Citibank’s Fraud Verification Process Makes Absolutely No Sense
Wow, so this is maybe the most bizarre interaction I have had with a bank. I was recently approved for the Citi Premier card, after years of planning and missteps I finally had it in hand. So today I figured I would take my new card out for a ride around town and wear off that new card smell. I expected to run into a few issues because, you know, new card and all, but what I ran into was entirely next level. It left me flabbergasted at Citibank’s fraud verification process.
Update 8/17/22:
Reader Jawuan had a good tip after dealing with this. He suggested Googleing Citibank Ethics Department and contact them or call the Executive Resolution office at 605-331-1698. I Googled the phone number and it looks to be good. Worth a try if you are getting nowhere with front line agents.
Update 8/13/21
I am sad, but not surprised, to say that it seems like this process has not been reformed in any meaningful way over the last 6 months like Citi promised. There are still reports shared in the comments of similar situations weekly here. I have heard of the same things happening to friends as well. My wife still gets fraud alerts for $200 purchases 4-5 months later that require a call in. But yet her new Custom Cash makes big purchases with no problems right from day one. It makes NO SENSE. The process is beyond maddening and needs to be changed, Citi has even admitted to that, but nothing has changed yet.
After dropping the kids off at school I headed to Kroger to grab some things and went to check out. I was excited to use my new Citi Premier card for some 3X earning at the grocery store and the charge was on the larger side, a little over $500. The card tripped a fraud alert, which wasn’t a big deal and somewhat expected. I didn’t get the text until after I ran the charge under another card but approved it and moved on. I figured it would be all set at the next store and I went ahead with the swipe there, another decline.
On my way home I decided to pick up some McDonald’s and was going to use the Premier card for another opportunity at 3X earning in the restaurants category. The card was once again declined, at this point I was entirely annoyed. I had verified the previous charges and I still was getting hit with fraud warnings, on a $6 bill. So I once again moved onto another card (Amex Gold for the fraud free wins around here). I knew that this meant I needed to call in to get this figured out. Not a huge deal and should be a quick, yeah that was me, please unlock my card…but what followed was completely asinine.
Citibank’s Fraud Verification Process Is Bananas
Call Rep 1
After calling in and verifying my card info the Citi rep asked for my phone number so they could send me a verification code via text. She leaves for a few minutes, comes back and apologizes that the system will not let them text me because the phone number on my account is too new. The phone number I have had for 10 years and has been on my Citi account for 5 or more years was somehow too new.
That is when she asked if there was another phone number they could text, which makes no sense. So if I give you another number, not on my account, you can text a verification there for FRAUD!? Anyone see a problem here? This is the opposite of how fraud verification should work. It should ONLY be the number on your account. I said no, my cell phone is all I have available.
That is when she said that they would have to mail me a code and I could call back in when I received that. My jaw hit the floor at this point. I had already verified my name, my card number, the CID number, given the correct phone number for my account and I even remembered the secret code word on my Citi account. All of that wasn’t enough to clear their verification process. And, they wouldn’t let me verify the account by some other means. Something along the lines of verifying the numbers of one of my other cards with Citi, my address, my mother’s maiden name etc. etc. You know what EVERY OTHER BANK DOES! I would need to wait a week (or more with USPS these days) to get this code in the mail.
I was beyond words at this point and I just laughed and then hung up. Rude, no doubt, but I figured it was better than losing my temper. Plus, the rep didn’t seem all that on the ball so I figured a HUCA (hang up call again) was in order.
Rep #2
I called back in and ran through the same dog and pony show with the second rep. After accessing my account he said he needed to kick me up to a senior account specialist for this particular issue. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some notes on my account after my hang up to expedite this.
Rep #3
So the senior specialist gets on the phone and we go through everything for a 3rd time. And she starts up on the text verification process and I give her my cell number. She comes back and says, oh our system won’t allow this because the number is too new 😣. Then she asked if I have house phone or something instead. What? I am not sure how you send a text to a house phone, but I guess maybe it would have been a recorded message? That is still bizarre to me since no other phone number is on my account, so how can I use a random number to verify my account for fraud? Yet I can’t use my cell phone number that is actually on the 🤬 account.
This is when things went straight into the Twilight Zone. Here is our conversation (paraphrased):
- Rep: Do you use any other banks besides Citi?
- Me: Yes
- Rep: Which Bank
- Me: Chase
- Rep: Is it a debit card or credit card
- Me: Credit card
- Rep: Can you give me the card number and I will call Chase to verify it and then call you back.
Yeah, you read that right. Citi was gonna call Chase to verify a card I have with Chase in order to verify my Citi card. Somehow that makes more sense then texting my phone or asking me personal questions about my Citi account. And, what if my card was really a victim of fraud and my wallet was stolen? The thief may have my Chase card too…so what are we verifying here actually?
She called back a few minutes later and said that Chase verified my account and then proceeded to ask me about my charges. Once I confirmed they were mine she said my card was unlocked and that I could start using it.
Other Citibank’s Fraud Verification Process Stories
I was chatting about this with my buddies Derrick from Travel on Point(s) and Doug from Travel Rewards Warrior and they have had similar issues. Derrick had to wait for the verification mailer when he was on vacation and his card stopped working. Doug had to go through the process three separate times and only the mailed card fully unlocked his card. So this isn’t a one off thing.
Derrick’s wife also had to do a three way call with Citi, and her bank, to verify it was actually her bank account that she made payments with. Citi wouldn’t apply the payment to her balance until that process was complete. They required this even though it was the same bank account she used to pay her other Citi cards for YEARS.
Lastly, a member of our Diamond Lounge shared that he had to go through something similar to verify the checking account he paid his Citi cards with. The real kicker was that he was paying them with his CITI checking account. You can’t make this stuff up folks.
Watch & Listen To This Story
We did an impromptu livestream to tell this story in our Facebook Group yesterday so you can watch it there for more detail. It should be released as a bonus podcast episode too this weekend. So that is an option for you as well.
Final Thoughts
This is the craziest interaction I have ever had with a bank. Citibank’s fraud verification process makes absolutely no sense. Their system seems to be stuck in the 1990’s and for some reason they refuse to fix it. It is a total disregard for their customer’s experience. I am all for banks protecting you, and themselves, when they think fraud may happen. But, the way Citi goes about doing it makes absolutely no sense to me and adds unneeded burden on their customers.
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Mark, thanks for a GREAT article.
I had a twist* on the same interaction today, about 2 years after your post. Citi is Freakin’ Ridiculous. I got a new card for the SUB and was making a $250 online purchase. I had also used it for an $8 purchase at the post office so it wasn’t even my first transaction.
*Twist: rep #1 was the same as yours, EXCEPT she said if I had call waiting she would call me on my number (which their system allegedly cannot send a text message to – BUT WAIT, there website can and did send one fifteen minutes later that was successfully received and verified!). So she called me and told me to hang up the other call and then did whatever they do to “clear” the alert and said I was good to go. Then when I retried the same transaction got the same message. Rep #2 and the supervisor were just like above…so now I am waiting for the PONY POST to give them the code I will receive on a piece of paper. INCREDIBLE. In 2024.
Like many people here, glad to see I’m not alone. Problems are ongoing!
My story: I tried to charge tickets online at the Hong Kong Disney site. I got a message during the payment step asking to send a verification code to a phone number. I realized that the phone number is incorrect. I’m temporarily living abroad on an assignment and have a local (foreign to Citi) phone number. So I logged into the citi/costco website to change my number. The site only accepts domestic phone numbers. And then the site wanted to verify my number by sending to the very number I was trying to change. Then it gave me the fraud alert and said to contact them. The fraud agents were the worst script readers I have ever encountered, and that’s saying something. Like many people, I had no idea I had a security word. They said they weren’t able to call or message on my foreign number (to complete the inane step others have discussed). In short, they spun through their four or five potential methods and they all failed. These are not the methods used in other, more sane, processes, by the way. They agent curtly said they they mailed a code and ended the call. But, you know, I think my mail address is also old. People move in this world and contacting Citi is not always foremost on their mind. So, I might never get this code. So, I called again, failed verification again, and asked the fraud agent supervisor (yes, I was promoted to a higher level of incompetence) where I can send a signed written request to close my account, and what the form of the request should be (and literally where I can find a form). This was not on the script. She really did not know. She searched and then gave me the SD address but could not tell me thing one about how to write the request or the process. Now a fraud processor is a gatekeeper for closing my account! I immediately filed a complaint with CFPB. Then, amazingly, a few hours later I got an email (can’t use email for verification?) from citi saying that they had increased my credit limit on the card, at my request!!!! I suspect this was some kind of revenge from the fraud department for being a difficult customer. So I filed another CFPB complaint since this is potentially a legal violation involving abusive retalitory practice. Really I can’t close my account with Citi fast enough. If anyone has had a similar abusive response please let me know … class action suit might be in order.
Here is an update … Citi replied to my CFPB complaint. They said that would close my account based on the request in the complaint. So, I guess that’s the process. Who knew?
Imagine sitting with Clients at a restaurant in Jersey City, NJ and having your card declined by the Fraud Department. Luckily, I had my CapOne card and had to use that. I called them immediately after returning to my desk to be told that the restaurant was in NJ but I live in NY.
1. I had to have the guy pull out Google Maps to see that Jersey City and NYC are separated by a small river.
2. Then I had the guy pull up my account history to see that I had been to that particular restaurant 5 times in the past six months (why wasn’t I flagged then).
3. Then I had the guy pull up my account history to see that I’ve made at least 50 transactions with the card in Jersey City in a one year period.
4. Then I had the guy pull up my account history to see that I used that same card in Los Angeles and Seattle earlier that month with no declinations (I can use the card on the other side of the USA without fail, but I cannot use it on the other side of a river?).
I’ll just say that nothing has changed since you wrote this post.
After reading my info and providing my secret password they still want to text a phone another phone number that I would provide. Makes zero sense to me and I’ve had citi cards for 10 years.
Don’t know how they call this fraud protection and not sure what the purpose of a secret password is for if they can’t verify someone with that
So I am so glad I found this post and all of these comments. I am yet another victim of Citibank’s cruel fraud prevention services. A few months ago, I did something on my phone where all of my cards were removed from ApplePay. I added my Citi card again and I got the notice to call to complete verification. They asked if they could text my cell number but my phone number is a VoIP line so it doesn’t work with their verification system. Then they asked me if I had any changes on my account within 90 days. I didn’t. Next they asked me if I had a checking or savings account with Citi which I don’t. Finally they verified some of my recent activity and that cleared it.
Fast forward to about a month ago. This time I did something on my computer that made me have to add my Citi card for ApplePay again. Went through the same process but this time they didn’t ask to verify account activity, they just went right to having to mail a letter! So I waited and waited and finally cleared my account with the code on the letter.
Now today. I recently purchased a new phone so guess what? I had to add my Citi card to ApplePay again. I was very nervous about it since I figured I would have to go through this process again but I thought I would give it a shot. Sure enough, I was back on the phone with Citi’s fraud department. Thankfully, this time I was able to verify the last 6 digits of my checking account which I used to make my last payment. “Great!” I thought, this is more reasonable! So about 10 minutes after having my card added to ApplePay, I tried to use it to buy something small, just to test it out….Declined! And my account was flagged again. I called the rep to explain that I just went through this entire process about 15 minutes ago. Didn’t matter. This time, no other options besides waiting for the letter in the mail.
I mean, seriously? I just DID this???? Is there no common sense in this process? They really need to fix this because I don’t feel like using a card that gets flagged for fraud every month and makes me wait for a dumb code in the mail. I really hope they fix this.
I am going exact thing and don’t have a home phone.
They are saying they can’t verify me by my number that I set the account up with.
They can’t do anything at all.
So I can’t access my funds.
They will not even accept my driver’s license as proof of identity.
But some phone number that I’ve never had will verify my identity.
So absurd!!!
If I can ever get my money out of my account.
I’m for sure closing it immediately!!
Not a bank I want to do my business with at all.
I recently opened checking account with Citibank barely 2 months old and it’s been nothing but a headache. Now my account is blocked claiming I’m unable to verify the information on the account even down to mother’s maiden name. I’ve filled complaint with BBB, Citibank Ethics Department, Federal department, even going far as getting a lawyer
Is that what I should do as well?
I need my money.
And they said there is absolutely no other option for me but to verify some number that I don’t and never have had.
I’m stunned at this information and just had an unbelievable experience with Citi as well. Last Sunday, I bought a new watch and phone at a well-known company’s retail store in a mall near my home in Orlando. Both these devices have secure payment systems (not naming manufacturer so my post doesn’t get removed). Due to my cellular provider having provisioning issues with the new watch, I found myself having to activate my Citi card with the payment service multiple times. After a few times, it said I had to call them. No text message or phone call code option. And of course, no option for the 3 digits anymore. So I call. I am asked for my security word and it calls it a place I’d like to visit or such. I have one of those. And I am 100% sure that that answer is. But they said it is wrong. They offered no other authentication option and stated they would send a letter to my address of record and froze the account until then.
So today, it’s the end of the month, so I’m paying my credit card bills. My citi card is the Costco one, which I normally don’t use. But I did this month. So I want to make the payment before I pay my other cards off. I log into their mobile app and I’m warned that I must call Citi. They were rude, dismissive, and I will NEVER do business with them again. While on the phone, I found that I could still make my payment, which I paid my entire balance while on the phone. But can they see I just paid them? Nope. So I started looking into what the “security word” could possibly be. I applied for it at Costco on one of their terminals with the Costco rep. I don’t remember there being a security word asked for, but can see by web searches that the security word is on that application. Problem is, I DID NOT FILL THAT PART IN, THE COSTCO REP DID. And what they entered obviously is NOT my ideal vacation spot. So seriously? A Costco employee is the only one who knows my security word? And they won’t do any other authentication? I told them I wanted the account closed immediately. THEY REFUSED. They will not close the account until a piece of USPS mail comes with a code printed on it. At that time, when they originally claimed I could set up my payment app again, I will now be cancelling the card. AND BTW COSTCO, I’LL BE CUTTING UP YOUR CARD AS WELL FOR DOING THIS WHEN I APPLIED FOR YOUR CITI CARD! Shame on you both. I worked for a large company doing IT Security for decades and this is NOT acceptable in any shape or form.
Amen!!!! Same same same!! Citi fraud process is alarming to say the least, and it should be renamed from fraud system to cruel system….. i am soooo close to paying it off , canceling my account because their behavior is criminal!!
Watch closely at the increases in service charges across the business.
Banks will all be going directly to a phone app with their buiness models. The transition is going on now. Branches will be closed.
International bankers (of which most all are) track to the all digital phone visit to avoid international “reps” and the many mistakes made when doing human voice phone business.
Again for effect: Watch closely at the increases in service charges across the business.
“Boomers” and others that would rather contact “old school”. Within the next 15 or 20 years that generation will be gone anyway. Now the internationals a ramping up.
Hope this adds to some conscious thought and changes on the part of your readers.
I feel so validated reading that I’m not the only one going through this. OMG the person that said they don’t want to wait for mail like some WW2 soldier had me screaming laughing.
It’s so true though. These people have come so crazily close to taking me out of character, I was about to rage at the supervisor for constantly, LITERALLY repeating the sentence to me over and over while I’m asking her for at LEAST some clarification, understanding as to what this confusing process is, and why it’s the SECOND time that it’s happening. Know what her response was?
“Yeah you’re gonna have to wait for the letter in the mail.”
When I tell you I STOPPED talking? It was literally silence on the phone call because I knew if I said another sentence that it’d be one misaligned with my character. So I literally just said “ok”. She was talking to me and I said “ok” only as a response like three times.
OutRAGEOUSLY frustrated when I hung up I just stared into space thinking about what to do with this card because ooooo WEE!!!! I’m not interested in this being able to make 1 or 2 purchases before the account is LOCKED for a week, then rinse and repeat, at ALL.
They literally had me questioning my intelligence, like I’m stupid or something for not being able to comprehend this process or what they’re telling me because they’re saying it with such CONFIDENCE and certainty. Not only had to have a mini conversation with myself to remind myself that’s not the case, but reading dozens of comments saying the same thing also helped.
September 2023 and no idea what I’m going to do about the card itself. Tried calling the EXEC number but nothing happens after I select options. I’ll try again in the AM. Phew….good luck everyone
The same thing happened to me today. I was questioning whether I was a victim of fraud when talking to them, and they were going to then hack into my bank accounts. I asked to talk to a supervisor. She did give me a pretty quick solution. She told me she could call me back on the number I gave her. I gave her that number, and she called within a few minutes, and we had it resolved. As others have said, I’m not sure this prevents fraud but promotes it.
July 2023 and it hasn’t changed. Had the card for a few weeks, was working on the welcome bonus, tried to pay for some four figure car repairs and it was declined without even an attempt to contact me. I call them, we get to the verification and I’m like “I’m calling you from my phone, the number on my profile,” so they suggest providing an alternate number. I gave two, which failed. So I settled for the letter.
Week and a half later, I call with the code and they say everything is fine, but no – card declined a few hours later. Bad news though – I threw away the letter since I was done with it. Since I was making “a new call” to them, they had to verify me again and without the code we’re back to square one. The retention people refused to talk to me as well since I couldn’t be verified – as if I need to be protected from someone closing my locked credit card!
I recently open a Citi savings account and transferred a six figure some from my savings account at a different bank. All was looking good, up to three weeks of opening the account. I got my ATM card and pin for the account. Great! Then about two weeks later I could not access my credit card or savings account via the citi app. I immediately called citi and they said all looked good on there end and to reinstall the app. I did this up to four times and still could not access my accounts. I went online to and accessed my accounts, just to discover the my savings was missing. I immediately called Citi and the said the account was being closed and my money would be mailed back to me with a letter explaining what the issue was. One week later no letter and no check. I called the new savings account line 1 800 745 1534 and the representative accessed my account and said she couldn’t see the notes explaining why the account was being closed. She said call 844 856 8815 and they will explain to you what happened. I called the number and the representative said he was not allowed to tell me what was written in the notes and that only the people in the back room could do this, but they don’t take calls. At this stage I’m am absolutely frustrated and I don’t trust Citi with anything there telling or more so, not telling me. The representative said a latter was in the mail with a check for funds that belonged to me. I’m alarmed at this statement. Was he implying that there was money in my savings account that didn’t belong to me? He would not clarify and said I would have to wait for the letter. I’m left wondering what happened here, do the think I did something illegal, what is going on here. Today is 28 June 2023, I’m upset, scared and totally in the dark as to what happened with my account and my savings. As soon as this nightmare is resolved I’m running as far away from citi as I can. I can’t trust them with my banking needs. There’s no transparency and as a customer, no support. Please think twice before you decide to do use this bank.
$21 charge declined for Citi Costco visa, with 26k limit and a few hundred dollar balance… that I’ve had for many years. No text, they called me and computer voice said “we need to speak to you.” Would not or could not tell me what tripped fraud warning. I was using it at Major league baseball park concession stand…$21 dollars for a couple brats (another crime but whatever) ! Back and forth and no answer? The worst part… “Sir we flagged for your protection”
April 2023. Exact same thing happening to me now. I am beyond frustrated. As soon as I get my verification letter via USPS I am closing my account with Citibank. Apparently I cannot close the account while it is suspended. They are the worst.
Same happened to me, I just won’t use card no more because don’t want credit score suffer if I close it.
Hey Terry & Brandon Same thing happened to me, only had this account barely two months been nothing but a headache from day one. Apparently my name is not associate on the account wow and I’m the one who opened the account. Every time I called a spoke with a rep who gave me the same response as all the other reps. Once I get my verification letter in the mail, I’m closing my account immediately. I have to use a prepaid card in order to pay my bills.
i have trouble posting reply and asking question here. just wanted to know if anyone got the mailer with code and how long did it take?
No you never get one
have you been able to resolve this? has anyone had issues with citi bank account instead of credit card?
Yes, my fraud dept nightmare is with my checking account.
This is my first Citi card and it will be my last. First transaction, I get flagged for fraud. I call them thinking I just need to clear the transaction. I give them my phone number for identification, they say that number can’t be used, I am like what that is my only number. Then they call my other credit card Chase and use them to validate my identity and I can tell by the Chase rep’s responses that she is confused as hell as to what is happening. So my identity gets validated after about good 30 mins of calling Chase and I am like okay now I can start using my AA Citi card for points.
Third transaction, flagged again. WTF. So I call them again, same thing. My number can’t be used for identification. Then I had to give them my mothers number who is like 70 years old to identify myself so I can just cancel this stupid card. Then they say that number can’t be used either. WTF?
Then I say okay do we have to go through this Chase thing again? Because I want to just cancel this stupid card, pay off my balance and be done with this. AMEX, Chase, Discover, you name it, never have I had to jump through so many hoops to just to clear some transactions to identify myself. Then they say no they can’t use Chase again because that was used last time and we have to use another bank. WTF, if you have that on the record and cleared me last time why the hell are we going through this again?
I swear for the first time in my life I actually started to almost curse in front of customer service. I used to work for a company where next to my office was the company’s customer service center so I know what they have go through on a daily basis so I try to be patient as I can but this was beyond ridiculous.
I am going to make sure that in every forum, reddit, here, facebook, where ever that I let people know about this dumb fraud check procedure that Citi uses and how absurd it is. I am also fairly close to one of the executives at AA which was only reason why I got the stupid card in the first place and will let him know about this.
In this modern era, I don’t want to wait for a damn letter like a damn soldier at World War II. Jesus I never been so infuriated in my life and it pains me to see that this is a common practice. What an absurd company policy.
have you been able to resolve this? has anyone had issues with citi bank account instead of credit card?
Yes I have the same issue with my checking account and it has not been resolved. Three months has passed and they haven’t fixed it. CitiBank is just useless!
Going through the same thing stranded in another country. Someone said The letter never comes. All of this around the same time as you guys. I’ve been waiting two months for a letter. This is some scary shit. Am I going to die? I’m a disabled Veteran with a frozen 812 dollars. If I survive this I am switching banks asap. Is Citi going out of business or something???Are they trying to kill mofos???? What is this magic freaking letter???? Someone did get it. Kinda some hope there. I don’t have access to my U.S. phone but I have family members who regularly check for me.
Happening with me right now with new AA Business Card.
Got card. Tried $300 transaction. Had to get call with code. Put code in transaction still denied.
Have spoken to 3 different people at Citi and Supervisor.
They want to know if I have any other Citi accounts.
Said I will get a letter tho they sent the card initially to the wrong address and it got returned to them.
I finally got some one after 1 month to send it express.
I asked what zip code or address will they send it to said they couldn’t divulge.
I said you can reduce credit limit from 10’s of 1000s to $1000 to test me.
Crickets and the supervisor was treating me like a criminal.
This reminds me why I canceled Citibank in past.
I just had a this insane nonsense happen to me!
Except I called after I got a text I verified and did so by using the other card on my account. Then she tells me to try my purchase again, so I did and it again had an issue.
This time I didn’t get an alert, this time I logged into my account and at citi and it told me there was a problem.
So I called the same phone number, talked to another person and that’s when they wanted another phone number.. I was confused, so I logged in again and checked my profile info to see.. No I only have this one number, but I’ll go get the spouses phone and we can use that. No, the system won’t accept that.
How on earth can they ask for some random phone number to verify my identity when I’m calling them from my phone number I’ve had on file with my account for over 7 years.
I asked him to explain to me how this made sense, why the other person verified me with my other account, why the system texted me a few minutes ago when I went into my profile to verify me and why he couldn’t do the same thing.
It enrages me to no end, but what choice is there. Now I have to wait for mail to somehow verify my account and God forbid someone else gets my mail and verifies themselves somehow.
I’ll give this ethics department a call tomorrow, but it it wouldn’t hurt my credit to lose such an old account I’d throw them in the trash.
Just another data point, I had the same thing happen with a new Custom Cash card that was opened at the end of last month. I had wish that I had seen this beforehand and I would’ve skipped it entirely. At this point, everything is “working,” but I think if I have to go through this process again, I may kick them to the curb.
I just had this happen too! I was using my own dang card, even got a code and did the verification thing. Nope. Flagged for early fraud detection. So fine I call but went around and around about the phone number thing. I’ve been a city customer with this number for over 10 yrs, all of a sudden I have to have a…landline…to use the account?
tbh I was beginning to think THIS call and email itself was fraud
They even told to give them a number of someone with my last name so they could call and verify me. So now I have to clue in a relative in the middle of the night to call my bank to verify my purchase???? HUH? That seems EASIER for scammers. Just pretend you have a new number and that person’s name!
Even my CODEWORD didn’t verify my account!
So now I literally have to wait for a letter 5-10 business days that will have a code so I can call on the number they wouldn’t verify.
It’s like they don’t want me to use my card! And guess what, I’m not. Citi has been beyond ridiculous with this lately and it is clearly not getting better anytime soon.
Since Citi is stuck in the 90s maybe they’ll understand this: I’m outtie 5000.
You know what’s worst of all that really
Makes citi screwed? U cannot go to the bank with ur photo ID to verify yourself with a banker to unlock the card. Yes a bank that does NOT accept in person verification. WTF?
Are they fixing this?
I quit using my Citicard because of this messed up process last year, but I got an email today asking for my mobile phone number so that they can automatically text me fraud alerts and questions.
The email said:
“When you have a mobile number on file, we’ll be able to text you right away if we detect suspicious activity on your account. You can easily confirm authorized transactions or quickly identify those that are not recognized — no matter where you are. Add your mobile number today so we can help you stay on top of your account.”
This is still going on. Have a fraud block on my account for no apparent reason; spoke to two reps and one “supervisor,” who was rude and unhelpful. No one could “verify” me. Asked for my work number, didn’t work. Asked if I have a landline or other accounts (I don’t). So I’m stuck waiting for the dreaded letter. The procedures are absurd and anti-consumer.
I just went through this whole song and dance with Citi over my double rewards Mastercard. I brought out only that card and my ID for NYE because it has a 4k limit and I thought if I spend more than that on NYE I have issues. Used it for like 5 $25-30 purchases and a $70 purchase. Then a $220 purchase. Next spot tried to run my card for $220 again and it declined. Called them and went though the whole charade with a guy I could barely understand. Called them back and he was very rude “you just called here, you don’t need to speak to a supervisor, just wait for the letter.” I was furious. The one supervisor offered to call my cell phone to verify. He did. I answered and couldn’t hear anyone on the other line-twice. I called back. Asked to speak to a supervisor. At this point I’m cussing. Because why are none of the phone number working that’s insane. My landline was across the island and so the rest of the night I had no money. Today the landline isn’t in my name that’s why they won’t unlock it still. Filed a complaint and I will call the ethics number tomorrow.
AAAh…. Amazing to find that other people went through this, too.
I got an alert on my app, so I called to unblock.
1) They couldn’t verify me through mine or my husbands number (we’ve never had any other number).
2) They couldn’t verify me with 3 other cards!
3) They couldn’t verify me through my employer (its a small company, open space, they never called)
4) They couldn’t verify me through my bank account (even though its the same one I use to pay the CC bill, never had another one, and they posted a payment through that account)
5) I am waiting for snail mail (even though XMas is fast approaching and I was planning on earning the rewards through gift purchases)..
I filed a complaint yesterday with Consumer Protection. This is ridiculous!
I have had the same problem it’s ridiculous
I’m fighting with them the same way except I just sold my house with that address on my account….. have a change of address in but I’m still not getting my mail
The whole thing is a this is the joke and I’m pissed at 11:11
They did the same to me today. Same story, same process, same ridiculous process.
At the end they told me that it is my 1st warning of profanity and that they will hang up if it happens again – I don’t even know what they mean…
That’s not a thing LOL they being rude
12/20/22 and citi bank is still doing this. They locked my account because I used door dash(after 3 months of using card). They said my number wouldn’t work. Wanted a number to a different bank. I told them no. THey asked for home letter. I said I’m not waiting for a home letter. I asked for a supervisor. They asked for my wives number then that wouldnt work. SO THEY CALLED MY WORK LAND LINE AND TRANSFFERED TO ME AND UNLOCKED MY ACCOUNT.
Can anyone actually confirm that they did get this magical letter, what state it was mailed from and how long it took? I have not heard yet if anyone actually getting this verification mailer.
I’ve gotten it 5-7 business days usually has a reference code 4 digit it’ll come form citi fraud early warning. A warning though it’ll only work half the time other half you’ll have to wait for another one or if ur really unlucky a third one…I’ve heard of a guy waiting for 3 codes
For everyone like me going through this (same bullshit about being unable to use phone on file as verifier and sending a code via post), do this:
1) Call the Citi Executive Resolution Office: 6053311698
2) File a complaint with CFPB:
3) File an ethics complaint stating you are being unjustly denied access to your money along with others:
after this you got verified trought the same fone number? What happened?
Similar story for me today, but with debit card. The (no)fun part is that I just got to US a month ago, I have only 1 US mobile phone and after 5 attempts to get something from Fraud Department all I know is I have to call them with another number or call them once my current number gets verified – whatever this means.. any ideas?
Please see my post above and follow all three steps. You will get your account unlocked.
The phone number you gave for executive citi be correct. It’s missing a digit.
They are lying to you. Your number is perfectly fine, as are the numbers of hundreds of other people, they are willfully and knowingly lying that the phone verification can not be completed. It can! They can reach anyone on a US cellular carrier, they just lie and refuse to do anything except send physical mail. This is an unjust withholding of customer funds. See my comment above and follow all three steps. Call the ethics hotline, file a CFPB complaint and file an ethics points complaint as well. (See phone number and links in my comment earlier) May God be with us all against this absolutely dumpsterfire of a company.
Hey Alex I am having the same issue where do i need to call please help asap
After 4 and a half hours on the phone tonight I learned that you are absolutely correct. I said to NOT send a letter to the 1st agent because I was traveling and I would not be home for 3 months and there must be an alternative way to unlock my account!!!! at the end of speaking to a multitude of Asians I was told we could have done something but we’ve already sent a letter. And yes my phone on record”does not qualify”.i will follow advice and contact ethics, executive resolution and anyone else that might even half believe what could only be a story worthy of the “Twilight zone”
A Manager was going to call me back within the hour which is expiring…….about now
Exact same thing happened to me. I didn’t know there could be such a ridiculous process existing in the world before today. This would be my last credit card from Citibank. Really disappointing.
The same thing happens to me I have been waiting for this they don’t want to verify my phone number because it’s not under my name but this is the same number I used when I signed up in person at the banking center now they can’t use it but wait you send me an alert to contact you so how can’t you verify my number it’s all bull shit
Please see my comment above and call the Ethics office. File a CFPB complaint also.
But does your procedure work for the Citicard credit card? Because how can you complain to the ethics that they are withholding your money when it’s a credit card?
I had this same bewildering interaction today with my new Citi AA business card. They wouldn’t talk to me after using my code word, account verification etc because they told me they had to call a land line & all I have is a cell phone. I’ve never been so frustrated with a bank in my life. I have a new card, want to hit the MS and it’s locked so I can’t use it until they SnAIL MAIL me a code! Wtf?
Citi Still shooting at ducks in the sky hoping for a home run.Total BS
citibank fraud dept October 2022 still polluting the air
My account got locked for a purchase under 500
The overseas call centers totally suck and the company is being run by a bunch of total robotic turds
Sad as they used to be world class back when Citi Prestige was a great card
After 10 years with them I’ve thrown in the towel and opened new ones
Take my citi cards and shove it!
Same issue! Tried to register for Google Wallet and opened a can of worms. Wallet did not show the text message. Then I called in, had a few reps trying to get wallet to work, one verified me with the checking account I use. Then wallet STILL didn’t work, told me to call back, said I am not verified. went thru the circus with the 3 stupid questions. Landline, other accounts at citi(seems sears don’t count), and finally the letter and account locked. I escalated and they told me at this point only the letter will work. It is ridiculous, they should give customers a 2FA app if they are that worried. Other cards have no problem in google wallet.
I guess they have a reason to do this, they must have lost huge sums of money.
Same exact thing today with Apple Pay!
Just happened to me today as well for Apple Pay! So fed up I just removed the card from Apple Pay completely. All of this after I was told yesterday there was an issue with *their* system. I also had to go in branch last month to prove I am who I am, with my ID in hand and even then I was told I needed to wait for a letter from the rep on the phone (that the branch officer called via her internal staff line). Absolutely ridiculous and infuriating
I’m having the same issue with them now. Absolute joke of a process. I had to change my password (that required a code sent by text). They said they can’t send me a text lmao From the previous comments, seems like this is pervasive and they know it, but act like it’s a one-off issue. Made me miss my train to an important meeting bc I had to verbally fist fight with a Citi rep. Unbelievable.
Happened to me today. Just got the premier last week. Trying to book a flight on jetblue when the fraud thing came up. After 1 hour and 3 csr who kept telling me they cant text my phone, i lost it and told them to bring me their supervisor. Be hold, she was finally able to call my phone instead, got me verified and lifted the fraud. But in the end i lost my booking and the flight got a lot more expensive. Unbelievable
Sorry to hear it Paul. It is nuts the lengths they force people to go to get their account cleared.
The infamous letter????hahaha changing banks asap. Same deal here.
Thanks for the info!
Soooooo….. I am dealing with this today…. I told them this was the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Keep in mind, I am a single mom and they are holding my whole DD paycheck from today. Yesterday they verified my identity through the credit information questions (because my phone number was not able to receive texts, its a cell phone) Thought everything was all good… Then today happened, had to call and talk to fraud 5 more times today. Finally kept asking for supervisor, the last supervisor was in the fraud department… She told me that the varication process. changes from time to time and they can not override the decision. I told her this was insane, I had to wait for a letter, that anyone could get out of my mailbox and verify my identity… MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE….. SO HERE I AM ON A FRIDAY, NEEDING GROCERIES AND OTHER THINGS FOR MY 6 YR OLD AND MYSELF AND HAVE NO HELP. I have been so upset and don’t even know what to do. Had plans with my oldest son and his family to take the kids to do fun things… I have over $800 sitting in a Citibank Checking account and can not even take my son to do the things we were supposed to do… Citi is the most ignorant bank I have ever encountered in my whole entire life. They have ruined my sons fun time and I am beyond ANGRY!!!
If it’s a checking acc u can goto the branch to get it unlocked.
Me too.
I cannot believe at this bank. It took them 3 weeks to get me the card and they locked it the moment I tried to add it to Apple Pay. They’re now saying they must send me a letter to verify my identity. Idiots.
I’m so frustrated. I applied for this card for the bonus only. First, they don’t provide an immediate virtual number and then took two weeks to get me the card. Next, they immediately flag me for trying to add the card to Apple Pay. They refuse to verify me via my cell or my office number, even though they match the application and they don’t care that I can answer all the security questions. Now I have to wait another 7-10 days for a letter so I can actually use the card.
These comments seem to indicate there’s a good chance I’ll keep getting flagged, even after the letter. At this rate, I can’t imagine how I’ll meet the minimum spend in time if the card shuts down every few days.
I’m so peeved I wasted one of my 5/24 on this card.
Hopefully you get clear sailing after letter confirmation. Unlikely, but I have my fingers crossed for you 😉
100% this. I closed my citi account 7 years ago because of them constantly flagging legit charges as fraud, but letting illegitimate charges through. Fast forward 7 years, I open a new account hoping it had improved. It has not. If anything it’s gotten worse. Now not only can you not verify things online like any other 21st century bank, now things have to be verified by mail.
Received a text and email from citibank claiming that someone tried to charge on my card. Called the number on the back of my card and gave my name, card number, and security password. They said they needed to send a code via text to another cell phone. Gave them three seperate numbers and none of them cpuld receive the text for various reasons. They then asked for my banking number that I use to pay the accout with. Im at work and dont have it. They then want a credit card number from another company, which I refuse to give. Had five different conversations with who I believe is the same woman using several names. Asked for a supervisor and she hung up on me. She refused to give me any info on my own account. Dont know if its hacked, has other charges, is on or off hold. They wont let me cancel, report it stolen, change number ect. My account is basically beong held hostage right now. I told her that they will receive a payment when they take me to court. Notified my banks not to release payments to the company. It is beyond frustrating and I believe that its all a rouse to collect phone numbers and personal banking information.
What did you do in the end?? I’m going through the exact same thing today!
This just happened to me! I have been banking with Citibank for over 20 years and have lade numerous purchases in and out of the country!!
All of a sudden I am an extreme fraud risk! And the service reps are no help at all!! I can’t believe this. It’s nice to know I am not the only person who is experiencing this.
Recently I reported my Premier card was lost and had a new card issued. Prior to this I could charge things without any issue. But this card….not so much. The first time I tried to purchase something over $500 the fraud system activated. I got a text asking me if it was me making the charge, “Text 1 if yes” which I did. then I got a text saying”thank you please reprocess the charge, your card is ready to use” except it was decline again, and we went through this circle three times. Then the 45 minute phone call with the person who wants to know all 16 digits of my other Citi card (which was at home) or wants to call me back on a landline (!) . The card is good to go–she says–and I try again. and…declined again. Another long call and the charge processed. And then I ‘ve been through this process over and over again. Every. Single. Time. I even had one of the reps say she’d “changed the sensitivity on the account” so that the charge would process without trigger and yet, it declined again. Really bad. Going to just give up and move onto cards that actually let me use them.
Hello everyone. I’m dealing with this Fraud Prevention nonsense as well and a blocked account. I don’t even live in the US and I don’t know what else to do or who to call, it is an extremely desperate situation right now. I’m thinking about a lawsuit but I don’t even know where to start. Does anyone here have an advice for me on this matter? Thanks in advance
It is so nice to see that I am not alone in this madness – the whole experience was actually comical. I received by Citi card in the mail today and went to activate it – everything went smoothly. Then I had the audacity to try to add it to Apple Pay. I selected the option “text verification code” and nothing came through. I think selected the option “receive verification code via phone call” and wouldn’t you know it, never got a phone call. With no more options I gave up and resigned myself to calling Citi to verify for Apple Pay. I call Citi and the customer service rep informs me that he has no way to verify my identify (despite me being able to provide literally every piece of information he needs), he cannot send me a verification code via text as their system can’t do it, so I should call back in 3 days. I asked what will be different from now to 3 days time in their ability to verify my identify and I quote his response “I cannot tell you what will be different in 3 days time you will have to ask the person you talk to in 3 days what will be different”. I have honestly never been so baffled on a call with a bank before!
I hang up the phone and move on with my life, using the physical card to make a 20 dollar purchase in target. I then get a fraud alert, call Citi for the second time in 30 mins and I am told that as well as not being able to use Apple Pay, they have now blocked my physical card and I will have to wait for a letter in the mail to call them back and then verify my identity.
I now understand what internet banking must have been like when it first started nearly 20 years ago – frustrating, slow and downright comical. Thinking of closing my account on the day I opened it because I don’t want a future of fraud alerts and snail mail as discussed above. Get it together Citi.
Pure craziness Eileen
This was still happening as of early 2022, although it never used to be that way. I’ve had my Citi card for decades, and I’ve had to deal with fraud activity in years past, and the response was pretty normal, same thing Amex would do, flag the charge, file a dispute, issue a new number. Early this year it was crazy — they refused to issue me a new number, claimed they flagged the charge. A week later, after going on line to check and recheck my account, I see three more of exactly the same fraudulant charges! They didn’t even flag anything. So I called, threw a fit, insisted on new cards, but they wouldn’t issue them unless I gave them the checking account number from which we pay our bill. Needless to say, that wasn’t going to happen, so I filed complaints with the Federal Reserve and Consumer Protection, hit them up on Twitter, FB, et al., and asked why they were allowing their offshore customer reps to refuse to accept fraud disputes, and why they were forcing American citizens into divulging sensitive financial information from other institutions to offshore call centers, and I go an apology from corporate and brand new cards.
It’s an insane policy, and, as I wrote in my complaints, how on earth can this even be legal?
Also, they told me American customers have a right to ask for an American CS office & rep, which i do now.
It really hasn’t changed. I just had to go through it by trying to add my CITI to apple pay. If it hadn’t come through the apple wallet, I would have bet money I was a victim of some sorta of elaborate scam. The rep on the phone kept asking me if i wanted to continue and i kept saying that i needed to look up what he was telling me such as websites or phone numbers or charges. The same phone text nonsense still exists. The phone I’ve had for 15+ years doesn’t work all of a sudden for a text message. And then wanting the credit card for my other citi account. I told him that this felt like a scam and he said i can hang up and call back to the phone number on the back of the card and restart the process. In the end, I got added to apple pay but on review of charges that didn’t go through, even though I had reported a charge back in March (now june) and there was another fraud charge i never even knew about, the card got cancelled and now I have to wait for the new one in the main. The whole process feels like a very sophisticated scam but based on everything i’ve been reading, citi just sucks at this. They couldn’t use the app for verification? Like send a code to the app and I read that back to the rep? Or how about letting me know there were charge attempts so I would know that I needed to get a new card.
I’m feeling a bit better by getting a real dimension of howbad Citibank fraud customer care is, looking at this forum and the sharedinformation. I hope information found here would help me to be less bitter, less rudeand less angry by the time of my next interaction with these folks, in case it’d be needed. It has been more than 40 days since my credit card got lockedbecause of a fraud that was not a fraud at all. It has been around 10 or moreinternational long-distance calls, to talk to inoperant, lost employees.Folks that are following bad processes, using bad tools and pitchingbad customer care scripts. Folks that are totally unable to solve your problem, no matter howdeep and long you disclose private life information tothem, to a point that is insulting and is a violation of your privacy. Actually, It’s disgusting. I’mhaving a headache from the stress and the impotence caused by the interaction I just had over the phone, trying toget them to send once again the so-called letter. As they call it,the last way you have to produce a positive identification of yourself. The previous two requests were never honored and delivered. One that was requested “in loco”, at a Citigold branch,with the intermediation of my Citigold account manager, speaking at the sametime as me with the fraud team “manager”. The account manager used hisinternal Citibank IT credentials to identify himself, trying to help me prove to the Sherlock Holmes at the other side of the line that, indeed, I was myself, in person, alive, in real-time mode, at the bank’s branch.The second request to get the letter made has been made some10 business days ago, over the phone. I’m considering ending this nightmare by ultimately closingthe Citigold account, the credit card and, last but not least, the bad investmentaccount to try better, sunny days, elsewhere.
Fixing formating issues: I’m feeling a bit better by getting a real dimension of howbad Citibank fraud customer care is, looking at this forum and the shared information. I hope information found here would help me to be less bitter, less rude and less angry by the time of my next interaction with these folks, in case it’d be needed. It has been more than 40 days since my credit card got locked because of a fraud that was not a fraud at all. It has been around 10+ international long-distance calls to talk to inoperant, lost employees. Folks that are following bad processes, using bad tools and pitching bad customer care scripts. Folks that are totally unable to solve your problem, no matter how deep and long you disclose private life information to them, to a point that is insulting and is a violation of your privacy. Actually, It’s disgusting. I’m having a headache from the stress and the impotence caused by the interaction I just had over the phone, trying to get them to send once again the so-called letter. As they call it, the last way you have to produce a positive identification of yourself. The previous two requests were never honored and delivered. One that was requested “in loco”, at a Citigold branch, with the intermediation of my Citigold account manager, speaking at the same time as me with the fraud team “manager”. The account manager used his internal Citibank IT credentials to identify himself, trying to help me prove to the Sherlock Holmes at the other side of the line that, indeed, I was myself, in person, alive, in real-time mode, at the bank’s branch. The second request to get the letter made has been made some 10 business days ago, over the phone. I’m considering ending this nightmare by ultimately closing the Citigold account, the credit card and, last but not least, the bad investment account to try better, sunny days, elsewhere.
Amen!! I’ve been having the same issues with a custom cash card I applied for about 3 weeks ago. No point in keeping an account with these idiots if you can’t use the card!! Close the account and go elsewhere. There are plenty of decent CC companies out there who won’t make their customers constantly jump through hoops!!
I have the same issues. Fraud alerts literally twice a week, which takes 45 minutes each call. They done fraud alerts so often, they said they ran out of ways to verify. It’s a full time job. I now have to wait for a letter of verification via pony express (7days) not sure what happens after that, perhaps I have to go with my passport or notorized letter to some high level security office? Who knows, but I’m sooo sick of this.
Sorry to hear it J. It is amazing they still haven’t improved this yet.
omg, I thought it was me. Or that Citi was being extra cautious because of increased hacking.
I just spent an insane part of the afternoon talking to no fewer than four agents, plus a supervisor (magically, one agent knew how to get one on the line, though she really did no more than the others did). I told them that hell no, they could not have more phone or financial-account info from me, they’ve already got my life on a plate, use the info they’ve got. One girl did manage to figure out how to do that, verified purchases, unlocked the account, and naturally, as soon as I go back to to complete a declined purchase for all of $48, because big-time fraudsters like to buy yarn, I guess, it’s locked up again.
Apparently four of these charming verification letters are on their way to me now.
I appreciate the retention dept tip above. Will use it, and then will quick-lock and file the card away, and find someone else’s card to use. (Which I did while trying to unbollox the yarn purchase. Pity about the miles, but it’s not like other airlines don’t exist, and besides I don’t fly much anymore anyway. CO2 + pandemic, dontcha know.)
Sorry to hear it Amy – hopefully they get your account off the repetitive verification call in list soon
was it resolved? I am waiting for a letter as well
Just went through the same nightmare today, now waiting on my code to come in the mail…Seriously bad process, they couldn’t use either of my phone numbers or my wifes. They also asked if I had a landline they could text to…morons. Thank god I wasn’t traveling. And the customer service reps not speaking english as a first language doesn’t help. I’ve been with Citi since 1990, I’m done. Switching everything over to Chase.
We are on the other side of the problem. We do not bank with Citibank/Citi Cards. Someone opened two Citibank accounts in my husband’s name – we received two debit cards in the mail. We called twice to let them know it was identity theft, they said they had closed the accounts and put a flag on his information. Today, there was a hard inquiry on his Experian for a Citi Card CREDIT CARD – tried to call a few different numbers, but impossible to find someone to talk to unless you have an account number to reference.
This is apparently STILL an issue.
I decided to start using my Citi doublecash (2%) card instead of my Paypal Cashback as recently Citi enabled OAuth data transfer for Mint which is much more convenient (whereas with Paypal I had to constantly have them text me a verification code each time I want to sync transactions).
Then the madness ensued – while they might seem modern on that side, I had issue after issue getting ahold of anyone as soon as a single $250 transaction flagged on their website and I had to sit on hold for an hour, to finaly talk to a rep who wasn’t very helpful.
Contrast this with Synchrony, where I got fraud alerts all the time, BUT they would just immediately send me a text with a notification that said “Transaction alert: $xx.xx at , reply Y to confirm N if not you”, and I would just text back Y and they would immediately unblock/allow the charge – I NEVER had to talk to their fraud team (unless I ignored the text message for days and let fraud alerts pile up).
The person told me everything was resolved, but online it is still showing my account is limited and I can’t update the information.
The text solution is so much better. I am not sure why they don’t use it more at Citi.
I never leave comments but this multi million dollar company is literally holding $12 in my bank account hostage the phone number that their app uses to send me VERIFICATION codes and the number I opened the account with can not be used to verify the account that I opened up with that number. Like 9 phones calls with these idiots and there is no way a company this big doesnT have a way to fix this issue. I’m only 37 but in 37 years I have never just seen a company who holds our money not their own but ours and can sit there with a straight face and say there’s nothing we can do call back when you have a verified number? So I get a new phone with a new carrier all in my name and registered and proof and no. It cannot be verified. I gave them my cell , my business number in my name and company which is my actual name, my google voice number I forgot I have since it came out in my name, and my 2 numbers I have listed online in the app and we can’t verify that I’m who I am you have a copy of my ID. So they taken hostage a $12 account, yes it’s 12 dollars just let me have it well this is the account all my federal aid will be deposited in Monday morning lol and I can’t even close the account to stop it. Wait on this letter they said, it took them 49 days to get me my debit card when I opened it up threatening to close the account cause I didn’t make the opening deposit but you can’t access the account without activating the debit card so I couldn’t even transfer money into it WTH…. I have had many still do online banks like chime, and lilli, green dot, etc. never had 1 issue from them never. Change number you might have to call in change it boom see ya. These idiots have lost their minds. Oh I’m
Gonna access my account you better believe it.
Citi bank you are the worst banking institution I have ever and will ever deal with
I’m glad you shared this story. This same thing happened to me, but I accused the second rep of trying to commit fraud against me. After getting all your phone numbers and “secret passcode”, why would you ever ask for someone’s credit card number at another bank? Is that not red flag 101?
You are far from alone Thomas 🙂
I’ve been dealing with this same situation for almost a year now.ive been in contact with someone in the executive department after all the phone bs they want me to send in proof of identity and proof of address.i sent in a copy of my driver’s license they accepted for my address I’ve sent in a copy of my rental agreement for my home.ive sent in documents from usps.court documents you name it I’ve sent it they say it has to be a utility bill in my name with my the moment I’m living with family because of a hurricane in Louisiana and not being able to pay my bills because of my account being frozen.ive even lost a a single father of two kids.but since I live with family all the utility are in there I look on citibank website to see what’s a verified utility bill and one of them was a landline I set up a landline phone.cost me $68 that I don’t have.i get my invoice from phone company and send it to citibank.12 days later I’m sorry Mr chambless but we don’t accept landline phone service as a utility bill.i told them your online terms and conditions say otherwise.he said I’m sorry I can’t help you.i explain I live with family I can’t get any other utility bills in my name at the moment and he says I’m sorry I can’t help account was froze February 13,2021.
still one full year later I’m still fighting to get into my account.i have $3,135.34 in my account I can’t touch.i even get a text message every single night saying my account balance and my available balance……someone please help me they can’t keep doing this to me.ive sent them court documents,federal documents,documents from usps all stating my name and address but citibank keeps denying everything I send in.HELP ME PLEASE.
William I am sorry to hear this. I would try reaching out to your state rep and see if they can help. You could also file a CFPB complaint against Citi Lastly, I would write to the office of Citi’s CEO. Sometimes that gets an executive team member to reach out. Hopefully one of the three things gets you your money back.
I am so sorry there are SO MANY others who have shared my Citi nightmare…but at least I know I am not alone. My story is pretty similar – fraud alert (that no one can explain the reason for…), can’t use the card, 14 calls to Citi (no, not exaggerating). On hold a total of 85 minutes. Told that they “could not verify” my phone # – I’ve had it for 20+ years. Wanted the number from another of my credit cards, I refused. Escalated this through executive emails found on Elliot Advocacy site – still no resolution. I can’t even close the stupid card because I can’t prove it’s my account. This company could learn from Discover – the best credit card company I have ever done business with.
This is crazy, but it seems to have worked. I went on to my account on the Citi website, entered my cell phone as my home phone. (Leaving existing cell phone number alone like it’s always been.) The NEXT day, all restrictions removed and I can use my card. Perhaps a coincidence, but I’ll take it.
Thanks Joan – worth a try at least!
I can’t even get ahold of any person at all this is ridiculous I earn my money they have no right
Yes – I have been calling for 3 days now and have always been on hold ….sometimes for an hour! Still no Citi representative to help. Citi Fraud department is a big Fraud!
Wow, I thought it was just me. I am currently travelling, have one of their AmericanAirlines cards which obviously travel is the main purpose. Travel to a few places internationally and no problem. Tried to make a purchase for $20 and it triggered a fraud alert. Called them and the same story. The number I used to apply for my card to which they send me a code during the application process they said they couldn’t text me as they couldn’t verify it was on my name. I am now waiting for a letter to arrive at home back in the US, while I am still abroad. I am hoping the letter has a code or something to help me unlock the card. I have had the card less than a month.
was it resolved? I am waitint for a letter as well
Yup can’t believe all the stories Ive read. Same thing, got a new cc w citi to do a balance transfer. I recently got a new phone so wanted to add it to my Apple
Pay as all my other cards are and came to the same issue. I asked to speak to supervisor bc I couldn’t understand the 1st rep clearly. Got asked same questions, gave them couple siblings numbers and they said those wouldn’t work. I asked if I could go to a branch to verify my self and they said no bc they don’t have access to unlock the fraud process or some bs like that. Already waited like a month for my card bc they never sent the first one and has to request another so this is so inconvenient. Will call them again tomorrow to see if they can verify through a different credit card. Or maybe try telling them I want to cancel my card trick and see if they can transfer me to someone that can expedite the process.
Worst experience!!! I got a fraud alert letter in the mail right after I applied, before i even had the card in hand. I threw letter away because I thought it was junk or a scam (don’t do that because fraud dept needs it to verify your identity, or so they say, we never got that far.) I did get out of one rep that they use a 3rd party to verify phone numbers on new accounts and that my phone number didn’t have a name attached so that’s why they were unable to verify. I even checked with Verizon and my number is absolutely registered to me. Now it is a new number to me as of a few months ago so my conclusion is that that the 3rd party data that Citi uses is a few months behind and this recency gap is to blame. Thank you all for sharing!
Interesting on the 3rd party stuff. That could be the cause of all of this. That sucks that you had an issue before you even had the card. That should never happen…hopefully you were able to get it handled.
Wow this really pisses me off, I’ve had the same exact run around with foreign bank tellers over the phone and I can hear dogs barking in the background. Like they’re at their house, I was almost afraid to give him my card number. After the same exact stuff happened to me and 4 hours later they basically told me that my new account is frozen until I get that code in the mail, I just transferred all my money there, I have a daughter and I have no gas in my car what am I supposed to do for a week and a half without money to get to work because they took it all and held it. I’m literally ready to walk to the bank and take my money back whether they like it or not even if I have to use Force, they have a name for that I think it’s called a bank robb… No, but I’m screwed because of them, I can’t put food on my table because my money has been taken
Exact same shit happen to me yesterday!!! First they took almost 1 month to have my new card delivered (lost one time then ship replacement card) then locked my card at my 2nd purchase. Citi’s service and process is just incredible!!! Thanks Mark to share your experience, need to go back to fight with them to unlock the card….
I had to call to get a new card sent when we signed up for the Custom Cash too since we never got it after almost 4 weeks.
I am literally sick to my stomach and I am the most peaceful person alive yet this experience talking to these foreign citizens bank reps have made me g insane. I had a transfer to my account of $20,000. I tried to wire it to another account and they said they had to verify me. Even though I have my social my drivers license account number and debit card. They said they needed to send a text to a phone to verify e. I gave them the same exact phone that I use when I log into the online site where they call and give a code which u have to enter to further access the system. It always works and I always get in. She says the system will not allow them to use that number or some bullshit. This is now the third rep. The first one I demanded a supervisor and she couldn’t find one, said someone would call back and never did. Then they tried to verify me with old addresses and cars I had and I answered all correctly and she still said no. This money need to go to my girlfriends grandma who has hospital bills and I’m just sick, sick. I can’t even go to the branch as I am in North Carolina. I guess I could take it out the atm but it would take almost 14 days to withdraw. How the fuck they get away with this.
Sorry to hear it Robert. Hopefully you get another option figured out.
I hope this girlfriend is not someone on the internet because they use hospital bills as a way to scam you out of money if it’s a girlfriend you can’t see or touch do not send money and why are you paying a girlfriends grandmas hospital bills this sounds suspicious sorry just looking out for you
I’m very grateful for the conversation that Mark has initiated, and for all of the interchange above.
I have been contemplating leaving Citi, after 25 years of membership, largely for the reasons you mention. And, I’m not sure which bank I should consider transitioning to: I find it somewhat daunting to undertake, amidst all of the other changes at this time.
But I have found that Citi’s reliance on an overly-sensitized automated fraud-alert infrastructure is paralyzing and has even put me in a few precarious situations. Such jeopardy seems antithetical to a bank’s primary purpose.
Each time I have traveled, for instance, even en route to visit family or take care of a loved one (even though I do due diligence and contact them a week in advance to provide my geolocation and dates) I inevitably have my cards shut down. Not once during the trip, but every single day. No matter how many times I spend 3-6 hours on the phone with Citi (escalating it up, as so many have mentioned), no matter how many times they confirm that I did indeed pre-notify about my travel and assure me that the “flag” has been removed and I can use my card again, no sooner do I awake the next morning than my card is shut down again. I can’t eat breakfast, pay for my hotel or rental car, sometimes I will spend an entire 48 hour trip unable to pay for a meal (esp. these days when cash isn’t always accepted) or know if I will be able to get home. And I work at a major university, never pay bills late, earn a decent salary, etc.
It’s deeply demoralizing and unnecessarily anxiety-inducing.
I think that the closure of local branches has also compounded this problem: there used to be someone who felt accountable for rectifying such situations or at the very least for problem-solving for future fraud issues and travel plans.
I’d be immensely grateful if someone could recommend a bank that does not suffer from such an automated state of affairs. I’m based in Boston, and would also appreciate any suggestions for a bank that has a branch in the vicinity (or in Massachusetts).
Sorry to hear it Isla. It is a frustrating, and sometimes embarrassing situation to deal with. As far as fraud warnings go I think American Express is the best for that. Their program is pretty good too but they are not as widely accepted. Chase is another great option for full banking. They have some good cards and I think plenty of branches in your area. Hope that helps.
I just had the same thing happen to me. Admittedly, I was purchasing something expensive at Tiffany with my AAdantage Executive card. They wouldn’t send a text to my phone, they said that they would NEED TO CALL MY MOM!! (I am 52 and haven’t lived with her in over 30 years) She’s not on my account. Luckily she was able to answer the call and I got the code but they still didn’t clear the account. When I tried to use it again it was declined. I used my chase sapphire which was approved immediately.
Sorry to hear that. It is frustrating, annoying and embarrassing when it happens. And then to jump through all the hoops and still get denied is the worst!
does anyone know what happens after receiving the verification letter?what steps to take or whts next?
Waiting for one now and wondering the same. My account got a fraud block on it on my first attempt at a transaction.
I just got the pointless “verification letter” after getting the initial fraud alert on December 23. The letter is completely useless. It gives you a phone number to call. You’ll get another barely-English-speaking idiot with a script, who will tell you that your phone number can’t be verified. I ‘ve never, in all of my 60+ years on this planet, dealt with a company as obnoxious and stress-inducing as CitiBank. I can’t even close the stupid account because I can’t prove that it’s MY account.
After 4 and a half hours on the phone tonight I learned that you are absolutely correct. I said to NOT send a letter to the 1st agent because I was traveling and I would not be home for 3 months and there must be an alternative way to unlock my account!!!! at the end of speaking to a multitude of Asians I was told we could have done something but we’ve already sent a letter. And yes my phone on record”does not qualify”.i will follow advice and contact ethics, executive resolution and anyone else that might even half believe what could only be a story worthy of the “Twilight zone”
A Manager was going to call me back within the hour which is expiring…….about now
Just had this issue myself and found this site through google while I was on hold….I was transferred to a supervisor who could barely speak English…at that point I asked for a person in the United States. After a 10 minute hold I got to talk to someone in the US. She asked for a four digit code on the letter…it didn’t have one. She asked if I had another other Citibank cards. I said yes and she was able to verify my identity through my other card, as it had a code word set up. I told her flat out that their overseas call center sounds like a giant phishing operation. Hopefully my card is truly unlocked…I just got it a couple of weeks ago and have not used it yet.
Could be a LOT worse!!
I too have had my card declined by Citi when I am traveling and tried to buy a $30 dinner etc. because I forgot to tell them I was going out of state.
Getting declined and then getting a call from their fraud department may be a pain, but, far worse is what they allowed over the last few weeks!!
I am assuming this is partially due to their large data breach recently , but, they allowed over $60,000 worth of fraudulent charges to my three cards i have not used in 2 years !!!! I had a zero Balance and then in days, it appears they allowed convenience checks to be cashed (or some other scam). I filed a case with the police department, but this is beyond insane!
After hours and thousands of dollars of my time, I still am not sure what, if anything (it appears nothing), is being done to address this!! When I call Citi , I get bounced all over and nobody takes responsibility
I am in this same boat right now. I ordered a Citi AAdvantage card to use on my upcoming (2 days from now) trip to Montana. I was so excited! I tried to add my newly activated card to my samsung watch after using it on gas then headed to the grocery store. I got an alert that I needed to call them to add the card to my watch so that’s what I did. The guy I spoke with said he needed to call me back to verify, I said ok, gave him the number and he never called back. No big deal I thought. I’ll call back an finish when I get home. NO SUCH LUCK! Tried to run the card for a $23 grocery purchase and declined. So I called back and that when they told me they needed to verify me using a home phone number. I explained I dont have one nor is there one associated with my card. That is when they said I would have to verify using a letter in the mail in 5-7 days. I SNAPPED. I got this card specifically to use on this trip. I explained that and they asked if they could call my work and if someone was there to verify me. IT WAS 8:30 pm and I work in a 9-5 office. I asked if I could call back tomorrow when I was at work. Yes they assured me. Fast forward to today. NO SUCH LUCK AGAIN! I give them my work number and they said it can be verifyed. I couldn’t handle my anger anymore and yelled at the guy and asked for a supervisor. Explained the whole thing over again and same result. Needless to say I want to stick the card so far up their ass sadly companies don’t have them. If I had known about this issue I wouldnt have ever signed up with them. I hate using cards because I have an irrational fear of being declined. I will now have a panic attack everytime I use this card. THANKS CITI.
Sorry to hear it Lauren – just crazy how messed up the system is.
I’m in the same anger boat… By the way it’s pronounced ShitiBank
Worst process of CIti bank to stop fraudulent check deposit.
I wrote to check to a handyman and deposited check using online system, check was accepted and money was withdrawn from my non citi bank account(thanks no citi account), after 10 days handyman bank account was frozen and he can’t operate his account saying they check you deposited was stolen check, poor guy texted me, so I called him back and send him pics of front and back check print from my bank account the day they withdrawn fund.. poor guy at the citi bank and associate was not able to provide me name of the person or what kind of process they have to alert for such fraud.. I called my bank and they provided all the details and negative about any stolen check or blah blah.. Poor guy walk to my bank and request bank to write letter that check I wrote to him is valid .. Citi called me to verify that if I wrote that check.. I asked person what makes you think that check was fraud or was stolen, no answer.. Such a waste of time for me and the person who has account with Citibank.
I got a letter in the mail from Citibank stating the account I opened with them has unusual activity on it and they need to speak with me to verify some things. Here’s the kicker… I don’t have a Citibank account at all AND whomever opened it used my maiden name and not my legal name. So yall wanna talk about fraud? There you go smh.
Yes! Happened to me too! Citi is so infuriating! When i got my Prestige card, I paid for $25 bill at a restaurant and it didn’t work. Tried later somewhere else, and ditto.
Call Citi, lots of back and forth, and finally they say, “We have to call your sister to give her a code that you can use to activate your card”
My sister? How did they know she is my sister? How did they have her contact info? Why is it my sister’s responsibility to help me with my cards? What if we were not on speaking terms, etc?
Every new Citi card seems to have a fraud warning kick in the first time I use it, it’s maddening. If I were not just chasing bonuses, I would have given up on them.
It is the craziest thing I have ever seen in banking.
Same to me!!!!!, In my case is my brothers phone number that works. Citi Fraud is a non sense, apparently everyone else have more authority over an account than the actual owner. Unbelievable!
My husband is having this problem now but he was just approved for the card. He waited almost 3 weeks and still no card. He finally called and went through the same “verification” process that made no sense and hung up 3 times. It 100% sounds like a scam call when talking to a citi rep. His number that he used for the account is in my name because of our family plan. Due to it not being in his name they refused to send the code. Then they asked for a code work for the question where is your fav place to vaca. He signed up for the card using an invitation from the mail. He never set a question or even set up the account yet because there was no card yet. They kept telling him though the word he chose started with a W. Right so we just kept telling out any words starting with a W. All of that got him no where and a week later he still has no card and still has not recieved this “letter” with instructions on how to verify … So annoyed and just wish we applied for the Amex card instead!
Yes, Citi IT & customer service is pretty dreadful
You actually gave a Citi rep you Chase account info? That’s a hard pass from me.
Everything above sounds awful, condolences to all. After a recent snafu with my college age daughter’s new Citi account being declined, I’ve started making payments before charging, at least at the beginning. And then if I have a substantial charge, I make a payment immediately before I try to charge much else. I’m not sure if this is making a difference, but I think it might be.
The same thing happened to my fiance and I last night. We were trying to get my daughter’s student visa. The initial IHS charge was declined. They texted and my fiance approved it but he still had to call. They went through a few things, she approved it and the charge went through. Then when it came time to pay the actual visa the charge was declined again. This time when my fiance called it was the exact same thing that you describe. What is a phone number we can use to verify? He gave them his. They said no that won’t work. He gave them mine as I am a user on the account, they said that won’t work. They then asked for a home phone number, we don’t have one. She then asked if we had another Citi account. We said no. She said then we will have to send you a letter. My fiance said absolutely not. He told her this is our every day card and it is imperative for business travel and she did not care. He proceeded to call back no less than 15 times and they all said the exact same thing. We ended up using our Hilton Honors Amex for the 2nd charge and had no problems whatsoever. He has already applied for a different card and says that this one will go in the garbage. Especially since my daughter and I are getting ready to go to the UK to take her to University. I cannot have this type of thing happening every time I try to purchase something in London or Scotland. Ridiculous. Fix it!
Ugh – it is so crazy that it is still going on this much.
I know, same happened to me. I’m trying to troubleshoot the possible issue, may I ask the following:
1) How long have you had your card for?
2) Was there any recent changes on your personal information thru the app or by phone like phone number or address?
3) How long have you had your phone number?
4) How old is your oldest card reported on your credit bureau? (I heard Chase and Citi verify phone number listed on the credit report to match the name of the customer)
Thank you!
Thank you for writing this. I have felt like I’m absolutely out of my mind. Call #4 for me, I ask what they do to verify someone with no phone at all, rep says they have other procedures but they can’t use that for me. When I start saying that they are straight-up thieves and crooks, she hangs up on me. I am going to have to figure out how to take legal measures. They are stealing from their customers. So glad I found this forum.
Sorry to hear of your issues and sad that they haven’t made any adjustments after 6 months.
Same here, from my experience as a customer if you don’t have any other Citi bank account they can verify with, they will ask you to wait for a letter! C’mon Citi its 21st Century!
This exact same thing happened to me. Same experience word for word. Now, when I call the help number, I can’t get to a representative. I don’t know what to do!
Oh my word, I’m so glad I found this web page. I’ve been battling with Citi for 2 days. Same thing that everyone has mentioned. They cannot verify my identify, I’ve been with them for 40 years! What the heck???? So after numerous calls and asking for a “manager” I’m now waiting for my secret letter through the mail. What a scam, the fraudsters have more lucking getting my information than I do. What is the point of having secret code words, numbers on my account, etc? Not a happy customer but they don’t care.
It is sad this hasn’t gotten any better.
Yes, I’m grateful to Mark for posting this too. My friend’s money is all tied up due to Citibank not recognizing some of his information, so they froze his account after he tried to make a transfer, and did not allow the transfer to go through. This happened on Tuesday 7/20/21 and he is still waiting for his code by mail. He’s completely broke with no access to the cash that he needs immediately. He has no other credit cards besides his debit card. I cannot believe this is even legal to withhold a customer’s money like this and leave them barren. Has anyone found a work-around to this yet? Thanks.
Sorry to hear that Denise. Hopefully it is corrected quickly and he can get access to his money.
No workaround outside of waiting for the letter in the email. It’s best to have a back up card for emergencies. I did receive my letter in the mail and finally got through, felt like a miracle! Turns out there was someone trying to bill my account for online store purchases. Citi blocked the charges as something didn’t add up, and for that I am grateful. I just don’t understand the verification process. I waited two weeks for my letter and subsequent new card. Seems to me there should be a way to verify the cardmember, but what do I know. Now I’m paranoid to use my card online. I use virtual numbers only, which is what I did 90% of the time anyway and still got hacked. Oh well.
Anyone has a solution for the text messages? Citi is unable to send me a code to my phone number since they cannot verify it.
No idea, but they are telling me the exact same thing. I asked what does “verify” mean. They couldn’t tell me. I suppose it’s a secret.
At first I thought they match it with the credit report but its not possible because my all 3 credit bureau has my phone on it, with the IRS? they also have my number.
My only guess is, correct me if I’m wrong, but maybe they need a phone number on a Citi Account for certain amount of time so then Citi can validate it and send the codes to verify identity, cause other codes like 2-step verification works fine, its only with the codes thru a phone call.
Same thing happened to me however my alert fraud was triggered after I activate the new AAdvantage card for online access, had to wait for the freacking letter!!!! at this point I dont know why would they make us create a security word lol
True – why have it if it isn’t enough to verify youself.
May I know if you are still facing the issue with the text messages?
It hasn’t been an issue on my card but my wife has been having similar issues with her newer card now.
So my guess is this happen whenever someone gets a new card or account with them, doesn’t matter if you have had an account already. My brother has a Citi checking and Citi rewards credit card for almost 2 years with them, but when he got the new Citi custom card he had a fraud alert when he tried to add his card to ApplePay, and he had to call them in order to verify him, the live rep was not able to send a code to his phone number he have had for almost 2 years with them, thankfully they verified him using his other Citi credit card otherwise he would have had to wait for the damn letter. Unbelievable!
I just went through the same situation. I called 3 times and when the 3rd person couldn’t help me, I escalated the call to a supervisor. The supervisor wanted to call my place of employment to very my information, I was like, wait what? She finally asked me about other credit cards/banks which I do have. She asked me for my credit card # and customer service # for that credit card, I almost didn’t do it because I kind of felt like maybe this was a huge scam. After a month of this I just gave it to her. She placed me on hold, came back and said she was able to verify me. She claims I will not have this problem again as they will be able to use my cell ph# next time but somehow I don’t believe her.
Unlikely you won’t have it happen again but I hope you avoid the aggravation!
Citi Bank needs to overhaul their fraud department. Over ten years with them and they can’t verify over the phone. Secret word didn’t work and the only number on file didn’t work , so I was told I must wait till mail. Closed my cards while I was traveling on vacation on day 1 of 5 days. I blame Belinda and the only manager in all of Texas in the fraud department, acting like they own this place, overly rude
Same thing happened to me. I just don’t see why some random phone number is more secure than my own phone number on file.
It still blows my mind.
Is there any good reason to keep the Premier card anymore? Because I use almost exclusively for entertainment bonus spend. That is going away. so why should I keep it?
It is solid for uncapped grocery spend but that won’t mean something for everyone.
I knew where this was going. What is interesting to me is that Citi had to actually call Chase without you on the line. I was always under the impression they could independently verify your Chase acct either thru CR or back end access. I agree Citi’s FAs are legendary. But if you don’t like it, you can take your business elsewhere. Every bank has pros and cons.
And P.S. This system makes a ton of sense. The fact that you don’t like it doesn’t make it stupid. Phone numbers are not easily hacked (they can tell if it’s a fake/cell/home and look up owner details on LN), a thief might have your chase card but odds are they don’t, they almost certainly won’t know your checking acct no, and a thief is highly unlikely to intercept your mail. Banks have actually sent verification codes to the cardholder’s spouse or parent and had the cardholder read them back (presumably after contacting the next of kin while on the phone).
Talk about loading up on logic fallacies. No, their system really makes no sense and Mark has stated clear reasons for what he thinks is flawed. And please, “take your business elsewhere” and “every bank has pros and cons” are sooo Ergo Decedo.
Everything you stated is factually wrong. If someone “SIM swaps” your smartphone, then can easily assume your identity. I rate your comments total BS!
I am having the WORST time trying to get them to take fraud charges off my account. It’s been 3 months and countless phone calls. I’m not surprised by this nonsense.
Sorry to hear that Jill. That is beyond frustrating when you can’t find anyone that knows how to help.
I went through a similar nonsensical procedure with CapitalOne. After a fraud alert I called in and was told my cell phone number could not be “verified” in order to receive verification code by text. This is even after uploading a copy of my SIN card and drivers license through a secured link. In the end, I couldn’t receive the text message and they wouldn’t offer any other alternatives so I had to cancel the card. Will never do business with CapitalOne again.
Pure craziness that they couldn’t come up with other options. I can never get Capital One to approve me so I don’t have to worry about them 🙂
[…] Citi…this bank is like it is in an alternate reality, so sad! Just When I Thought Citi Couldn’t Get Any Dumber, They Did This. […]
I had to go through the same with my Sears Thank You card.
Anybody try the large purchases alert “Tell us about your next big purchase to avoid any disruptions at checkout?” Don’t bother! That doesn’t work! Try a second time, file the alert, call to confirm, be assured purchase will go through………..Haha, jokes on me. Nope, still doesn’t work
This is exactly the process Michael 🙂
Well, this is the bank that paid Revlon’s loans, right?
haha yes it is
I am beyond glad to have found this article as I am currently going through the same exact bullshit you experienced! The only difference is that my idiot self decided to change my mobile number and add a caller id service on my mobile plan to show my name since that is what one out of the 36 I have spoken to told me was needed, my name to show some association with the phone number provided… wtf? Anyway, today I took it to the extreme and changed my entire mobile phone service because I thought tmobile wasn’t doing something from their end and switched to AT&T come to find out that with my new phone my name shows up as the caller ID and obviously that I am the account holder etc etc. Here I am, after 18 days of literally no access to my funds, borrowing money to get myself and two young children barely by, I call so excited to citibank to finally give them a freaking “Verified” phone number only to hear another fucking “senior fraud bullshit representative” tell me ONCE AGAIN THEY CANNOT USE THIS PHONE NUMBER. I am in shock. What is one to do at this point y’all? The mail they keep claiming is in the mail, probably still hasn’t been “verified” because I’m going on to 3 weeks with this shit !!!
My Citibank story doesn’t compare to yours, but it is worthy of an eyeroll. A couple of years ago I took advantage of one of those 0% balance transfer offers. So I fill out the forms online, everything goes fine and then I receive a fraud alert text message to confirm it is me. Fine.
Then, after 1:00 AM my cell phone wakes me up. The Citi fraud computer decided to have me confirm a second fraud alert message, just to be sure, at 1 AM.
Oh, I felt so happy that morning, not. The next day I had to go to a Wells Fargo branch and we all had a great time laughing at Citibank. 🙂
Haha – not sure Wells Fargo can laugh at anyone though 🙂
I literally have about 6 stories with Citi crazier and more insane than this one that I can’t be bothered to type it up. Just today they send me an email saying I have not paid my card – you know, the one I closed 5 years ago. They are USELESS
Haha – maybe one of these days we can hear them all Tim 🙂
Depending what state you live in you may have a state version of a Fair Debt Collection Actices Act violation
Is there any version of the FDCPA that offers sanctions against a first party collector? The Federal version does not apply to first party collectors
I had a similar issue and they asked to wait for the 4 digit mailer. I complained and they gave me 500 TYP points which is a damn joke. I was irritated at having charges blocked without any warning so I also filed a CFPB complaint while on the phone with them. The crazy thing is they unblocked my card a few days later before I even got the mailer. Maybe because of the CFPB complaint, idk.
What’s CFPB complaint ?? I’m going through this same issue
[…] and most advanced institutions tend to create the most obnoxious procedures. As an example read this post detailing in great details one customer experience with Citi’s fraud prevention process. The […]
I had a similar issue with Citi. After I provided verbal responses to all their authentication questions, they asked me for my bank account number. I refused to give it and I had to wait for a snail mail of a code. Even so, I’m still working hard to generate as many thank you points as possible.
The stuff they ask for to verify it is you is so weird.
[…] and most advanced institutions tend to create the most obnoxious procedures. As an example read this post detailing in great details one customer experience with Citi’s fraud prevention process. The […]
I have a recurring subscription charge that I put on my DC last year. It declines as fraud every month like clockwork. Same amount, same day of the month. Each time I OK the charge and it finally goes through. The only reason I keep trying is the amount is small and keeps the card active in case it ever becomes useful again.
The Chase verification sounds like the script for a Phishing expedition. I would have hung up at that point and watched my card very closely.
A small subscription…that makes no sense.
Oh man, waiting on my new Citi Premier card right now. I don’t know if I want it now.
Citi is too busy giving away 900 MILLION dollars by mistake and then not being able to get it back due to incompetence, so this does not surprise me whatsoever. I use a couple Citi cards but all interactions with them, every single time, has been at least weird, if not infuriating.
That was another crazy story for sure
That’s hysterical. The thing with Chase is concerning though. Why aren’t they telling Citi, who is not you – to kick rocks? Why is Chase able to verify you to a third party?
I think they just used the last 4 digits but still weird Chase would comply with it.
I had a similar situation with Citi last year & ended up just cancelling the card in question because they were so awful to deal with. TYP are garbage to me anyway.
I can’t blame you
Request a cancelation of the card. You will likely be immediately transferred to the retention department in the States. They will fix this much more quickly.
I used to work for a subsidiary of Citi and this is wholly normal.
Thanks for the tip Geoff
I dont see what the issue is. based on my interactions with citi fraud, this is standard procedure, normal run around. !!
haha 🙂
Omg! When my premier card was new 6 mos ago I used it for an online purchase-something mundane like a pair of pants. Alert Alert! Fraud! Callled in had same phone number issue-then they called Chase to verify an account with them. How bizarre.
All for a pair of pants – bizarre is correct!
I usually need to take a sedative and a shot of NyQuil before I call Citi. That’s the only way I can tolerate their shenanigans. You are a saint Mark, after all of that I would have been ready to tell them where to go, how to get there, it which exit to take.
You should have told them that MtM = Miles to Memories AND My time Matters.. and ain’t nobody got time for all of their drama.
Haha a sedative and shot of Nyquil – I love it
Citi is far from advanced. They refuse to spend money in upgrading their technology. They have very arrogant workers at the top levels. They are very unfocused on what and to whom they want to be a bank to and who they want as customers. Their arrogance will catch u with them. BTW what used to be a growing consumer bank is now down to less than 700 branches. They keep closing branches instead f trying to improve their way of doing banking.
These major problems began about 5 years ago when the jerk that runs Citi Technology Inc. decided to outsource the global help desk. You are now dealing with foreigners who read and respond from a script.
October 2023, and it is still happening. I called to verify a transaction and they couldn’t verify my cellphone number and therefore identity. They were flippant, telling me they couldn’t verify my phone number and my account, with most of my savings, was now closed. I have to wait 30-60 days for a check in the mail. The manager couldn’t/wouldn’t direct me to anyone who could offer an explanation or a resolution. I admittedly lost my temper when he called the problem an inconvenience. I called the Citi exec number and politely filed a complaint and got a case number. I then called customer service and requested that my statements be emailed to me because with the abrupt closure of my account, I couldn’t access my statements. There are horror stories of people not receiving their balance and needing all their paperwork in order, so if you have Citi, get your statements, and screenshot your current balance before calling them and potentially getting booted out of your account. My money is locked up and I can’t access it to pay my bills and to earn interest. Citi’s system is trash. So many affected. What does it take to start a class action lawsuit?
Aother bizarre thing about Citi is that when they do encounter an ongoing fraud, they are shockingly uninterested in pursuing it through law enforcement. My wife and I both had our cards skimmed and tracked it down to a particular ATM in a shopping mall. Citi happily reimbursed the $10K total or so in damages, but had absolutely no interest in the ATM at issue, where it was located, etc., so that the skimming no doubt continued. I found that absolutely bizarre.
That makes no sense for sure. It appears they walk over a dollar to pick up a dime.
wow very disappointing fortunately I haven’t had any issues with Citi because rarely use their cards except in the first few months after a sign up since I haven’t had their premier or prestige cards since they improved the earning potential. Weirdest thing I’ve seen is Chase flagging $5.60 charges from Southwest on their Southwest card!! (duhhhh).
That is a weird one haha
Dear Mark Osterman, if they ask you to verify a code sent to your cellphone – isn’t this what everyone is warning people not to do? Don’t share the one-time code? But the citi fraud dept are asking you to tell them the code received on your phone? Isn’t this what a hacker would do?
I’m just confused and wanted to ask you to clarify, so Citi fraud dept is asking people to tell them back the one-time code they have just received on their mobile phone?
Thank you, Anca
No this code is mailed to you, not over the phone.