Nevada Casino Reopening Regulations
Casinos on the Las Vegas Strip and throughout Nevada remain shuttered today. They closed their doors on March 17, 2020 and have remained closed since then with tens of thousands of workers now either furloughed or laid off completely. Times are tough in Vegas, but there is some hope. The casinos may be reopening soon.
The Nevada Gaming Control Board is the regulatory agency that overseas the casinos and their gaming licenses. They have now released health and safety policies that casinos on the Vegas Strip & elsewhere in Nevada will have follow in order to reopen their doors. Let’s take a look at these new regulations and what they might mean for the future of Vegas.
A COVID-19 Action Plan Required to Reopen
According to the Nevada Gaming Control Board, casinos will have to submit their COVID-19 action plans at least 7 days prior to their schedule re-opening. “Plans required pursuant to
this Policy should be regularly and continuously reviewed and executed to ensure the health and safety of licensees’ guests and employees. The Board will provide updates to this Policy as circumstances surrounding this health crisis evolve.”
Nevada Casino Reopening Regulations – What Is Needed to Open?
As part of the guidelines, the casino licensees will be required to “disinfect all of its hard and soft surfaces in accordance with the guidelines published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)”. Employees must also receive proper training about: cleaning and disinfecting procedures, social distancing, proper handwashing and preventing the spread of germs at work.
Las Vegas Strip COVID-19 Operational Procedures
Nevada casinos will also be required to implement new operational policies for after they re-open. Among the new Nevada casino reopening regulations are:
- Signage should be posted throughout the property reminding employees and patrons of proper hygiene, including, without limitation, proper handwashing, how to cover coughs and sneezes and to avoid touching their faces
- Employees should be instructed to stay home if they do not feel well, and to contact a
supervisor or manager if they notice a co-worker or patron experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, such as coughing, shortness of breath, or other flu-like symptoms - If a licensee is informed or is alerted to a case of COVID-19 at its property, it must communicate the case to and cooperate with its local health authorities. All employees should receive clear instructions on how to properly and efficiently respond to all presumed cases of COVID-19
- Licensees must follow the appropriate steps to conduct additional cleaning and disinfecting protocols of all areas that patrons visited during their stay in accordance with guidelines issuedby the licensee’s local health authority
- Plans should identify personnel or a department on property to serve as a liaison to assist local health authorities with aggregate data sharing and contract tracing
When Will Las Vegas Reopen & How It Will Look Completely Different
What Will Happen on the Gaming Floor
As part of these new Nevada casino reopening regulations, Las Vegas Strip casinos will have to maintain social distance at both their gaming tables and their machines. While there is no procedural requirement, removing stools from machines or coming up with other ways to social distance guests is required. Additionally, casinos must hire employees to monitor guests and ensure they are distancing.
At gaming tables the number of seats should be limited with a maximum of 3 players per Blackjack table, 6 players per Craps table, 4 players per Roulette table and 4 players per poker table. Additionally, casinos must have a plan for cleaning and disinfecting all items in and around the gaming floor.
Las Vegas Strip Occupancy Limits – COVID-19
Finally, the Nevada Gaming Control Board is implementing very strict capacity guidelines for Las Vegas Strip casinos when they reopen. Before a Nevada casino can reopen, their COVID-19 plan must limit occupancy to 50% for each gaming area according to local fire codes.
You can find all of the new Nevada Health and Safety Policies as released by the Gaming Control Board here.
Nevada Casino Reopening Regulations – Bottom Line
New Nevada casino reopening regulations have been released by the Gaming Control Board and they are fairly strict. As of now the soonest casinos in Nevada could reopen is May 15, 2020, however they have a lot of work to do to ensure guests are safe and that all of these regulations are complied with.
How do you feel about these new Nevada Casino reopening regulations? Let us know in the comments below!
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Okay, thats kinda funny, reopening?! how? they have been closed for way too long now
The date on the post is May 4, 2020. It was covering the announcement of when the casinos would reopen from their Covid closure. The date it was written and published as shown in the post all Vegas casinos were closed.
Things have changed a lot since then. glad i decided to stay away and just play online. hopefully there will not be another pandemic like that creatures Bill is talking about-I dont like him at all!
Why don’t the casinos just go online? I know it’s not the same but it sure is safer.
I work for a casino and this is wrong we are not ready to reopen, everyone knows that this virus is still out here and still taking lives, I haven’t heard a cure yet maybe I missed that somewhere. But scared and don’t want to risk my life going back to the casino just so people can gamble again it’s not worth it and we should continue to stay home until we get the world more safe to come outside. We are headed for a diaster an the covid is about to spread again killing more people. I’m staying home and quitting my job I will not face covid19 In the face if I don’t have to
I feel your concern but the thing is the world is always going to be dangerous and there will always be unsafe things out there. There will always be diseases and sicknesses that’s part of life. It’s just a chance they should let the public decide for themselves whether they want to take it or not imo And obviously employees are a concern for being at risk but that is why I’m sure a lot of cleaning and disinfecting will be going on.
Well said “enter at your own risk”. If you want to go to the casino and gamble then go if you don’t want to be around smokers, drinkers, obnoxious people then stay home. You have a choice!. Casinos need to open to survive and employees need to return to work. Don ‘t use your personal cause and agenda now , you can do that another time. Casinos need every one smokers, drinkers and gamblers. I don’t smoke nor drink, but I still love to go to casinos and play slots. So be tolerant so the casinos can try to open using the best guidelines they can to open., or stay home.
I am a craps dealer. People are shoulder to shoulder at a craps table. There is no way to social distance at a craps table or any table. This business is unlike any other business. The amount of people, employees and guests are in the thousands in one place for long periods of time for 24 hrs. The only other place I can think of is an airport. I think they should just wait to open a little while longer to wait and see what happens at other venues. Once they know it’s all good, open at 100%. This would be good for all. This way we don’t lose our jobs and benefits. I’ve been doing this for 25 years, am 54 years old. Where am I going to go to make $20/hr (that’s with tips) with benefits and 401k at my age. All I know is please, dealers only make $5.50/hr. They rely on tips. Please tip your dealer especially now. The stuff we’ve had to put up with is crazy. Coughing and sneezing either without covering mouths or in their hand then touch everything. Use bathroom and not wash hands. Pick nose right there at table. Pee and poop pants. It’s disgusting. Then the drunks and rude people. Now a highly contagious virus. I was always healthy, never sick until I worked in this business. Pnemonia, pink eye, so many infections since I got in this business. Sinus, ear, eye, chest infection. The flu spreads like wildfire and takes twice as long to get rid of it cause you’re around it all the time. You get a cold everyone has a cold and then it goes around again. No matter what, I need my job and benefits. If I have to work in all that I will. I have to.
I think this is all just too ridiculous. I’ve asked so many people if they know anyone or if they’ve heard of anyone with the Covid and they all say no. This is hurting all of us and I just hope it all gets better soon. I hope they figure this out. I would love to get out and see the casino’s open because all this is doing is making people go insane.
I was shocked when I learned that I was in close contact with my employer 48 hours before I underwent total hip replacement surgery….two weeks later that employers spouse’s passed from Covid 19. Within the following 2weeks that employer also passed from Covid 19. This past Monday I also found out that I had been in close contact with a coworker who was hospitalized 5 days later with Covid 19…thankfully made a full recovery. However, both other people who resided in that home tested positive but were asymptomatic. Had my coworker not required hospitalization we have no way of knowing how many others were exposed by those who were asymptomatic. Sadly, today, I learned that my other employer also passed from Covid 19. I live in Bullhead City AZ where most folks seem to believe that this is a hoax. I don’t know why or how I have crossed paths so many times with this pandemic but survived unscathed…I am grateful and cautious. This is real….like an invisible stalker….be careful, take precautions and stay home.
Well I enjoy going but I am a smoker and I too have rights so if you think taking away smoking will help think again. And how you gonna pick and choose who can come into a casino. Nobody hardly wears mask in some grocery stores now. I think gloves and masks should be worn by all and plastic shields between machines and 50 percent capacity they might as well stay closed open them separate machines. I smoke how can I wear a mask have even a drink of water or smoke a it will not happen so no more casinos. I love going to have fun meet people
You can not play poker with 4 players
Please. If you are afraid stay away. That is soooo easy to do. If you do go.they are open 24/7. Plan visits on off hours. Go to casinos off the strip. There are plenty and they are fine. Use a little common sense. If you are high risk don’t ho near a casino. This isn’t hard either. Low risk people need to get on with life. Herd immunity is real. Man has been around thousands of years. Vsccines? 75 years maybe. In summary, let those that want to live life live it. If you don’t wish to stay home. Trump, Fauci, your governor, or Bill Gates won’t kill you or save you. You are a fool if you think they have that control. Party on Vegas style.
I love Vegas but we have been overdue for change worldwide ever since the September 11th terror attack. I’m all for social distancing everywhere. I can’t stand people right on my back in the grocery store. They are so close it’s hard to reach in my purse to pay. At the casino instead of laying everyone off the management could have put everyone all shifts to work to clean and disinfect . Change will be great. All employees and patrons can’t enter without a mask and gloves. Clean all slots and chairs put plastic covers on chairs which would be easier to wipe clean. Put hand sanitizer thriughout the casinos. Health and safety first. People are not as clean as they look. Have attendants in all restrooms to remind people to flush and wash their hands
Going overboard ! Everyone might as well stay home and never go out. Spend 12 hours a day cleaning and sterilizing everything. I have never seen anyone so close to someone checking out of a grocery store they had a hard time frying their purse to pay.
I agree with this person it really is simple to do truth be told and people may look clean but who can be sure nobody that is for an individual to di
I think they should go with the dividers between slots and at the tables. I won’t go back while it’s the way they are planning. It’s not like the casino’s can’t afford to spent a little to get back their patrons. It’s just a shame that so many good people will be out of work.
That is true but plastic shields between machines and cover the machines chairs attendants in test rooms but personal hygiene should be everyone first priority through early years
I like the idea of divider between the machine if they can do this would great
If you open Laughlin people with the virus will come. If you I think this has all been BS then you are sadly mistaken.
Don’t you think these casinos that are making billions of dollars would have been able to reopen if this wasn’t for real? These companies have some serious clout! People never cease to amaze me…..
I agree Susan. Thanks for the enlightening message.
To all you loose that bitch about smoking get a life , Atlantic City stopped smoking inside and lost alot of business then brought it back , But it’s all right with alcohol after few drinks I need to listen to some dum ass drunk try to be friendly! Not , So in a nut shell Casion where founded on Drinking Smoking and hooker , open up
It’s amazing how many people are afraid of a seasonal flu with a death rate of less than 0.1 % ….the 2017 seasonal flu had a higher death rate . You people are all controlled by your damned tv, the propaganda tool of the world
You are so rite I agree with every word you said all this is , Population control you must obey !!!!! what a scam !!!!!!
Well said
You’re wrong. The mortality rate is much MUCH higher. We lost 61k to the flu last YEAR. We have lost over 65k in 2 MONTHS! The death rate in some areas is as high as 14%. You’re so afraid of drinking the koolaid that you’re ignoring real facts and putting yourself and others at risk by spreading false info and insisting you know more than 1000s of experts across the world. People are dying excruciating, sad, lonely deaths. I’ve had viral pneumonia to the point of needing a ventilator. It is terrifying to drown in your own fluids. Being afraid of this virus doesnt make you weak, it makes you smart. Fear is an evolutionary trait we need that has kept us alive. Those who adapt to new info and situations are the ones who survive. Those that insist on going back to the way things were will be the ones who get sick, spread the virus to nana and grandpa and Susan down the street who has lupus, and then some of them will die. A big portion of them. This is not a hard thing we ask. Stay home a little while longer, wear a mask when you go out, stop believing bullshit, listen to the thousands of drs nurses and researchers that are begging you to heed their words.
There is always trouble when people drink think about it .do you like someone sitting near you that smells like boss and swear alot i dont
Sorry smokers,looks like your air poisoning cigarettes and cigars in casinos is over…I for one could not be happier…we nonsmokers have had to put up with your obnoxious bullshite smoking if we wanted to gamble …good riddance…
Why is every acting like all people that smoke are obnoxious? Lol that’s a little dramatic I’d say. And I guarantee they won’t make casinos smoke free
Between these regulations and HERE union’s unrealistic demands, it’s going to be really hard for Vegas to survive. If Vegas fails – Nevada fails. Sisolak has been overwhelmed by this and panicked. Nevada needs new leadership.
The filthiest things in the casinos besides the corporate owners who could less about your health and especially not your financial well being are the cash and chips, as well as every table / dice / cards / slot machines etc. There is NO way any of the above can be properly sanitized / covid removed. The casinos have destroyed families, futures, education, and lives with suicide rates higher than drugs. They should never be allowed to reopen since the billions in casino profits are derived from you.
What about going to your room in the hotel these elevators are always seem to be packed .you can not expect people to walk up 24 floors of stairs.
Not good for Las Vegas. Lots of revenue lost which will result in pay cuts to tenured employees.The general public will not adhere to these new regulations and it will be a madhouse . COVID 19 will return with a vengeance and there will be another shut down . I see Las Vegas not rebounding and casinos falling like dominoes. Lots of ppl will leave Nevada and relocate elsewhere to find jobs .
This is definitely devastating for the Southern Nevada economy and so many families. I’m hoping for a quick rebound for everyone who relies on the gaming industry in Nevada and elsewhere around the country. It’s going to be different and it’s going to take time unfortunately.
Or the virus will die off in the Vegas heat and all will be well
I say enter at your own risk.
Exacly,if your worried about it stay home,but let the people who want to live life do so!
I live in the Laughlin NV area. There is not 1 case of the virus in Laughlin. It’s fine for some restrictions in casinos but I think their going a little overboard with the 50 percent occupancy. Their acting like people don’t know what there doing. We are grown adults and know about social distancing and health protection. Just get these Laughlin casinos open asap and give us something to do instead of sitting around on our butts. Laughlin area casinos are safe. Knock off some these uncalled for regulations especially in Laughlin casinos and let us have fun again.
I’m a dealer and they need strict rules in place. We deal to hundreds of different ppl in a mere hour or 2. They come in sick, poor hygiene, and stay forever..So it’s up to the casino to protect us. We can wash our hands All day but guests cough and sneeze, pick their nose, use the restroom and NOT wash their hands then touch the chips, dice, cards, slot machines etc… Its disgusting
when your casino opens u will see cases of the virus because people coming there will bring it with them!! look around, many people not practicing distancing or wearing masks, they should make it mandatory that people wear masks!!
Let’s just stop this whole whole thing even if you have the flu so what we open everything quit being scared it’s just like the flu
Eugenio…. just open business and casinos…ultimatly everybody will attach to the new rules…..LOVE VEGAS….
My sister and I go to Vegas every October for a week for sister bonding not this year I agree with all the restrictions but how do you drink with a mask on also we smoke how will that work.Hopefully there will be a cure other wise by by Vegas so very very sad
It’s going to be a huge adjustment for sure. 🙁
I don’t buy any of it! If you feel unsafe, stay locked up in your home, if you want to go, go. This isn’t about social distancing, disinfecting, smoking, mask wearing, gloves, etc… This is BS outside a hospital setting, even then how many times has one come out of a hospital with something other then the broken arm going in? Everyone goes to the store, gas stations, DIY stores to this day, but that’s okay right? All kinds of social distancing, yeah right! Put in some hand sanitizer stations, UV air duct equipment and let us who want to play, PLAY. After all life is a RISK, this one is no different unless you believe in all the hysteria!
I sure hope all the casinos are going to go smoke free when they reopen, if you have to wear a mask it would be hard to smoke and smokers are so dirty and nasty and they drop their ashes all over the tables and carpets on the floor and burn holes in the table games and the chairs and they don’t care about your health or theirs
Some smokers not all are disrespectful
I will not be entering a casino util it is teturned to normal. Fun adult entertaiment. Not controled terrible entainment.
Its not the covid-19 I drive a front line city bus in Reno nv. As many others do. We are never reconnized as front line workers. By RTC they collect the money and pocket it along with the huge amount of money the Fed gave them. Shame on them. They get front line pay and stay in the shadows. Take total advantage of all drivers and bus maintenance personal on the front lines . Shameful cowards.
The cleanest and easiest way to enforce any of this is just simply enforce a reasonable occupancy limit. BAM then people can adhere to 6ft easy. Now I’m not here to explain “how” every place will implement this..that’ll be on businesses. I’m just saying that’s the solve. Now if that’s too much (for those constitutionalists), then have it be a guideline or recommendation. People will listen… not everyone, but that’s why a lot of these models take into account not everyone is going to follow directions.
I live in vegas and have been here since 1985. You can not stay locked up in your homes because that will slowly make you lose your mind. You cant stick your head in the sand and think all flies and pandemics are going to disappear. We have four virus every year that hundreds of people due from but we have never shut down completely like this. If we gave to be on lockdown then I might as well be dead
Open them up. I’m a big boy. If I want to take the chance so be it. The govt has taken to many of our liberties already. If everyone quit smoking who would pay the enormous taxes paid by smokers on cigarettes? Govt would just tax something else at a higher rate. Maybe the toilet tissue you use.Roll the dice n let them open.We are adults n make decisions about our well being every single day. The govt wants to make them for you.
Vegas needs to open.shut down every other slot machine..people are smart..they know about social smoking in Casino..gloves and mask…you can’t stop 100 per cent..but it’s the best we can do ..We will get past this
People have no common sense. It should be called uncommon sense. They drive worse now speeding & tail gating during this pandemic. They won’t even give you 2 foot of space in at walmart or a buffet line. What makes you think they will give you 6ft of space at a casino? Good luck trying to stay open in a non smoking establishment.
Ant smokers still trying to control . If they take away smoking, then I want no perfume, aftershave lotion, poor hygiene, liquor, support animals also to be prohibited. Don’t use the Corona virus for your cause. This is just a start to get Casinos open and people back to work. Hopefully soon restrictions can ease and be back to some sort of normalcy.
I’m sure you’re not the only one! 🙂
Can you really make people be 6 feet apart on freemont street no way just think about the bars outside good luck .And how are they going to stop us from walking in the casino it’s a free for all down there I miss Vegas so much it won’t work Vegas will die R.I.P. LAS VEGAS
So wondering if they are requiring face masks? If they are what happens to the smokers? Besides that how can you drink ? Are they still having free drinks? How is that part going to work? Love Vegas but I think need to go smoke free to avoid people spreading germs . Or have a completely separate blocked off area for them.
I believe properties are planning to supply masks but I haven’t heard of any that are going to require people wear them. Some hotels have not announced policies though so that is still possible. These requirements don’t say anything about guests and masks since they only address employees.
I think that casinos should be alcohol free i dont like to sit near a person drinking and slobberimg all over people spit flying all over the place
We have a vacation scheduled in July we are looking forward to being there. I think the changes will be good but there again it’s a change and it safety for everybody and yeah it’s going to be different but we will get used to it going to be the new way of life until there is a vaccine
Vegas will not be the same, my husband and I travel there twice a year, we absolutely love it there%. I agree about the smoking, it should be banned, if they want to smoke go outside like every othe business in the United state has made a spot for them. I am upset about the news rules of the table games and slots machines, we all know that the spots t the poker , craps and roulette tables will go to the high rollers first before anyone else can. We are to travel there in October not sure we are going, just not the same without all casino open.
I think that casinos should be alcohol free i dont like to sit near a person drinking and slobberimg all over people spit flying all over the place go to a roped off area to drink we do not want to hear or see this
Vegas will not be the same, my husband and I travel there twice a year, we absolutely love it there. I agree about the smoking, it should be banned, if they want to smoke go outside like every other business in the United state has made a spot for them. I am upset about the news rules of the table games and slots machines, we all know that the spots at poker , craps and roulette tables will go to the high rollers first before anyone else can. We are to travel there in October not sure we are going, just not the same without all casino open.
I’m glad there are Strict Regs. Put in place for the Staff as well as guests So important! I love Vegas and Casinos but very Scarey with Covid virus. Pls keep up your Vigilance and I look forward to return soon.
Just get it open! I’ll take my chances.want to get there. Bucket list thing.
It won’t be fun anymore. Vegas will die
I will not be the same !
Vegas WILL NOT BE THE SAME!But I’m glad there is steps to keep people safe! This has changed the game everywhere …I also feel A
America should of been cleaner common sense stuff period!
I hope not
Bad move. To soon. President and governor said all jobs were secure. Stay home don’t worry. Now people will lose jobs and health insurance. This wasn’t the workers fault. Quote the president and gov. Now the big casinos will take advantage of the little people. Sad. Backstsbers
Iam with you I don’t work or gamble at any casino I live here for 28 years what has happened to Vegas should have never happened
Trump knew about this virus back in Nov he called it a hoax then when q person got it here all he’ll broke loose let’s kill America again from 1930 he screwed the American ppl over real good . I so hope ppl learn from this that you can’t trust someone that has filed bankruptcy on their own shit to if u cang tend to what you have how do I run a country by putting all of America out of work fucking dick. I feel so bad for all Nevada workers .
Under the new guide lines for table games why bother even reopening them just my opinion. As a table player I am not going to travel across the country to find no room at the tables. Are they taking slots out to have distance between them and what about the pools do they remain closed. I love Vegas but with the new regulations I will stay home and visit local casinos when they reopen.
They haven’t announced what they are doing, but casinos swap out slots all of the time and they are fairly easy to reconfigure. It’s unclear if they will add table space or remove machines or just close of portions for now. I expect they will try to adjust for capacity, but the real money makers are the machines so they dominate a lot of floor space.
Their fckd.
Between a 50% decrease space for games there will be less revenue, new rules people will have to follow which is not what people think of in Vegas or are likely to do well drunk, and employees constantly having to deal with the potential that they have to quarantine or be told they could be endangering loved ones working in that environment since there are so many people that come and go in those hotels.
I’m going to make a wild prediction but if Vegas wants to survive their going to have to make some truly drastic changes.
It won’t be the same, Thats what makes Vegas, my first thought is do I want to go now, I Love Vegas, but it won’t be the same,you take away from all of what makes Vegas Vegas, the beauty, shows, gambling, and the people (crowds), i was going back but i canceled for now, Still in my Heart I Love Vegas!!!!
I’m still planning a 2020 trip to Vegas at Christmas. I’m sure it won’t be the same as last year, but I still enjoy the environment. Fremont Street here I come!
Let’s hope Vegas continues to bring the fun even if it will be different!
Vegas will never be the same neither our lifes after Covid -19 , change is good if it pertains for our safety and wellbeing.
Hi I’m Melinda I work at harrahs casino in north kansas city I work in the hotel I’m scared to go back I have some suggestions. I think housekeepers should not clean occupied rooms only clean the checkouts housekeepers should only give those staying over new linens for them to change on their on. They can stick their dirty linens and trash in the hallway. I have a sister that works in a hotel and they started that system to keep the housekeepers safe until the virus slows up people travel I think that should be considered for all hotels please think about it and pass this on to all casinos and hotels even us at north kansas city harrahs
I too worry about KC casinos reopening I dont think they should until this is over completely.
I foresee mayhem en ensuing when the casinos reopen. Americans aren’t going to respect these new rules of limited capacity and social distancing on the gaming floor or elsewhere for that matter. Add alcohol fueled fights into the mix and “bouncers” who will have to implement these rules and there’s your recipe for disaster.
I think they’ll take it slow and try to identify any problem areas where they need to adjust policies. A lot of eyes will be paying close attention to what happens.
What about smoking, regardless if its pipes, cigarettes, vaping etc. I’ve never heard this being discussed. Those also spread airborne diseases.
I think any ban on smoking would probably have to come from health officials. I can say the gaming control board didn’t seem to mention smoking anywhere in the document.
They never said anything about patrons wearing gloves or masks. I agree with them turning off every other slot machine for distancing , and sanitizing machines etc, but 6 feet is a little much even the CDC has said that you can be in groups of 10. If you don’t smoke don’t sit by a smoker that is how it has been, and if you want to wear a mask wear one, it should be up to you. We need the casinos open, and smokers and drinkers are a big part of them.
I think hiring people to kind of monitor the social distance is a plus..wearing gloves spacing machines apart
They should get the electronic poker & blackjack
Tables the Ho-Chunck tribe used to have in Wisconsin Dells. No chips changed hands till the
Player cashed out. Plus the game went faster, more
Hands per hour.
With everyone coming from different parts of the world I think the corona virus numbers will sky rocket in Las Vegas….The 6 foot distance rule is ridiculous…People in the registration line will be extremely long and the restrooms also could be a problem….We do have to face the facts many more people will get the corona virus and many more people will die…
Are these new rules not prohibiting smoking? I cant imagine that smoking, exhaling, and dispersal into the air is considered not to be a factor in the spread of the disease as well as a disregard for the health of staff and patrons.
I say enter at your own risk.