thing I did was try to fit it into my wallet. I have a brand new ultra slim wallet and it would not fit in the credit card slot for me. When I used my old, somewhat stretched out wallet it fit in there. I would say it is probably about as thick as 3-4 credit cards. The area where the cords are stored sticks out further than the main body of the charger which makes it a little thicker. It could be placed in the money are of your wallet but it would add some extra heft for sure.
Seeing as my wallet is usually pretty full of multiple credit cards I just put it in my front pocket when taking it on the town for the night. It fit in there with ease and I didn’t notice it once all night. It was slimmer than my money clip.
When I went to use it I simply pulled out my phone, plugged in the charger, and then stuck them both back in my pocket. They fit in there perfectly and I didn’t really notice a difference.
The battery pack gave my phone a 35-40% boost before the battery was drained. That performance seems a little on the light side but I guess you sacrifice power when going for portability. I have an iPhone 6S (an old one I know, I know) and I am not sure how that performs vs other phones. I believe 40% is the average across multiple models though.
The TravelCard is listed on their website at a reduced rate of $29. This seems a little high to me and I would think it would be better in the $20 range. There are somewhat comparable offerings on Amazon etc. in the $15 range but they are not quite as sleek or do not come with both built in wires etc.
The TravelCard is a pretty slick charger that keeps my phone going on those late nights when I am texting a lot or taking a lot of pictures for a baseball stadium review etc.
I think the price is a little on the high side, especially for the performance you get. But I think it competes more with phone case chargers since it is just supposed to get you to the end of the night vs powering multiple devices.
I do like that I can take it when I need it vs having a bulkier phone case all of the time. It fit in my pocket with ease and was unnoticeable once it was in there.
If you are looking for something that is small and comes with everything needed attached then I think this is a good option. It does come at a premium in price though.
Let me know your thoughts below!
 Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Learn more about this card and its features!
Opinions, reviews, analyses & recommendations are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, endorsed or approved by any of these entities.
Dear Mark,
I wonder how you even contacted this company? I purchased three Travelcard Pros for Christmas gifts last year but they arrived too late, so I am trying one out for this year—but it won’t charge at all on my Apple computer:-(. I have no idea how to check with customer Support, they do not seem to take emails except to subscribe.
I’m hoping not to have bought THREE duds!
I bought this card and really wanted to like it, but mine was a dud. I got only one charge out of it. While initially delighted, I became disappointed when I was unable to re-charge it. On returning home from my trip, I got too busy to find my email receipt and write to the company promptly, until just after the 6-month warranty expired, when they would not make good on the purchase–they were within their rights, of course, but it struck me as lousy customer service. I bought the heavier Anker charger for my next trip.
Sorry to hear about that. I have been able to recharge mine numerous times. I am a little surprised they wouldn’t be willing to send you a new one to replace it.
I’m pleased to let you and your readers know that TravelCard graciously refunded my purchase, when, following your note, I wrote to them a second time. Nice.
Excellent – glad to hear it.
Seems like a nice battery pack, but I agree it may be a bit overpriced for the capacity. Honestly, I stopped carrying battery packs with me a few years ago once I got a phone with fast-charge technology. My phone goes from 0-60% charge in about 30 minutes. It is much easier just to carry the charger and quickly top-off at a cafe or wherever I find an available power outlet. Additionally, most Uber and Lyft vehicles have USB outlet capacity and it is a perfect chance to top-off between point A and B.
That is a good option too. I do like this since I don’t have to rely on finding a outlet or carry any cords. I do wish it would get closer to a full charge though. It was a life saver this weekend in Vegas though.