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American Express Business Gold 100k Offer
I covered the 150k Amex Business Platinum bonus earlier today. It appears that the offer is now dead. Quite a few people have been told the code is invalid or expired. My guess is that American Express killed it after a few too many applications today.
As you may have noticed a lot of blogs reported on this today, but one post by the Reward Boss piqued my interest. To be honest, I actually read his post and mentally skipped over the interesting part, but PDXDealsGuy pointed it out to me.
Getting Offered 100k on the Business Gold
The Reward Boss called in around the time that the 150k code became invalid. The agent on the phone told him the offer was no longer available, but offered to search for other offers. After getting his information, the agent came back with a 100k offer after $10k in spend on the Business Gold card. That really is amazing since the annual fee is waived the first year on that card.
Before you run out and think you can get this, that offer was targeted to him. With that said, perhaps it is a good idea to give American Express a call once in awhile to have them pull up your information (especially if you have an account with them.) In his case it resulted in an incredible offer on the Business Gold card.
Follow up on my 150k Experience
I also wanted to update you quickly on my 150k Biz Platinum application experience. Shortly after publishing the deal this morning, I called up Amex and applied for the 150k offer myself. The process took about 30 minutes since the agent had to read quite a few disclosures. Thankfully I was approved instantly and my Amex Business Platinum card is in the mail!
Now that I have read the Reward Boss, I think I am going to call up American Express to see if I am eligible for any other targeted offers. (I already have the Business Gold, but perhaps they have something else.) In the past inquiries done in the same day with Amex have been merged, so I might as well. Plus with all of the Amex offers lately, it may be a good decision.
While I don’t think it is necessary to rush, perhaps it is a good idea to call up American Express at 1-877-628-6736 at some point to see if they have some “Gold” or other riches for you. (This is the business phone number.) Perhaps they don’t, but they might. Of course, don’t apply for offers just because they are good. Make sure it makes sense given your overall position and strategy. Have a great night!
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[…] MilesToMemories: 100k Amex Business Gold Offer & Why You May Want to Call Amex […]
A friend just rec’d the same 150k offer in the mail but the invitation code was a one time use. The offer is still out there but very targeted.
Shawn – The rep was willing to give me the 150k offer until I told him I already had the card. That was yesterday morning. He was very helpful and interested in finding me something. I was surprised when he pulled up that offer — he even said “wow, that’s a great deal”. How could I say no. The last time I had the gold card was 3 years ago and that was for another 100k.
Congrats on your 150K score. That’s awesome. Fortune favors the quick 🙂
I have been around long enough to know when something gets widespread attention that it probably won’t last. I’m glad I was able to get in on it and share the deal with others!
Thanks for the heads up
I had a question regarding amex bonus. Say for example I applied for the amex business platinum in May 2014. Can I cancel it this month and re apply for it and still be eligible for the bonus points since it’s been 12 months, or is it 12 months after you cancel your business card
These are the exact words “Welcome bonus offer not available to applicants who have or have had this product within the last 12 months.” Based on that and the experiences of others, you would have had to cancel the card at least 12 months ago to be eligible.
I received this card on the 50k point promo, I called yesterday after seeing a post somewhere for 75k points with $5k spend and was told to call back when I find the promo code and they will add it. Otherwise its very targeted.
Both times I called.. they don’t even ask for my name, EIN, or SSN — I tell them our company could spend 60k per month on cards, and the only thing they tell me is the 25,000 points for Business Gold.
Hard to believe people are getting 100k and 150k offers with “eBay businesses,” but I digress.
Yeah it seems they only want who they want.
@Bake – do you have any existing Amex cards/relationships? I have had Amex cards continuously for maybe 15 yrs. I did have to give the rep one of my card numbers so he can check out my account and see what I was eligible for.