Bank of America Overdraft Fees Class Action Settlement
Top Class Actions announced that Bank of America finally settled their overdraft fee class action for 66.6 million dollars. Approximately 5.9 million customers were affected by this practice and are entitled to reparations.
Related: How to navigate Bank Of America’s application rules.
Update 11/12/21: After YEARS we are finally seeing reports of payouts in the comments below. Sadly they are for amounts way smaller than the fees people were hit with. Most payouts won’t even cover the cost of a pizza unfortunately.
Who is Entitled
Anyone who was charged an Extended Overdrawn Balance Charge is entitled to this settlement according to the lawsuit. Bank of America charged this fee if the $35 overdraft fee was not paid within a certain time frame. The Extended Overdrawn Balance Charge was claimed to be an extra fee for the same thing, nothing new was provided by the bank.
Bank of America has agreed that they will not charge an Extended Overdrawn Balance Charge for at least 5 years as a part of the settlement.
The following people are eligible:
- If you had an account from 2/25/14 and 12/30/17
- And were charged an Extended Overdrawn Balance Charge at least once
RELATED: See If You Are Eligible For Any Other Class Action Lawsuits
How to Enter a Claim
There is no need to enter a claim. If you were billed an Extended Overdrawn Balance Charge you are already entered into the settlement. You will receive your settlement automatically unless you opt out.
The amount will depend on how many times you were charged the fee and the total number of people eligible.
If you have a BOA checking account the money will be deposited directly into your account. If you no longer have a checking account you will be mailed a check.
The exclusion date is 4/20/2018
Here is a link to the settlement’s FAQ section.
If you were charged one of these fees then this settlement is a good thing. I like the fact that you don’t need to submit a claim and that affect people are automatically enrolled.
These fees are big business for the banks and I am glad that they have been cracking down on them. It is part of the reason I don’t feel bad taking their money when signing up for $2400 in checking account bonuses each year.
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I received a whopping 16.90. I actually expected less than this.
I can do you one better, mine was .097 cents!
I got 3$
I got $7.57
I received $ 4.55 after they stole thousands from me BUT at least they HAD to pay
I got .91 cents lol
so update: I received 2 more in the mail. I guess it was one for each account. one for 4.55 and one for 26.43. So a grand total of 47.88. for all three. I can finally buy that can opener I’ve been saving up for(insert sarcasm) I actually was even expecting this much back.
I got a direct deposit for like $12 on Nov 1, 2021 from Farrell vs Banka. So I waited 3 whole years to get $12. Meanwhile all the attorneys will be taking vacations to Hawaii and buying new mansions. This is exactly the reason why I never join class action lawsuits and never will again. Total waste. Selfish f’ing attorneys.
Really?? that is not fear after you have been a part of the class action than got only $12. Not even enough for have a nice dinner.. I guess samething happen with me too
You were luckier than me, they deposited me $2
I got $7.57. Guess it beats nothing
I dont know how you are getting any money i got a card in the mail saying jan 2022
The notification you received is for the Morris v. Bank of America lawsuit. That hearing will be take place January 18, 2022.
Know I have to believed on the people who have bad expressions about the *abogansters* because that’s what they are, look where companies broken rules and start to get the information, real bad because they don’t care poor people, $”&”‘+&”-(!:: The $$ is for the people who are affected on the bank and they take it putos rateros
I received a whopping 5.48
Well here it is 2021 and still nothing and then I read lawyers want 6,700 an hour wth just get this shit done and over with will ya….
I know I don’t know why all these people are so worried about get pennies back. Do you all really have nothing better to do. I mean guys really you all have been going crazy over this for a very long time. Go find more important things to do. You are not getting anything back relax it’s only going to be a dollar something!!!!
Are there any news yet and they did it again to me for 2 years so what should I do???
Dont waste your time.. For this bullshit
Why are you all worried about this refund? Per the video on YouTube, Rachel Treatt’s attorney is arguing that the attorney cost are too high and as it stands, the class members are only going to receive $1.70 each. Google “Farrell v Bank of America, YouTube” so you can see for yourselves. Be patient and let Ms. Treatt’s attorney do/earn his job.
Those judges act like they don’t even know what this case is about. What the hell???
what a frigging WASTE of time!!!
Has anyone heard anything yet
Boy that money that is owed to us could come in handy now just saying This website worked for me this morning.
Suppose this is on hold for another year
I tried to check web site and it no longer exists anybody know what’s going on????
I thought it was my computer, I guess that explains it.
I was wondering the same thing. I looked on Monday and Tues after the latest court date and the web link is broken. Unreal after 2 years, can’t even get an update now lol.
This is the new update
UPDATE 3: The appeals to the Bank of America Overdraft Fees Class Action Settlement are still pending. Oral arguments took place on March 2, 2020. It is not known how quickly the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will issue a decision. It may take several more months. We appreciate your ongoing patience. Top Class Actions will continue to provide updates as we learn more.
I got to the website they are waiting to hear from the appellate court they had the hearing on March 2nd now they are waiting. Try the website again
This thing is never going to end. It’s just a back and forth every 3/4 months…
Well anyone hear anything yet? Its passed march 2nd
If you’re waiting for the lawyers and the judge to actually fight for you good luck. Because the lawyer’s are fighting for there’s no us and the delays that we are going through are done on purpose. Because the more this people delay this the better for them. not for if you really want to get to bank of America starting January the first there is a new law that is going to make it possible to file a civil lawsuit against them. For selling your private information. For example. If you have chargers in your bank statement’s that you don’t have no idea of who they are I’m pretty sure bank of America sold your information. Like me I was enroll in to ABC mouse.and I didn’t even know about it until I was of America never question it and they would use that to overdraft me until I call it to there attention. I also call ABC mouse. And talk to them.told them I was going to sued them they gave me everything that I needed to start a lawsuit against them for selling my private information to ABC mouse. And other entities. So far we have 1500 hundred signatures. From people that read what I was posting and found a way to connect with me. So we can actually shock the system from this corruption that is going between the lawyer’s and the judge. I also found out a whole lot of information about this judge. We are waiting for more information on the judge. The lawyer’s that you think are fighting for you. Wake up there not so if you want to actually do something for yourself I suggest you do your homework. And gather information. With this new law that going to start January the first you will be able to get this corrupt bank.and civil system. I also told you guys that this website is compromised. There is someone that is tapping in to website. To try to defraud us. they get our information. And send bogus checks to your house so you can go to your bank and cash it and buy them Walmart gift cards and send it to them. I know because that happened to me. Good thing I reported them to the FBI. They got everything that this people send me. So let’s unite like us been doing. I will keep updating. As I go I don’t want to give to much information. Not yet. I will give you guys the tools to do for yourself. Let’s not depend on fribulus lawyer’s and judge.
I would like to sue these people keep me informed
Plz send info thx
Thank you so much
I been waiting 2yrs.I haven’t heard got anything
either. How long do we have to wait. I need my money I’m an Senior-Citizen my only income is my Benefit and it not much. I hope you can find anything help us.
This is the update I saw on the website:
Update December 6, 2019:
The Appeal Briefing is completed and the case is being considered for an upcoming oral argument in Pasadena in March of 2020. There will be an update to the website forthcoming after the next communication from the panel.
This is a joke march 2020 then it will aug 2020 then dec 2020 then jan 2021 stop the bullshit
Seriously i want be positive and try to not be angry but this kind m.f. “GANSTERS” can use my rewards to get the bigers sex toy . this my crysmas gift
This abo”gansters” just ply whit us icant say what is my real opinion about them because they know the “law” so i hope they can read thi%#=÷×$#=%&_*/%:
It is now December what are they doing This doesn’t make any sense for this case to Continue to be DRAGGING SO DAM kind it’s REALLY HORRIBLE The JUDGE is just as BAD He NEEDS To STEP UP FOR US WE’VE BEEN WAITING TO LONG IT’S NOT FAIR
What in the World is going on with this Case Nothing has been confirmed everyday I’m looking Nothing
It’s really ridiculous that they are dragging this out so long and the lawyers won’t answer when you call got a stupid receptionist that don’t know anything
Seriously?!? Calling the Receptionist stupid? Did it occur to you that maybe he/she genuinely has NO PERTINENT INFORMATION to share with you or anyone else for that matter? Listen…I get your frustration. I get that you want answers—so do the rest of us. But degrading an employee of the law firm because you didn’t have your needs met in the form of a correct and legitimate answer…is hitting below the belt. Shame on you. Spit on the so-called counsel representing us if you must, NOT the person that answers your call. You really need to atone for your atrocious behavior, especially in an open forum.
Well said.
I believe we have to do a report on the news, probably they can help us because we are waiting for long time this it’s not right I do on channel 9 please someone have do the same
What’s going on? where the rest of the updates November 2019?
I believe by December we will here something.
Bank of America Overdraft Fees Class Action Settlement
By Top Class Actions
October 31, 2019
bank of america
Bank of America has agreed to pay $4.95 million to resolve claims that they deceptively charged overdraft fees on one-time, non-recurring debit card transactions.
The settlement will benefit consumers who had an account with Bank of America and paid overdraft fees on debit card transactions classified as recurring charges between Jan. 1, 2012 and April 6, 2017 made with certain merchants.
Eligible merchants include Lyft, Grubhub, Gett, Eatstreet, PicMonkey, Neighborfavor, AMI Entertainment Network, Seamless, Doordash, Postmates, and Eat24.
Plaintiffs filed their Bank of America overdraft fee class action in March 2019, claiming that they were wrongfully charged overdraft fees in violation of the company’s policies.
Bank of America reportedly promises in its policies to not charge overdraft fees on non-recurring debit card charges. Despite these policies, the bank allegedly charged consumers overdraft fees on non-recurring charges by wrongfully classifying the charges as recurring.
The charges were allegedly charged on Lyft, Grubhub, Gett, Eatstreet, PicMonkey, Neighborfavor, AMI Entertainment Network, Seamless, Doordash, Postmates, and Eat24 transactions despite these being non-recurring transactions.
Bank of America has not admitted any wrongdoing but has agreed to settle the overdraft class action against them by paying $4.95 million.
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Under the settlement, Class Members will receive a set payment amount for each overdraft they were charged on eligible transactions. Class counsel estimates that Class Members will get $17.67 for each overdraft fee they were charged.
No Claim Form is required to benefit from the Bank of America overdraft fee settlement. The deadline for exclusion and objection is Dec. 20, 2019. The final approval hearing for the settlement is scheduled for Jan. 29, 2020
I just saw this on my email
That’s a separate lawsuit. It doesn’t have anything to do with this one.
The website is not avalaible anymore.. Where we will get information?
I’ve been calling and nothing yet all you get is a message ..have you heard anything???
Another hearing January 20 2020
what happen there’s no update its a month already.
So yes the check came unannounced. All in all it was one of those scams, I was not expecting a check from anywhere you see. So it came certified mail straight to the door had to be signed for. Real check! 4,850….later on I get a text from this advertisement company that I barely remembered looking into, it was about advertising on your car for 500$$ a week. So I get the check they wanted me to deposit it and give all of it to the decal installers except for 500.00 which would have been my 1rst payment. So I start asking questions through text and try to call the number that was texting me they never answer, and long story short it was a scam to try to get to my bank account. Then other people told me they have heard of the same scam lots if times. I’ve never heard of this sort of scam before that. So yeah it was weird….
What i s going on with this Case I’ve never seen anything like this before Come on now this doesn’t make any sense at all Give Everyone What They Are Entitled To Which Is CASH MONEY
what’s up with the update the court should provide a date if its finalize alreadly…what she mean will how it progress that mean to say its not over for how may year this judger and class counsel attorneys are milking it…if the the class counsel lawyers looking for a county where they can prolong the case in their favor they called window shopping.
wtf! this mark oysterman taking about well here it is February 2oth and stil nothing we are already October 2019 who high something?
Any news yet?
Do anybody know what’s happening
This is the update on the website for those who haven’t seen it:
Update September 17, 2019:
The three objectors to the Settlement who filed notices of appeal have provided their opening briefs to the Court and Class Counsel provided their answer briefs on July 22, 2019. The optional reply brief was provided on September 11, 2019. The briefing is completed and we are awaiting the panel’s response to the briefing in order to decide how the case will progress.
Please be patient and continue to refer back to this website for the latest updates.
It takes 2-6 months
It’s been 2-3 years now
I need that money now…..
People, no one has received anything yet from this….it will be months before this is finalized. No one said it is final so just wait for update on BOA site. I’m figuring once it is final…about 4 to 6 weeks before payments are made….hope I’m wrong, but thats how thrse things usually go
I’m confused as well about ‘the panel’ part of this latest update. Are they referring to the objectors? The Judge? Whom? More strangeness in a case that has grown more and more bizarre over so much time.
What happens now I don’t understand this new update? Are they going to start dispersing CHECKS
Received my check. 89.95. Nothing written in dollar line. Doesn’t look cashable. Will try to cash of course. Is this a way to pay and yet not pay. Anybody else received a check like this.
Not me
So I’m guessing still no one hasn’t gotten any checks?
This isnt productive. Come on people Grow up.
Yes.did some one mention my name.danielle
That enough person too….
Yes madge is rude people have been posting monies they have received for a very long time now, that’s what this place is for….”feed back” whoever dont like it keep quiet or leave, bye!
I’m one of the 5 million bank of America customer and I will know W.F happened about the litigation , you know what? 3 years to the abogansters” take the from the bank another year to distribution started but F… Bank still charged for anything$35.00 it’s the reality pour life
You are rude. I did receive a 3.00 check. I researched it ND it was for an unfair fee not related to this issue. Grow up . Oh and your punctuation is poor.
You should check your punctuation and spelling before you criticize others, a period after every 2 or 3 words and also research before you post. Stop nit picking this is about the class action not English or grammar lessons.
It takes about 2 weeks for the BOA site to update. We still have a while
Wow how could anyone get any money which the case is not finalized or approved hoping we dont have wait long as we been waiting for a judge finally making of any .hope this will be OVER Soon.
Any updates?!
Any update?!
Doubt it.
Well let’s hope today is the day that is all done with…
Dang some of you people are just rude we are on here to able to discuss all of this, and give any updates to each other bounce questions off each other anything! If you dont want to be involved LEAVE! Nobody wants to hear your negativity
Sorry.clicked on wrong place… the above comment from me was to Danielle
This is so ridiculous why isn’t the media covering it??
IF your speaking of me being rude. Forget that im only speaking the truth….if common sense is rude to you so be it…People saying they got checks when its not even over is useless information..and wasted space with nonsense..
.so whatever
I just received a check from BofA. It was 3.00. It came in a envelope with no attached reason. Very strange. Was this the pay back?
Common sense would tell you no. Its still in pending status until Sep 11th
If its going to rain, can you fill a bucket of rain before it rains…
That was of poor taste danielle irene I don’t understand that you know that every one in here are hoping for a good outcome. That was wrong. You dildo stop playing around with this people. Thank you
Probably just a internet troll ..nothing better to do…
4000 ha ha you better maybe you had a long lost relative pass away.
So many negative comments, this process has bee long, and unfair to us ALL,
but we are trying to keep a positive attitude, and hopefully get compensation for BOA’s greedy cheating.
Yeesh, if you can’t say something nice…..
Nevermind something different! Sorry guys….but hey you never know it’s about the right time to start getting pay out! So don’t be so negative
@Danielle was it from BofA?
Come on now
I got a check delivered to my door today, over 4,000 idk where else it could have came from if not from this settlement I’m gonna look into it.
where is it from???
Well what dose it say on the check? People just don’t hand out a 4000.00 check with out something that tells you why.
Not holding my breath.
Lol, sorry but i could barley understand half of what you said..hope you read better than you write.
And btw i don’t like McDonald’s. I will get enough back to buy a pizza with 3 toppings ..Or maybe at least a hot and ready 5.00 pizza. LOL
Yes I will only get a happy meal for your DEBT but ACCOUNTHOLDER who paid money.going get all there INTEREST bk.To bad u cant read BOA briefing it state We will be providing millions dollars to customer EVERY ONE INTEREST IS LINE UP.SORRY U HAD DEBT THAT COULDN’T ADD UP TO ALL THOUSANDS I PAID GOOD LUCK BUT THESE FUNDS ARE STILL HERE AND THESE DEPOSITS IM STILL MAKING.GOOD LUCK TO YOUR HAPPY MEAL.
You can only dream that 66.6 mil will go to 5 mil people..dont forget lawyers fee….court….and other fees, im sure…and also not everyone will not get back same amount…some may of only paid 1 extended over draft fee while others may paid several…but min amount anyone will get back is 5.00…so going by that min 5.00 im thinking MAYBE people will get at least 5.00 back on every extended over draft fee….
Im not saying thats going to happen im just going by them saying no one will get less them im figuring least 5.00 back on every over draft fee. but no way will the whole amount be split between us….
thats why people are complaining because of so many extended court dates. Thats more going for lawyers and court fees..
Maybe you will get enough to buy a happy meal at McDonald’s
Gee, did anyone check the website? Guess what, it is now pushed back to September 11th, time to give this up already, no one is getting nothing
I dont know why ya’ll getting upset? We are not gonna get anything back at all. And even if we do its gonna be 6 bucks a piece. Yea they took our money but when it comes down to it we are the ones who dont know how to manage money and screwed ourselves. Face it people yall fighting a battle we cant win. So just sit back and relax, its gonna take forever to get our 6 dollars back..
Exactly when one says we don’t or didn’t manage our money please speak for your self if you feel that way, it’s you not us or we no one can speak for anyone else!
It has been like this for months theres really nothing you can do but wait.
Why is it that they’re quick to take and slow to give back what they STOLE BOA Lawyers Judge’s are all THIEVES getting they’re THIRSTY POCKETS FILLED WITH OUR MONEY IT’S ALL A GAME OF CHECKERS TO THEM this should have been over by now crazy case ROBBERY over and over again nothing being done about it !!!!!!!!!I’m Very Upset
BOA will update their website in about 2 weeks.
Has anyone hear about the case yesterday
This is truly a shame that the customer that truly deserve there money back with interest will more then likely see nothing.With not only the bank but the lawyers that suppose to be helping us line there own pockets
Yes, and it will take about 2 weeks for BOA to update their website.
So today 07-22-2019 the class action attorney who represent us have to provide the answer brief to the 3 idiots who objects and hopping our class action attorneys not delaying it or extend it….there’s no more excuses unless they just really want to milk millions of fee.
I do know that Suncoast bank is charging extended overdraft fees which are also $35 for insufficient fund fees and $35 for extended insufficient fund fees. I told my friend about it I don’t know that they’ve done anything about it yet or not but that is Suncoast Bank just thought I’d let you know.
I have had to withdraw money frim my account just to make it through the month and agreed to pay the NSF Fee of $35 however I called Customer Service and asked them to give me a courtesy credit and they agreed. They told me they can only do it twice a year but they have given me 4 or 5 this year alone and I’ve mentioned the lawsuit and they were more than happy to credit my account the $35 extended overdraft fee. So Hans you might want to try that
So july 22,2019 the class action attorneys represent us or the class action attorney have to provide their answer briefs cause the 3 idiot objectors maybe on cahoots with our attorneys have provide their opening briefs to the courts…our class action attorneys have receive an extension to provide their answer briefs.Hopefully the class action attorneys represents us should stop delaying it or milking the our moneys that was stolen or robbed from us by bank of America by to much fee like this extende fee.
$10 my ass!@ not everyone get it like me for more 2 yrs they charge me $35 for cash advanced and if I don’t give it back after 3 to 4 days they will charge another extended fee for $35…So now they will charge only $35 for cash advanced even if you $1 in your account and want to withdraw $500 they will allow it and charge you $35 only nomore another $35 extended fee until now still doing cash advanced and negative in my account by payday they will automatically withdraw from your account the $500 and the $35 fee.
At least u not getting charged the INTEREST extended OVERDRAFT fee…
I don’t think everyone charged extended overdraft will get it back. If your account was closed and you had negative balance, you probably get nothing. Some will get more than others, depending on how many times u were charged the extended fee. Lets hope this all gets settled and they pay out what little they have to quickly
If my math is right, we will get about 10 dollars each in this case. 6 million people is a lot of people. DO THE MATH FOLKS.
U obviously cant read the documents in case but I’m let u think what you want say .because its interest not everyone will get 10 as you think
You hot that right, I know I need it right now!! I guess July 22nd was last I heard.
Let’s see what happens then I pray,,July 22 will be something final.
Yes I’m hoping for the best
Now would be a good time for all blessings to be sent. I know we all need our funds, some more than others.
Oh I noticed I dont know who wouldn’t notice unless you have plenty of money. I just didn’t know I could do anything about it. Once it was out that they were doing wrong all along it’s only right that we get paid back and compensated for the hardship.
the problem the mainstream media don’t want to exposed bank of America and the rest of the big banks here in America cause they get paid for advertising the bofa,chase,wells fargo, etc. for there commercials.
Yes I agree, a lot of us have said that before but I dont know where to start and my guess is the rest of the people that mentioned media dont know either, but if we could that would be great! You know those greedy suckers would hate to be exposed! Smh maybe someone by chance could hook that coverage up!
It needs media coverage, anyone know how to start it?
face yall!! in your dreams $10 my ass! my mom from other lawsuit get more $2,000.
Face yall!!! We are never gonna get paid. And if by some chance we do its gonna be .10!!! Its a joke
I know right, there has got to be something class members can do about this whole mess, cause it’s so bullshit how those people are taking our bad situation and making big bucks off it….
How can we sue them??
It’s been over a year give up and just receive whenever it the check arrives because believe me it will not be what you all expecting. I just work for a income that’s guaranteed has latest update
Extension until July 22nd
Anyone know what’s going on?
How can we expose this to the media?
Well I guess Ms. enough you giving up the fight.
this need to be in the media news how this big banks like bofa reaping its customers big fees…they need to get exposed in every local news in America and mainstream media.
Yes, I believe it’s time to let this go.
What a shame to think they were actually getting ready to mail the checks right before these bastards decided to objecr. All that money is in the lawyers pockets now.
If I’m reading the documents from the objectors correctly, the objections will benefit class members in the long run (more of the settlement money in our pockets and less in the attorneys pockets). So, I support them and am grateful to them for continuing to fight for our rights. Sometimes we tend to let others fight our battles for us, then complain if the results are not to our liking. Anything to do with our legal system takes time, sometimes lasting years. Please be patient everyone, the monies owed to us will eventually make it back into our accounts.
Agree 100% with this. We wouldn’t have noticed this if we hadn’t gotten a letter/email, or wouldn’t have put in the efforts they have so I am very thankful.
It have been a update on the website they extended the brief until July 22nd. We could hang it up we not getting nothing so sad to say.
Ms. enough no more updates from your connection in sacramento CA?
Someone in a previous comment said they called the attorney’s office and was told there is another extension until July. BOA site has not been updated yet
It’s the banana in the tailpipe!!¡!!!!¡
Any new news yet??
Ms. enough any updates? so we could fight this greedy class action attorneys and the judge…I guess your right they doing forum shopping a questionable lawsuit and they take to court that they like so they could do whatever they want and keep delaying it so they could get more money or fees.
See I told you this greedy class action attorneys who’s helping us is extending it or delaying it for there own interest.
Good lord, I think everyone should just face the facts that none of us are ever going to see a dime from this and if we do, it will most likely be a couple of dollars. Absolutely ridiculous!
I called on May 25th I believe it was and spoke to someone at Creed and Gowdy Law Firm and was told there’s been an extension until July. So there you have it.
Photizo is you speak to the administrator please let us know what they said.
Thank you
Thank you, time to call the Administrator again
Thanks for the update just seeing
Are there any new updates
Thank you Celia for the update. Its appreciated.
There’s been a ruling. On a website called Docket Bird it says discrepancies in document, Judge Lorrenz rejecting document letter, non-compliance. That’s all I am able to see unless you pay to register on this website, I am assuming that the BOA site will have an update in about a week or so
No updates as of yet
What happened in court today does anyone know ?
I was wondering the same thing.
Remember the class counsel greedy represent us is due to reply to the statements to the appeal of 3 idiots objectors…hopefully couple days from now may 23,2019 is the class counsel attorney represent us give their reply to the appeal of the 3 objectors. So cross finger I hope the greedy judge lorenze make final decision cuase its been along time already unless the class counsel attorney represent us reschedule it again or delay it again.
Does anyone know anything new today
Class Counsel for us has until the 23rd of this month to submit their response, so no new developments yet. If the past is any indication, we’ll not receive an update on the eobc site much before two weeks thereafter.
They are called internet trolls for a reason, people. Periodically someone posts that they have “ …gotten a check”. Don’t take it seriously, especially if you’ve been following the developments of this lawsuit from the beginning. You’ll see these kinds of comments randomly and they are best ignored.
Exactly people are stupid. It’s not even completed yet and there like I got a check. Yeah ok how stupid can you be if it’s not finished how can you get a check for it. Think people think before you react and comment
Thanks ms. enough just keep us on updates hopefully your connection in sacramento will help us and listen to us…we’ve been waiting and frustrated while bank of America making millions every day but cant pay us this spare change and the greedy judge lorenze and the class action attorney who think is helping us is not really helping they are helping themselves to make money out of us.
It’s Annie Donnelly i never knew about this law suit and never got a penny back from them when they took hundreds of over draft fees
I also been waiting they asked for my bank statements like a month ago and they still have them and I no longer have Bank of America they have my statements from 2014 to 2017. And I don’t know why they would want my bank statements?
Good morning. Hans Austine,on response to your questions. I been reading the theory of class action lawsuits.a whole lot of information. For example we don’t need the signatures to start the process. Also.on Thursday after I posted the information I was having a little bit of trouble signing in.but I got in .I. response to the letters that I been sending. I send one to the bar association in Los Angeles. To see if the judge as any misconduct.s on he’s belt that we can attack. Also the lawyer’s. But somebody or some how I was not able to get any information but not to worry I have another good friend in Sacramento. About the letters that I was going to post I have to find another way of showing the letters to the one’s that are in i.m just been careful. That the other side don’t find out what we are trying to do. Also to check that this website is not been compromised. I.m also going to write to legal department at Sacramento. And i.ll keep you posted
Ms. Enough any updates regarding about the “forum shopping” or The class action fairness act 2005 if we could make this greedy judge and attorneys who works together on there interest only by delaying and not making final judgement.
how could you get a money when the class action lawsuit is still on going due to greedy judge Lorenz and greedy attorneys who represent the class action members are keep delaying it instead make a judgement now who know this 3 idiots objects are get to paid by greedy attorneys.
I see only one person says they got 125$ back did anyone else get any money from them my understanding it’s still in the courts hands WTF
People that claiming they got a check are telling fibs or the check was for something nothing to do with this case because has not ended yet and besides when people do really get checks more then 1 or 2 people would be posting checks back here….some people have nothing better to do with their time….
Damn! I just noticed and I did get a refund but it was from
Pantelyat v. BANA Class Action Settlement Credit – that was for around $125. I’m staying hopeful for this one!
I’m in too
I got some money back today. Around $125 bucks
Bank Of America are making millions or billions b ut cant pay this illegaly $35 extended fee…so the problem this attorneys and judge are the one who are benefiting all of this class action lawsuit now us.
Thank ou ms. enough keep us on any updates and we will support you…until now since 2003 til this present time 2019 I’ve been paying $35 i’m stil overdrafting and paying extended fee til now…I just want to get our money the judge lorenze and class action attorneys representing us is milking it and keep extending it for no reason we cant even get straight answer.
Hello everyone. Earlier I talked to mr Akin in Los Angeles I explained the situation that the class action attorneys and the judge are doing. By taking there time to settle the case and how there compensation for their work on the case was excessive. He talk to me about “Forum shopping “what is Forum shopping. You ask. He said that class action attorneys look for state courts that would allow questionable settlements so they could file their class action suit there and get what they want. He also told me that. The class action fairness act of 2005.could work for us.and give us the tools. Because it makes it much easier for defendants to move class action from state courts to federal courts it also prevents class action attorneys from “Forum shopping “and ensure a more consistent process …I have read a little bit more. On this I will keep you guys posted.
I just found out about this recently and I emailed them and they asked me for copies of my Bank of America statement which I sent them why would they ask me for the copies of my Bank of America statements which I don’t have Bank of America anymore. BankAmerica took $895 in overdraft just in one year does that mean that I will get that money back?
NO you will not get all that back..we will probably get 5.00 on every EODF seeing i read the minimum amount someone would get back is 5.00 so its my guess you will get back 5 on every over draft . You surely will not back all you paid in extended over drafts fees …no way not even close to it..and im just guessing 5.00 on every EODF may not even be that but you will not get less then a 5.00 check.
Let’s go after this charade legally
Right on! Just let me know when and what to do.
I agree the lawyers dont want to settle cause of greed they want a huge cut of what should be ours and they dont deserve penny’s of it. Bank of america took peoples money and we deserve to get it back with interest not penny’s on the dollar.
Hello. Every body. We need more of you guys getting into this. If we want to be successful at getting what is really pertain to us the customer that had to endure the overdrafts that bank of America was illegally charged on us.we where the one that have to pay those fees not the judge nor the so call lawyers that are supposed to protect the members of this class lawsuit…. I.m writing a letter to district judge. Lucy koh this judge is against hefty fees for plaintiff lawyers but not meaningful benefit for those harmed by corporate misdeeds. I.m also going to contact mr akin gump Strauss Haver&feld in Los Angeles. And get some information.on rule 23 .this people are specialise in this kind of situations in about how the amount of the settlement was reached and how, specifically, they’ll make sure every class member gets their share. I can keep on how.many letters i.m going to send and more.but I rather get to doing them and get this ball rolling. I will keep you posted. Also people we need unity. Because that’s one of the things that class action lawyer’s don’t like.for the class members to have communication.
I’m all in and thank you for getting the ball rolling. It sounds like your very knowledgeable and I appreciate it so very much. We need evwryone to come together on this. Unity so let’s show them we are not giving up.
I’m in too, thanks for getting this started
I’m in,, Add me Ramona Parker!!!!.
I’m in to.
Yes thank whoever you are its about time we don’t want this greedy judge lorenze and greedy attorneys take all our money.
Are we all in.if so then I will start the process. And start sending. The corresponding letter. To where they need to go. I will post a copy of the letters. For our viewing. I also going to write to the bar association in regards to the judge.and the lawyer’s. That the best place to get info.k
im in, this has turned into a fiasco! $$$$ has clouded the judgement….
Yes please let’s all stand together against this judge and greedy lawyers
Okey organize and we will sign it so this kind of baloney would stop…judge lorenze betrayed his oath he become greedy and on cahoots with the greedy attorneys delaying tactics more money on there pockets.
It’s time to DUMP BOA, people!!!
Oh yeah. Turn around & sue the lawyers & judge huh?!! Why didn’t we think of that soon enough lol. Since they wouldn’t even have this case if not us!!!
Not for the proceedings but we can collect signatures.1500.hundred or more send it to the California board of accountancy together with a letter explaining addressing our concerns. And how is not fair. That this lawyers. Together with the judge. Are time wasting. On our behalf.we the customer are the ones that had to endure all of this thievery. From bank of America. Not the lawyer’s. That used any kind of excuse to make us wait. To enrich there pockets. After we send that letter than we have a complaint number.after we get the number we can file a lawsuit.on the judge. And the law firm that is supposedly. Fighting for !OUR RIGHTS.for mental distress.
If y’all chill & don’t even think about b4 you know it we gonna get a check of at least 1,200 lmfaooo so just chillax
What a joke. Cant all of us file a petition against these proceeding??
Does anyone really think that BOA is ever really gonna pay anything? The delays are tactics to drain more money out of the fund. The lawyers will make sure no one gets any cash. Debt forgiveness is all that will actually be given to those who still owe extended overdrafts. The rest will dissapear and the ones who still have accounts open with them will get 10 to 20 bucks…that’s it
Face it people we are not going to get anything back! I really do pity the people that thought we were going to get a large amount
See this greedy judge lorenze keep delaying it his on cahoots with the greedy attorneys with no explanation its overdue already april 23,2019 now extend to may 23,2019 what the hell next time delay it again and again.
Thought it was 4/23 not 5/23?!!!?
There’s a new update on the eobc website that its delayed until May 23rd
Are they serious so now we dont get another update until May 23rd i give uo this is ridiculous
Thank You for the update
Class counsel’s answers to the brief are due extended on april 23,2019. hopefully this 3 idiots objectors used to be 2 should not objects no more so we could get our money…instead of this crook and greedy judge Lorenze and this leeches of attorneys who get the benefits by keep extended the lawsuit just for there benefits…so hopefully this greedy judge lorenze will make final verdicts its overdue already and Bank of America making millions but cant pay this illegally extended fee from us.
Ok anything new with the law suit???
remember barney frank,ben shalom Bernanke,henry Paulson etc. they on the side of bank of America and the rest of the banks who lost billion because of there greed and incompetent… they just change name like wamu now chase they just change names so people will not remember them they think people forgot…banks controls the world the globalist they make billions ot trillions for profits especially recessions and wars and illegal fees they add up.
bofa own by Rothschild family who own the federal banks that’s why the housing buble 2006 so on they get bailed out and its to big to fail that’s why they rather let the more American homeowner to be homeless or loss there home rather than the bank of America… it was ben shalom benanke is the fed chairman that time and we all know banks knows the loophles they lobbierd they favorite politicians for there interest that’s why they get away like this robbing American by paying more fee to them.
BOA will never change unless people, in a huge way, stop patronizing them. If nothing else happens positively on our behalf, I at least hope everyone will rethink their decision to bank with them. They don’t deserve it. I hope they fail disastrously one day.
As I look at this, what I am seeing, these Lawyers and Judges will drag this on until there is no money left for anyone but themselves. So, what they are saying to me is I can rip someone off and never pay them back. After this is over I will be changing banks, maybe just going to cash only basis and start to do the same as this bank and lawyers do. Take the money and run, because I don’t have to pay you back the amount I took and even if I do, I just have to pay less then what I took from you. BOA, you will loose in the long run because people do talk. Right now you have us under your thump, but one day you will be asking for help again from the Government and the People. We will not be there for you, so one day BOA you will be in the lose and we will win. Time will be on our side. ALL I WANT IS THE MONEY THAT YOU TOOK ILLEGALLY, just as if you paid off a mistake we made, you will take the money that the mistake was for along with extra for something that a computer did and never cost you a penny to really have someone to work on the actual process to pay it for you. We are charged more than it really cost, so MAN up and do what you do to others and make the fee payments as you charge others to pay. WHEN THIS IS OVER AND SO ARE YOU TO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!. No more payments or interest to you.
And to think they were getting ready to send out the settlement checks in September or October when these idiots decided to file the appeals. We may not have gotten a lot out of it, but at least it would have been over with.
This is BULL SHIT I have never been so disappointed in a bank until now… better of playing the lotto
WOW THIS IS CRAZY !!!!Never heard of such Madness in a Case in all my life
So…I just read the update and I’m somewhat stunned. When, exactly, did a THIRD objector get thrown into the mix? I’ve been following this lawsuit since inception and this is a mystery.
It’s quite true that no one should be completely consumed by the possibility of major recoupment. Go on with your lives as though their was never an announcement that you might be entitled to benefits as a result of this latest BOA atrocity.
I am grateful to everyone here just the same—because, let’s face it, this IS about us in part. You guys have become an awesome support group you might say. And, in the end, people are all we each have.
It’s also painfully clear that we each have better odds at winning Powerball or MegaMillions than we do of timely, meaningful reimbursement of extended overdraft fees. What a horrific joke this has become. ☹️
Not being mean but people should just go on and stop thinking about this. Ya ya its the point and they are paying maybe not what we like but other things more important. Well in my life right now.
As i remember reading way back that the least amount some1 would get is 5.00 so my good guess is that, they have got it figured that maybe 5.00 refunded back to you for every E-overdraft you incurred. So probably like 25.00 back if you were charged EXTENDED over draft fees 5 times. Im just guessing thats how they are going to payout, because of the min of 5.00 payoou And i very much doubt every1 would get same amount back…that would very unreasonable…….
I say – don’t even wait for it anymore. There’s nothing left in it for us!!!!!!! All hope is gone, thinking we going to even see a single penny. It’s all a joke – we all got duped. :((((((((
it used to be 2 objectors now become 3 objectors what the fucc going on did the greedy judge and attorneys extended it…they are on cahoots with each other they want the money to themselves the judge and attorneys what a greedy assholes!
Sounds about right.
Posted 03/14/2019. The three objectors to the Settlement who filed notices of appeal have been given an extension until March 25, 2019 to provide their opening briefs to the Court. Class Counsel’s answers to the briefs have also been extended and are now due to the Court on April 23, 2019. Settlement Class Members may periodically check this website for further updates.
Wow Thank You for the update, I’m not even looking forward anymore they are just dragging this out instead of doing the right thing, pushing for more money for themselves seems we don’t matter much Smh
New update on Eobc website looks like we will be waiting until the end of April for an update guys
Thanks, Jasmine.
Appellants’ optional reply briefs are due within 21 days after service of the last-served consolidated answering brief. – This to me means that the ones who Appealed have 21 days after the response to the appealed has been filed. So I don’t think anyone will see any answers until next Month (April) if we are lucky.
It won’t allow you to download the document unless you pay $9.99
I think what your referring to is copies of transcript you can purchase. You dont have to pay to read thou.
Thank you!
I Only use it for the information and o see what is going on.
This site usually have information before the BOA site –
thats old infirmation, the last 2 objectors & 1 was from Mark Gullickson which i stated in a post had his objections dismissed cause he didnt show up.that was back in Oct sometime
spell check…Meant information
You have to pay $10 fuck that!!
Because there is nothing to update. There is no ruling yet. Feb. 25th was just the Class Counsel submitting their response to the appeal. I think the court has 21 days from that date to make a ruling and then of course it will take about a week or two for BOA to update their site.
Why hasn’t BOA updated their site yet Big Mystery ????
No, they didn’t. If you look back through the posts, someone called the courthouse and was told it would be I believe 21 days from the 25th of Feb for the ruling and then who knows how long it will be after that
I believe nothing i dont see, If i see i still have doubts.
why not give more info or link you saw it at?
Sorry my tablet or something messed the reply above was for Shelia, couple post above. About saying seen payouts would be sent end of March..
But to your post … this may give idea how quickly they pay after all settled..while looking up updates. I seen where BOA had class a action, a few years ago that was settled..was about veteran’s and loans they took out and how BOA had hidden interest charges…anyway so happens that class action was over with in FEB at that time also and payouts were sent out in March the following month. So maybe soon!!!
Did BOA update their site never seen anything like this before SO QUICK To TAKE SO Slow To Pay Back and Don’t Respond To Anyone
Thanks for the info. I sure hope so, whatever the amount is.
I read settlements will be paid by the end of March.
thank you Jasmine for the information. At last we got an update instead
of all this negativity. No one is going to get rich on the settlement, and yes, we will probably get a small amount. Its more than you had before the lawsuit was filed, whatever the amount is.
Thank you Jasmine for the update. At last we got some worthwhile information, instead of all the negativity.
I don’t foresee getting any money or awnsers until May…thats if we even get anything!!!!!!
Yes, and then of course it will probably take about a week or two before the BOA website gets updated, so let’s figure it will probably take until around the end of the month or beginning of April until we find out anything.
Thanks for the info!
I googled the court phone number and called I was informed it would be 21 days from the 25th before there is a ruling
Does anyone know what happened in court on the February 25?
That’s for sure they need to do much better than this! And the waiting game is getting bad….of course we want them to have to pay us our due we dont want them to get another penny for free. The only thing we can do is cash the checks we get just to make the wait worth it smh
Due to recent Government shutdown there may have been delays in areas concerning this settlement…
You guys need to contact eobcsettlement by writing or in writing there address in oregon and us what’s the final verdict and why you guys dont have customer service no person can call and talk too…its all recorded bs! they get paid through our settlement money they could do better.
No updates as of yet. It’s very much awaiting game—just as before.
Has anyone heard anything about February 25,2019 what happened in court I haven’t seen anything
The $5,000 settlement amount is just for the class representatives, which are those few who brought the lawsuit, the rest of us will get peanuts. You have to read through the documents listed on the BOA website, it explains everything.
You’re right, it’s been 5 years and you’re still counting on the money they took?? When I got the 1st one I said screw BOA and went somewhere else and have been happy with a local bank for over 5 years now.
For your information Cris it doesn’t matter what they give us we deserve to know something and get something we didn’t ROB anyone those Thieves ROBBED us OVER And OVER I can’t even remember how many Over Draft Fees they Charged me with 4Years worth but how many times does any of us really know???? It’s 2019 it all began 2014 hello
I don’t care what they give us back, I just want something after all the times that happened to my account as long as I don’t walk away with 0
I hate to say it, but I think you are right. We are going to get peanuts, probably $30.00.
You act like they’re going to give you hundreds of dollars, you people need to get real and come back down to reality.
Agreed…. happens when it happens. No one knew they would of had money coming back from BOA and were fine with it paid their over draft fees and moved on, not knowing someday they would get money back from those illegal fees. Best just to go on and stop complaining about it, the post here they all look alike. I come here to look for possible updates (here and there) but not everyday. And i have to sift thru the same ole same ole. I understand BOA did wrong and need to pay but everyone knows how long these things take. And BTW if I’m wrong tell me but the last 2 objectors were regular members of this class actions. Was about the lawyers fees and one of the objectors Mark that filed in one of the objection never showed up so it was canceled/dropped, that was a waste of time probably month n half…Theres to much complaining in this ….should be used for more informational post….. Everyone knows how to waah…
Come on now this is Ludicrous I’ve never seen no carp like this in my life what’s the freaking hold up !!! No Updates Nothing like we don’t need our Money You were QUICK to take it Now be QUICK to give it back !!!!!
I was a part of one of these lawsuits and I wasn’t even aware of it.Apparently by just applying for a trucking job, I was part of a class action suit and got ove 800 dollars.But it does take time. Be patient.
I also heard that the top amount for this suit that ANYONE can collect(besides the lawyers) is 5000.00 depending on how many times you got banged by BOA.- good luck all-Ged.
Takes forever for the website to update.
Well here we go STILL waiting for OUR money but God forbid we are late on something….wth is taking so long?? We should of had our money by now!!!!!!!!!!
I know, and it takes forever for the BOA website to update.
This is Ridiculous BOA is the Worst !!!! This situation Has Gone To Far Just Give Class Members A Big Chunk Of $$$$$ We’ve Been Waiting Long Enough We Deserve It !!!!!!
When will BOA tell us about our refunds waiting game is horrible
Im wondering the same thing
Still NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOA Website has not been updated yet. Last time it took about a week before they updated it.
Any new update?
Staying hopeful. Speaking positive affirmations, for the best possible outcome for All of us who have been affected by these outrageous fees.
May we all be well compensated for our sufferings.
Any Positive News Yet ?
Okay – I just read over all of this. Look at the history of this country. If you are middle class or lower you just get the raw end of the deal. Look at the cable companies, the internet, the electric, your rent, car loans and even your taxes. Let me ask, have anyone in theses lower income bracket (Not Rich) ever in history had ever got the great deal in your life. I don’t think so. Remember when the banks was in trouble, the government was there to bail them out. When you are in trouble and need help, who is there? No one but your own family. When will anyone look at the middle class and lower, no one. We are the one’s that everyone makes the money from and this is backed up by all government officials, rather it is republican or democratic, they will not help but the rich and the one’s who they want. Now, look at the realistic form of this. If it was not for the middle class or lower we will not have the people above middle class. One year General Electric paid nothing towards taxes, I am stating an amount of 0 total, but most middle class and below paid more then 5,000.00 total which was more then half of the federal taxes received. The bottom line is, will you receive your money back like they would expect you to pay if you was behind or got into a little problem? The answer is no, you will not, but if you robbed someone one some money and you was caught, they will make you pat them more then you took. What this is showing to me is I can steal ?100,000.00 from some one and just give them back 100.00 dollars, this will make it okay? No, they will not allow someone who is middle class or below get away with this, but if you are rich, this is okay. So the bottom line is, we the middle class and below pay for services that they offer and we are the one who suppose to appreciate them and say thank you for letting me pay you instead of them saying thank you for your trust in us and we appreciate you for pay our taxes or our income, but “we will not give you the full and 100% of the product that we told you that you will get”, instead “we will laugh at you and take all your money and there is nothing you can do”. LOL they got us, will LMAO you lose.
It hasn’t been updated since December what makes you think they are gonna update it now we all know we are only gonna get like 5 bucks they stoled our money the lawyers got it and we get shit. .now it’s gonna take another month to even get that…
It hasn’t been updated because there was nothing TO update prior to now. The appeals process was underway. There should be new information forthcoming with regards to those appeals soon enough. All any of us can do is remain patient and be hopeful for the best possible outcome.
Not going to hear anything today. BOA website takes forever to update. Check the open-public-records website shown above.
Hoping for a great report today lets keep each other updated if any news develops
Got my fingers crossed!
Yes let’s pray for a miracle! I’d be so shocked if we did come out of this with dollars instead of cents! But hoping for the best!!
Yes, but of course it will probably take about 2 weeks for the BOA site to be updated. I am going to try checking the other site tomorrow:
Have a great day!
Today’s suppose to be The Final Day of this Madness So Sick Of This Thievery From BOA Lawyers Judge Please GOD Let It Be Over And Done Prayers Go Out For Ms. Farrell And Class Members Today $$$$$
Hang on, Jessie. One way or another, we’ll know something soon.
im deaf and can’t hear on phone, still waiting for my money.
So can’t wait fir this to over
So will this be the final update on the 25th? I really hope so this process has been very long
I’d hope so. The Appeals process should be fully resolved given the date (25th) specified on the eobc settlement website.
The only thing any of us can expect with certainty is an update AFTER the 25th of February, as this is when Counsel for Class Members must provide its response with regard to the appeals.
Is this the last and final with this madness on the 25th I sure hope that this case is DONE and we can collect whatever is left after those GREADY LAWYERS AND JUDGE ROBBED US FOR I Pray to GOD we will Get a Good Amount for the STRESS they put on Joann Farrell and Class Members $$$$ Belongs to us
The website says the same thing it has said since December. The plaintiff attorney has until the 25th to respond to the appeal.
Typo hear
It would be nice to at least here what’s going on
When this type of shit happens sometimes people just get a check for change literally CHANGE! A waste of paper and postage and cashing!! A bunch of bullshit….so yes people the ones in charge up there are sitting pretty and we THE people are left completely out of the equation. So when those class actions start up they start getting happy cause they know they will get the big money! Smh
Still Waiting For These Thieving Lawyers And Judge To END This Madness 5 Years And Counting We Will Get Kibbles & Bits So Sad Our Hard Earned Money Robbed In Plain Sight !!!!!
Do not expect hardly anything from these blood suckers. Both sides have sucked up massive amounts of attorneys fees and “expenses” at rates that the mafia would be embarrassed to extort during their glory days. Now that the till is almost dry and they have used all their shameful court extension, maybe a conclusion is in sight. To whit, I suggest not having high hopes on a codegra of big bucks in your (our) pockets. That money is already in the pockets of all the lawyers my friends. Nonetheless…relax and hope for a little and maybe for a ONCE we will be totally shocked and the good guys and gals are pleasantly surprised with a sweet little settlement we weren’t expecting.
Both sides have sucked up massive amounts of attorneys fees and “expenses” at rates that the mafia would be embarrassed to extort during their glory days.
OMG…now THAT was a good response!
They keep us waiting & waiting & waiting. I’m just fed up with it now. Not looking forward to it anymore – I’d be surprised if we even get anything worth or time waiting for!!! Probably not even worth it. It’s just another rip off for us – the only ones to benefit are the greedy lawyers….plain & simple.
Hey gang, it’s Andrew! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and may 2019 be a beautiful one for you and yours.
Haven’t been here in awhile; checking out the latest developments (or lack of). I’m guessing per the eobc website that it’s unlikely we’ll have any news much before the end of February if my understanding is clear. Steady as she goes, folks. Continue to be of good cheer as best you can. We’ve each endured this nightmare—or is it a travesty?—this long; we can get through this together as we’ve done in the past.
Hang tight! The journey is almost over, no matter what the final outcome. Love & peace to all!
fucc that judge Lorenz he betrayed his oath his just as crook as the lawyers just want for there best interest and greed.
Update December 4, 2018:
Following the Court’s Order granting Final Approval of the Settlement, two objectors to the Settlement filed notices of appeal and their opening briefs are due to the Court on January 25, 2019. Class Counsel’s answers to the briefs are due to the Court on February 25, 2019. Settlement Class Members may periodically check this website for further updates.
No I’m hoping we all get a suprise. Last I heard was I believe we suppose to in Feb or March let’s see what happens
Nope haven’t heard anything in soooooo long! I hope they dont think we dont want our money!! Lol
Anybody heard anything yet
Well after all this time we may as well wait and hope for the best, but I highly doubt the judge will change his mind he was already allowing the lawyers to receive that $$$$$$
more than $7700 per hour of work on the case. They requested fees of $16.6 million while their claimed lodestar is only $1.4 million. The alleged lodestar itself appears to be overinflated meaning that they are asking the court to award them between 11 and 18 times the value of the time they spent working on the case. At the same time, class members recover less than 10% of the potential value of their claims. On behalf of a class member, CCAF is objecting to the windfall fees requested by class counsel.
Proceedings & Orders
This is the worst case I’ve ever seen Joanne Farrell is in Heaven looking down shaking her head with disappointment in Judge Lorenze BOA Lawyers included she put in a good fight to STOP these people and her Family and Class Members have got NOTHING DAM SHAME United States Court System SUCKS where’s The Justice Greed Is All Over This Case
I was just involved in a class action lawsuit involving Lia Sophia jewelry. It was a 7 million dollar lawsuit and i recieved a check for $16. I purchased over $300 worth of jewelry and still i get a measly $16. I almost didnt want to cash the check to tell them “hey fuck off i dont want your pennies”
But i was broke so i cashed it. Lol
I learned my lesson not to believe it will actually get anything now from this one either. And even if i did get a few pennies im sure its going to he well after march 2019
No need for the language
I thought this would have been over long ago. Tooooo bad we dont get more money back the longer we wait…..
Isn’t that something. that the lawyer’s that brought the lawsuit forward are getting paid better than the customer’s that the bank.defrauded .how is that possible or is it that the bank is working together. With.just saying. This people that brought this forward should not gain more than the people that borrow. Pound there valuables. To paid those overdraft. I just don’t get it.
Thank you L.R for the update.
Update: Dec.4th..2 appeals have to be received by the end of January. Court to address February 25th.
When will we get something?
These things usually take a while. Sometimes years.
The judge of this lawsuit is greedy as those attorney especially judge lorenz he betrayed his oathe and become greedy judge just for the money too.
I agree also that if we knew how to better manage our money we wouldn’t be on the site….however, just because we have mismanaged our money does not mean that giant corporations like B of A get to take advantage of that and get rich off of our inability to manage our money…
Looks like we may not be getting anything until March
The eobc has been updated go check
Me as well I still Bank with them since 2013
Thanks guys, and Maria & madge that’s what we are all here for, to talk about it!! Happy holidays☃️
Someone please keep me informed I am definitely a member and I kept my checking account all this time
Don’t lose faith. God is good, all the time so whatever is in the dark will come to a light. So let’s continue to pray. Amen to that and enjoy your holiday.
I think there’s about 4 law firms involved in this., Surprising why we will get so little.
*how many lawyer’s does it take to SCREW IN a light bulb…
4? One to hold the light bulb n 3 to turn the ladder.
Anyone else?
I got a refund last night of $35. It said “Overdraft Protection fee refund 5/2016”
For one, it’s not settled yet. n2 you would not of gotten 35.00 because no one will get the full amount of an over draft fee, you would get a portion of it. If you had say 6 EXTENDED over draft fees you would not get back 25×6 which would total 150.00, just a small portion of that. Lol there’s only gonna be small amount left for us time all lawyer’s fee n other fee paid…Also 35.00 is the initial regular over draft fee. 25.00 is the extended over draft fee with this class action is about. So no way you got 35.00 . Anybody with only 1 extended over draft fee would only get a few dollars… Of that 25.00 probably would only get the min of 5.00. You get nothing back on regular over draft fees
Well, I was just telling you what mines stated. That is why I put it in parenthesis. It has the month and year. Just seeing if anyone else had received anything. I am not trying to cause any confusion. I agree with you about the amount we would be getting after the lawyer fees.
Have a great day.
I notice you said over draft protection fee. I’ve never used that before but isn’t that where you link another bank acc ect, IN case you over draft your acc so they take the money from a linked acc somewhere. To protect you from a over draft fee? Guess I’m confused now, not sure what check that’s from An over draft protection fee has to do with this class action..guess I’m missing something.
Maybe. I’m thinking it’s a refund from a fee you paid because you over drafted because your acc at bank didn’t have enough to cover a transaction so.They tried your linked bank acc (over-draft protection (a service they offer) and couldn’t get it because no money or not enough in the acc either…So you were charged 35.00. But maybe was a mistake on their end where they took the money out and said they didn’t or a glitch something but looks like they found a mistake and sent you a refund check from that don’t know thou just guessing that could be reason.
I know I’m writing a post not a book….but just wanted to be clear in what i was saying. Have good Christmas Holiday.
Hoping for new information if anyone has some.
Happy Merry Jingle Jingle
Sorry if I missed you
The judges & lawyers are probably enjoying their share already & laughing away at us pee-ons…..when it’s because of US they are getting a huge portion!!!!
The term is called “GREED” lol!!!
Exactly, I feel the same way.
I wouldn’t even wait on it anymore!!!! Useless now. It’s been dragged on too long, they eventually want us to forget about it. SMH!!!!!!
Honestly I believe that money is tied up somewhere and we aren’t gonna see that money for quite a while, and when we do its gonna be very little….smh…..we can flood the attorneys with calls again it might get a little Info this time it’s been awhile!!!
When are we going to receive compensation from this madness I need my cash now
Exactly how long is this supposed to take? Last info was on Sept 26.
Hey guys, I guess we’ve all lost hope huh? Has anyone tried to call attorneys lately? This week might be a good time now that the holiday is up!
Happy Holidays, no news in a long time!
Happy Holidays..Any Updates, New information anyone?
Thanks to Ms. Farrell for her insight. May she Rest in Peace!
And so we wait!!!
Wow These lawyers that represent us are worse than Bank Of America they’re crooks and live off class member actions no justice for us with lawyers like them can not believe them crooks!!!!!
BTW if anyone would like to read about the …OBJECTION of Rachael Threatt …that was the OBJECTION of the lawyers fees you can see it here
scroll down some where it says
Proceedings & Orders
Apr 20, 2018
OBJECTION of Rachael Threatt
Click…OBJECTION of Rachael Threatt
A lot to read but interesting
Just hang in there folks. These things take time; doubly so with the appeals process. In the interim, all any of us can do is go on with our lives as before. Take heart! 🙂
I just want it to be over 4 1/2 years is a bit much and BOA is still doing over draft fees people are in dept behind all this mess I PRAY TO GOD That Ms Farrells Family and All Class Members Get A Great Payment We’ve All Suffered Long Enough Judge Lorenze & Lawyers how do you sleep at night letting this Case Drag On this way !!!!!!!
Extended over draft fees EODF. Pretty sure you may Know that but some ppl are confused and think it’s if they over drafted a transaction n was charged a fee. Well they gotta pay that. It’s only when they charge you a fee a 2nd or 3rd time, up to 4 times EODF’s for that same transaction .
But anyway if you were ROBBED by the crooks you would of received a card thru the mail, but things get lost or sent to old address if you moved and it was never updated at BOA because you may of no longer had an acc with them.. so if you didn’t get a card and don’t remember if you were charged for eodf’s you can call and ask if you were sent a card….just a suggestion
Only saying the above in case some people don’t know plus I’m bored
Absolutely I did get a card in the mail. You can tell those that didnt as I’m reading the post seems a little upset..the negativity
Right it’s so frustrating they have gotten away with it for years! It’s time they pay it back and you are exactly right its caused hardship on lots of people, for some by the time the fees stop half of the direct deposit your expecting is GONE. Like I’ve said we have paid our fees/dues 5× who know maybe more! Any judge can see the wrong they have done, it’s just a shame they dont stick it to em!
I was beginning to think you all gave up! Yea agreed we all over drafted some times by choice and some times the banks arrangements! But like I’ve said before we’ve paid our dues ×2 so we want it back. Best believe if the shoe was on the other foot bofa would have got that $ one way or another!!
Amen !!
I Hear you but the point is when accepting the Overdrawn the fee was suppose to be imposed ONCE BOA continuously added on another 35 dollars like every 7 days or so, when agreeing to the overdraw, it never told anyone that. No one knows anybody’s situation so I wouldn’t judge anyone so yes people are entitled to the money back & yes I Can say I can’t wait because I am owed. No matter what, they were not Honest!!
Its funny, none of us would be here if we knew how to manage our money!! Its our own faults for over drawing our accounts. Now everyone is complaining about getting money back. Only time that I hated when Bank of America would overdraw my account for the monthly service charge because I didn’t have direct deposit or have a minimum balance. However, all the overdrafts that I did an extended overdraft swear my fault. Nobody should be complaining about getting some money back that it was their fault for over drawing their account in the first place. I’ve come to the realization that it’s never going to happen and we were never going to get paid. I hope everybody else can get some peace of mind later
Well said….I completely agree!
This is a little long so sorry but these crooks (P) me off
Yes people are responsible to pay it they overdraft BUT this class action is about the EXTENDED fees on an overdraft. It was Illegal. Nothing new was added to that transaction that cause the 1st overdraft..But they still charged another fee after 5 days it stayed negative and another fee if it stayed negative another 5days. Up to 4 times they would charge you a EXTENDED overdraft fees on that 1 transaction.
Class action lawsuits are claiming that extended overdraft fees are illegal because they essentially amount to interest on the account. And, according to a federal law known as the National Bank Act, there is limit to how much a company can charge in interest.
The suit claim that extended overdraft fees can be up to 51 times the maximum legal amount the bank can charge under the National Bank Act. They further claim that no additional services are being charged in connection with these fees.. And like I said before I believe in their heads it becomes a loan and you are charged high interest in unpaid amount owed. Again yes people are in-charge of their accounts but sometimes things happen. Nothing but CROOKS and tried to get away with their (BANK ROBBERY)
And back a few years ago there was a class action because BOA they were taking transaction out in order from the highest to lowest. So if you had say had these transactions.
20.00. 30.00 40.00. 100.00 and that was the order of your transactions .They would take the 100.00 out first ever thou it was last one that occurred. Then 40.00 etc.
So then it did cause some people alot of fees if they couldn’t get those overdraft fees in before the 5days then be charged again and again..And most banks at least waited 7 to 10 days before they charged another fee EXTENDED overdraft fee which still was wrong. But BOA CROOKS did this every 5days to bleed you dry. This cause alot of people hardship…I was part of that class action.
Someone put a fake check into the ATM for 1,000 something I can not remember extract amount. No idea how they got my card but found out people get your card number through a reader. Goes on a magnetic strip or something like that, then they can make a fake card. They were only able to get a portion of the check until it cleared i can not remember the amount But I believe they were able to get 700.00 out. Well all my auto debit for my bills all over drafted. I get paid once a month i had no way to get the overdrafted transactions in so I was charged 4times on each transaction which was about 5 different transaction .
bottom line…I would never defend these crooks they been stealing for years.
I agree with the stall. And its unexpected money I’m sure everyone will get by as they do. My point is I been with BOA since 2013. I would like what’s owed to me. Until then living life as usual
I still think this is all a stall. So the bank can get interest on that 66.6 million. At this point I put it in Jesus hands. What’s done in the dark shall be revealed in the light. If it comes it comes, the money that is. I will get by as always.
Not sure how I overlooked this…there’s a comment further back, indicating the appeals process might take as long as February/March to resolve. Has anyone else heard of, or read, anything similar?
Yeah agreed!
Your Quite Welcome I don’t understand why would Judge Lorenze allow Ms. Farrells Family to drag this case any further she’s no longer here Let her RIP and her Family Members Go on with their lives END this madness he has the Upper Hand it’s sickening Greed by Judges Lawyers all getting POCKETS FULL SHAME SHAME ON THEM In THAT COURT HOUSE OF ROBBERS !!!!!!
Your welcome. thanks for that update on Ms. Farrell. I just pray we all get a good portion of our money back.
Danielle, Lois, Jessie: My heartfelt thanks to each of you for acknowledging Miss Farrell. We really do owe her a huge amount of gratitude. It broke my heart to learn she had passed away before she could receive the spoils of her hard work. I’m grateful to her, and comforted to know that at least her children will benefit from her resolve to right a major wrong. BOA can go to Hell. Once this matter is remedied completely, I’m taking my business elsewhere. My brother likes to call them ‘Bank Robbers of America’ (chuckle); and he’s correct in his assessment.
And with all due respect nobody deserves more than the other we are all victims in this.
Also even though some of us got robbed for more than others we are all owed at least what was taken, filing the suit did get it started but we all deserve our money back.
I thank mrs. Farrell, and may she rest peacefully. I am terribly disappointed that b of a drug this out until she was not able to see the outcome, who knows the trouble it caused her finances to bring her to file this suit. I know it caused me lots of trouble and lots of money to go right down the drain unexpectedly that was needed for Bill’s and to make it pay check to pay check. I complained numerous times with customer service about the way the account was arranged to get my money. After we have all been waiting and expecting to be paid back at least what we paid in I think the only thing we can do is not bank with them and spread the word to friends and family, there are so many more banks out there. Everyone should stop giving b of a more chances and money, they rob you and break your account!! Be done with them! Obviously we can’t win and I for one thought this suit would help class members but it dont sound like it will….
Thank You Joanne Farrell For Starting This Class Action Lawsuit in which we would not have even known BOA was committing this Act of Robbery what ever happens May we as Class Members receive what Joanne Farrell intended for us Thank You (RIP) !!!!!!
Well that’s a terrible thing that b of a drug this out past her days. And yes thanks to mrs ferral. I would be happy to receive back what I paid in eodf. But I guess it’s highly unlikely. I did call customer service over that issue a few times and they make you feel like they have every right to charge the fee. All anyone can do is close the accounts, there are plenty of other banks out there!
You are correct Andrew. If Joanne Farrell hadnt filed this lawsuit, none of would be getting anything. We owe her a Thanks for at least doing something about the injustice while the rest of us were sitting back doing nothing. Whatever we get, its more than we had before the suit was filed.
The ones that started the class action i believe we’re 2 or 3 people then few more were added to it and so ended up a total of 7 people. 0f those 7 (5) of them had same last name (Farrell). They all get 20,000 each and that’s off of the top being paid out before we are, along with the lawyers ..court fees and other fees. Them getting 20,000 each are part of money taken from “us the other class action members”. Don’t sound right..And no doubt they are paying no out of pocket fees because we are. I’m sure their fees are part of lawyers fees we are paying..
Madge, with all due respect, your information is incorrect. The lawsuit was filed by Joanne Farrell, whom has since passed away. She is survived and represented by her children, of which there are four. Each was slated to receive a total of $5000; divided amongst four siblings. $20,000 is bogus; there’s tremendous incorrect information circulating with regard to this lawsuit. If nothing else, each and every Class Member should both THANK and HONOR Miss Farrell for her initiation of this lawsuit. No matter what is paid out in the end, we are each a recipient of her sense of injustice and anger over BOA profiting off of usury charges.
You are 100% Correct Its All About Lawyers Fattening Their GREEDY POCKETS Class Members are just Ponds For Their Elaborate Scheme And Those Who Appealed just Dug A Deeper Hole for themselves and every one else Good Luck waiting !!!!!
These lawyers sole purpose is to make money for their firm. They immerse themselves into the terms and conditions, policy/procedures of BIG companies and look for errors. Once they find a wrong doing (like this BOA suit), they will reach out to all who are involved and get you to sign or opt into the suit. That being said, it’s not about you, it’s all about the law firm and fattening their greedy pockets. These same individuals who filed this suit have many other suits they are working on concurrently. At the end of the day when the funds are split up among the millions, it will only be 5 or 6 dollars a piece. Use your brains.
Let’s just face it people. We are not going to ever get paid. And if we do it’s going to be some ridiculous small amount than ain’t even worth it.
This is Not Right At All We Were Robbed And Disrespected for 5 1/2 Years And Still BOA WINS So Including Class Members in this CASE was All BULL Trust and Believe they’re going to do it Again and Again This isn’t the First Time for BOA Doing This I’m not gonna be bothered anymore DONE DONE
So yea it looks like these appeals are being used to take their time and more of our money, to stretch it out that far is just ludacris!
Someone said they called yesterday and spoke to a person handling the case who told them that there were two more appeals filed and that it could take until Feb. or March.
I think we should just face the fact that we are probably getting nothing.
Does anyone know how long these appeals will take things are really getting out of control this is one big mess it just keeps going and going really know where just over it Very Sad Situation for Class Members Waiting Waiting Waiting A BIG ZERO No Notifications No Calls ,No Updates Nobody being held Accountable for their Horrible Robbery sickening and theirs Nothing We can do held in total Darkness (SAD SAD)
I read up on top class action and it seem like there has been two more appeals on top of the two who recently appealed. I don’t know but it seems maybe this is a good thing to appeal because we might just get our money back.
Thank you!
Your welcome
I just spoke to Kristina the case is in appeal it did not settle yet she said we may not get anything until Feb/march
How could checks have gone out already? The BOA site hasn’t even updated the info with the new documents yet
Seriously 4.09! Wow that’s just flat ridiculous, and I wonder how many extended over drafts you had?
Because of the loophole they lobbied to there favorite politicians thats why the get away of this thievey and robbery to their customers…the diferrent between the bank robbers and the bank robbing us because they do it legally because of the loophole they could go around.
I got my check a big fat check for $4.09
It’s not over yet no way you would of gotten 4.09, others would of received checks also and besides in one of the document’s it stated no one would get back less than 5.00 .
I called it ROBBERY from the beginning when I received the Post Card in the mail and BOA is still ROBBING us now refusing to give Class Members they’re money 5 1/2 years and counting when will it all be over Please just give us our Money with interest for waiting so long I could use it
Gosh! I wonder if we can get a class action suit on being screwed over on a class action lol seems silly but really this just shouldn’t be right! Smh
Yes, I forgot about o.d protection, now I’m wondering if I had it cause I have before it’s been so long since I’ve had that account now…
Ive had o.d. protection since the beginning of time.. which is supposed to PROTECT ME from this…the same bank that offered this is the same bank that robbed me of my money….i thought bank robbery was a crime…but when they do it…it isnt ? and they will also still make money on us ..because we’re not going to get our money back they took from us… now that is Robbery… pure and simple
Yea I know I haven’t called or left anymore messages myself lately.
Know body is picking up on none of these numbers sickening not surprised about it
No prob!
Ok some numbers I’ve collected over this whole ongoing conversation:
Nathan 1-202-973-0900
Kristina 1-954-522-6601
Jeff 1-954-525-4100
Settlement administrater 1-503-350-5800
Gowdy 1-904-350-0075
I’ll look, the one I was calling was nathan laporte I believe.
Good idea, do you have that number, I can’t find it.
We should all start flooding the attorneys office with calls again I think that got them on the updates last time we did that!
I know and I can’t believe that the BOA site still hasn’t updated with the new documents that were filed. Just curious to see if the appeal was thrown out.
I’m so Done with this case just wish they would give Class Members what they Deserve and be gone trust and Believe this Will Happen Again BOA is Known For Thievery and Corruption Prayers For Class Members
You are so right, that would have solved all the problems if only bofa had to pay attorneys fees!!
Just in case you did not know, this Class Action is not for regular over draft fees, so because you over drafted you pay a fee that’s normal. This is for EXTENDED over draft fees, where you were more of less charged another fee for that same transaction that stayed in negetive. Which is called an EXTENDED over draft fee. Meaning you got charged again 2xs or more depending on how many days that same transaction stayed in an over-draft. You would be charged EXTENDED over draft fee after 5days and a 3rd charge (etc) after that for after another 5days So the class action is for the EXTENDED over draft fees. But don’t count on getting alot back…. just dollars…blame greedy lawyers for that…I think they did this all wrong i think there should of been a class action for Flat X amount plus BOA pay all court and lawyers and other fees it any to be paid on top of that..we are actually paying the fees. Laws need to change companies and big corp’s need to know they can not get away with things.
I hope it’s not correct, but I did know it wouldn’t seem right no matter how much it comes to, but 11$ wow! not even half of one fee smh I guess we could hold out hope for the actual check…….
OH, I see it now from the other reply. First of all, not everyone will get the same amount, it is based on how many extended overdraft fees you incurred. Some have several, while some may only have one or two.
Let’s see what happens.
Where did you hear that??
11.00 is all we’ll be receiving this is totally wrong 5 1/2 years of over draft fees my heart is weakened how could B O A do this
This is not for regular over draft fees, so because you over drafted you pay a fee. This is for extended over draft fees, where you were more of less charged another fee for the same item you over drafted, meaning you got charged for same over draft fees 2xs So the class action is for the EXTENDED over draft fees. But don’t count on getting alot back…. just dollars…blame greedy lawyers for that…
I could really use some good news right now Prayers for all of us
No problem, hope it ends up being good news!
Sorry for the era my mind is at ease a little Prayers for Class Members we get all the $$$$ we deserve with interest
Yes indeed. This has been such a protracted process. I just want it to be done, you know? Whatever we’re entitled to, it’s ours.
Thanks for updates it eases my a little
Yes thanks for the update
Based on a simple mathematics, the $66.6 million distributed among 5.9 million clients, the result would be around $ 11 for affected clients that is without deducting the fees to the attorneys.
The compensation will not be worth it, I better forget about this.
I’m hopeful it means finality with respect to the appeals process. Transcripts are hard copies of everything discussed, etc in a court case. This could very well mean a decision has been reached. Thanks for sharing this, Cecilia.
UPDATE!! I jut received an email notification from, which is a legitimate site, because it posted the appeal almost a week before the BOA site showed it.
It states: CIVIL TRANSCRIPT DESIGNATION AND ORDERING FORM, posted October 18th, not sure what it means, but let’s cross our fingers, keep checking the BOA site for this document
How long does these appeals take I need my$$$$
Amen, but I still need the money. About how long for these new apoeals? Sure all do
Ahhhh…peace has been restored to the Kingdom. 🙂
Thanks mark lm glad you noticed.
Hopefully it can get back to a useful thread 😉
Oh her comments are missing now! Whatever
I removed anything argumentative over the last few weeks
Things have gotten a little out of hand here. Honestly I haven’t checked the thread much because it seemed like the same group of people commenting and everyone seemed to get along.
What Thomas said was deplorable and he has been sent to spam so he shouldn’t be able to comment again. I also deleted anything talking about him or the comment from the last few weeks. I also deleted anything that involved bickering or swearing etc.
Let’s try to keep it on point and civil. I don’t want to have to shut down the comments because you guys have been sharing a lot of good info back and forth in the past. If I missed something let me know and I will remove it. I will try to keep a better eye on things.
If you need to get a hold of me in the future you can email me at
Has anyone been able to get a hold of the attorneys?
I can’t find the number I called last time.
Stalling Stalling it’s just so unfair and unprofessional that these people continue to jerk us around 5years plus now so over this situation !!!!!
Geez, I got all excited thinking this was some new news.
Following the Court’s Order granting Final Approval of the Settlement, two objectors to the Settlement have filed notices of appeal. Until those appeals are resolved, the cash and debt relief to the Settlement Class may not be distributed and given to Settlement Class Members. Class Counsel will be acting on behalf of the Settlement Class to oppose the appeals, which claim that the Settlement should not have been approved. At this time, Class Counsel and the Settlement Administrator are not able to state when the appeals will be concluded. Settlement Class Members may periodically check this website for further updates.
No new info coming from this way, I haven’t got a call back or anything. I guess I’m not really expecting them to return my call anymore though! It’s been so long and I’ve left like 3 voicemails .
Any news about our Money
Let’s keep it positive y’all.
Nothing new on the website yet
Any updates??
What’s the update today haven’t seen anything or heard from these creeps really fed up Judges,Lawyers too much stress
Yup, that’s the only reason they get on class action suits!
This lawyer’s defending class action or us don’t do shit! they just delaying it…they think they are on our side they doing for the money for there own interest.
Yes they need to end it, it’s nothing more in our favor, so from here on out we are losing out….attorneys fees court fees ect. Whatever it is it is…..
This whole situation is wrong Bank Of America needs to be Ashamed of themselves Judge Lorenze should step up and END all this Drama he has the POWER just give class members what they deserve 5 years of Theft and Nothing to Compensate Us when will all this Madness END !!!!!!!
Not the news anyone wants to hear including myself and this is not confirmed but on another site ( people are saying the appeals talks could last into mid February ?? Hope its not true but I really wouldnt doubt it .
None of these people are responding to anyone this is very unprofessional Lawyers Judges they are aware how long we’ve been waiting keeping us in the dark just a sad situation class members deserve better we are the victims and still getting victimized unreal !!!!!
Nope last time I called I had to leave a voicemail, no call back and the first time I called about a month ago no call back from my voicemail and this was to the guy nathen.
Has anyone seriously heard anything about class members money all this arguing isn’t necessary just state the true facts
Yes, I agree and I’ll bet you after all this fussing we are going to wind up with about $20.00.
Come on people. Lets knock this off. Its not helping. Lets keep it to the information on the overdraft situation. Thats what this site is for.
No one needs the rest of this
Right! Have a good one 😉
Retaliation is not the answer, maybe he is or was. But info we get from him is true. Let’s leave their and focus when the hell we gonna get our money!
Really this site is to help each other out and be informed who cares how we spell or write if you don’t like what you read don’t come back to this site Thomas
Must be messing! Or if not what are the odds of it being part of this class action huh? But he gives no response yet
So Richie you messing with us all
I I captain respectfully said. Let’s be patient.
Oh boy, that would be great, keep us posted!!
What is with this absurd hand-wringing? Chill out people, things are out of your control for the moment, just relax. This is ridiculous behavior, that along with the awful grammar and spelling. If there are things you can’t change for the moment, then why get all bent out of shape? Act like an adult, just sit back and wait.
Can someone who still has Bank of America check to see if they had any type of deposit today. I just had about $1100 bucks deposited with no explanation, might be the settelement but I’m going to call the bank as soon as they open. Keeping my fingers crossed cause I’m not expecting any type of deposit!
No mention of who deposited it? Usually there’s some mention of who or what it is from.
False alarm, was a bonus!
Sounds about right!! Probably their plan.
here is where you can see the whole thing and any updates!
this is NUTS.. i think i am going to save my blood pressure and stop following and just hope that we all get these fees back sooner rather than later. BOA said they would not charge the extended overdraft for 5 years.. well hell at the rate they are going and filing these stupid appeals that 5 years will be here and we wont get a penny. pretty pathetic
@Photizo: Thank you; this information is still helpful. I’m geeked that Counsel will be opposing the appeals, as they are largely without merit and self serving in nature. I totally appreciate you for sharing this with all of us; much love and respect.
Hey guys,
So what it looks like is that the attorneys forward your call over to the class administrator and they cannot answer any legal questions, however they say you have every right to contact the attorneys if you like,
The class administrator called from the 503 number and basically said what we all already know She did say that the attorneys would be opposing the Appeals, and they cannot give us a time frame at this time.
So unfortunately I have no new news still sitting and playing the waiting game with everyone else.
Six months?? Geez. I hope that is not the case. That is totally ridiculous.
Well the wait begins once again this is Freaking Crazy no $$$$
Hey y’all I just read up on some cases and came across this. I’m guessing this will help all of us to know the time frame when the court will actually post a court hearing therefore I post it on the bottom. Now let me mind y’all this is something I read that’s not pertaining to our case but!…. I’m waiting time yes!..
Next, the Court of Appeals may take six months or longer to decide whether there will be oral argument in the case. The Court usually decides cases within two to six months after oral argument, but there is no deadline. If the Supreme Court reviews your case, your appeal of course will take more time.
I’m guessing this may take more longer than we expected.
Thanks again for the information. And once again, it is greatly appreciated.
I just called 503-350-5800 I was told that it’s 90 days after it was approved is when we will start getting check issued. That they will update once the 90 days are getting closer.I was hoping to hear that it was mailed. So I’m thinking November 27 is 90 days Im loosing my patience can I get a loan towards my own money!!!
No problem at all guys, we are in this together. The 3rd Party Representative that I spoke with was (231 C) her number , her name was Renee.
The Attorneys that I contacted were;
Atty Bryan Gowdy 904-350-0075 &
Atty Jeff Ostro 954-525-4100 877-525-4100
Whatever info I am able to get from them will be posted right away. I was counting on that money too. Have A Great Evening!!
Thank you Photizo for the update. It is much appreciated. Its nice that we are getting good information and not all the bullshit stuff that was going on. Thanks again for all you are doing.
Your exactly right that’s great to hear you have been in contact. Thanks for the current update , the number you called should be posted on here that way those of us that may have called other numbers or attorneys involved and have not been able to get passed voicemail or received a call back can call that number…then they will get multiple calls with the people that are concerned and want to ask questions. Right! then they most definitely will keep the website up to date to avoid all the phones going off!!!
That Website has not been up-to-date with information that we need to know ASAP, I spoke with them today, and they say they will try to be as current with updates, going forward. I also contacted the offices of (2) of the Attorneys( the 2 Florida ones.
I had to be a little persistent in insisting on speaking with them. One of them gave me a Assistant, but sometimes, I feel that it is important for them to know that we are real people affected by this, and we have rights too, at the very least,, information regarding our Case. Anyways, the said they would have the Attorney call back, so we’ll see, I guess.
I felt sick inside when the 3rd Party Administrator said, “we were ready to distribute the checks” One of those Lawyers I was bugging, tried to put me off on her, I spoke with her, but they cannot answer the Legal questions Class members may have. She did say that we have every right to contact the Attorneys that represent us, so we’ll see. If anyone else feels led to, Call them too.
* In the meantime, Let’s believe for the very best outcome, and Pray
this is a good site
At least 2 pple filed an appeal so until thats over no money will be distributed
Any news !!!
Trying not to think about it . Theres nothing we can do but wait . Looks like we are all in the same boat . Have a good week everyone !!
You too, Kim. Just hold on!
Thank you! And right back at ya!☺
Thanks, Danielle!
Hey gang…hoping each of you has had a great weekend. Popping in to say keep your heads and spirits up, no matter what happens. I’m hoping we’ll have good news on the horizon soon enough. 🙂
All this nonsense about these Appeals just let BOA pay us it’s been going on far too long 2014 -2018 1/2 we’ve been patient long enough JUST LET THEM RELEASE OUR $$$$$$$$
Urghhhhh it’s so annoying… we need our dough frfr
Lmao you said it, I didnt!!! But you know we all feel the same…because yea face it there is little left to be changed now….and thanks for the insight of the appeals cause many are wondering why and who the helll is holding up the long process AGAIN!
Let’s face it according to FDIC rules the bank was totally wrong in adding on this extended overdraft fee. So these appeals is a stall tactic, for what reason? These two females what is really in it for them? The bank and the people know it was wrong. Could they be relatives to someone maybe an attorney even? Dam my head is really spinning now
The Collins woman seems to be objecting to attorney fees, which is silly in light of the fact that Judge Lorenz reduced the amount by $2M. As for the Sanchez woman, she’s griping about debt reduction…this tooni don’t understand. You owed the bank; they are offering an admittedly small stipend against that debt. Yet she’s complaining about the ‘sub-class’ not getting treated fairly? What did she expect, full restitution for a debt she owed? Further, it takes money to file appeals. She’s got cash to pay a lawyer, yet none to satisfy an old debt? Complete BS. Meanwhile, we are delayed in receiving monies owe because of their actions. Both of them need to be slapped.
Anyone know how long it might take to process either appeal? Reading through the pdf docs, it seems both could easily be remedied quickly.
keep me posted
Hans- can you post the phone number up again so we can all start bugging! 🙂
We need to keep bugging the attorney’s if those two woman appealing to the court especially to greedy judge Lorenz…the judge will say when to come back to the court a set date they are lying to us.
Hopefully everything will work out for Class Members we Deserve every Dollar God Is On Our Side BOA are Thieves And Finally Got Caught !!!!!!
Well said Photizo. Thanks.
Let’s not lose heart, Delay does not mean Denial.
My prayer is that all the issues that these two people brought up when they filed that appeal will have no merit,
and that the Judge will uphold the final judgment approving the Settlement, and release the funds immediately. it’s just a Delay, but, we will win and We will get our money!!
I know that we can all use that money very badly right now, but hang in there we will get it.
They rob from the poor and give to the rich. We all got screwed. Face it we aint ever gonna get paid. And if we do its gonna be .25 cents. One thing for sure tho is i will never bank with BOA again!!
I’ll say we won’t start seeing our payouts until next year with all these appeals
Has anyone talked to the lawyers about the appeals
Cecelie- that’s a fair point, I agree.
Hiii: ok ok we will try that looking on the bright side!!! Lol but you know they are screwing us!!!!
What does this all mean October they won’t be releasing any $$$$$ WOW that’s crazy
If BOA was appealing, I would be more concerned. I think the attorneys will squash this quickly.
Fuck it maybe they’ll get us the class members more moneyyyyyyyy honeyyyyyyy so relaxxxxxxx & let’s look at the bright side
Are they for real or getting their palms greased a little with money to toss a stall?
Thanks to these two females we won’t get our money next month now we all have to suffer and wait more because of them how much more can they get then ya doing this wow
You guys are good 🙂 and much appreciated, thanks for the info and I’ll cooperate on anything we need to do to bug these people!
This is definitely disappointing news, however, we do have lawyers that are representing Us in this Settlement.
Maybe we should be proactive in contacting them, and make them earn all that money they are getting, by finding a way to get rid of these two interferences with our money.
I looked into frequently asked questions (on the Website) FAQs, #14 “Do I have a Lawyer in this case”?,
and it list (4) Lawyer’s that represent us.
Hassan Zavareei
Tycko & Zavareei LLP
1828 L ST. N Suite
Washington, DC 20036
Bryan Gowdy
Creed & Gowdy P.A.
865 May Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32204
Jeff Ostro
Kopelowitz Ostrow P.A.
Suite 500
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Christina Pierson
John R. Hargrove
Kelley Uustal PC
500 North Federal Highway
Suite 200
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Maybe we can contact them to find out what’s next in this process, and ask them to rigorously find a way to get us our money.
The website did not give the telephone numbers for the attorneys, but I guess we could Google to get the numbers.Thanks guys.
Not taking this lying down. Somebody going to give me My Money!!
Probably 2 people who work for boa that appealed just to have it drawn out further. Wow talk about low. Im so glad i dropped boa 2 years ago. I got tired of them taking my money and always charging me for not having money. Probably never gonna see a payout and if we do its gonna be 5 bucks while the attorneys get paid hella.
So what I read on that site was correct, damn!
SO: I did the Google thing in hopes it would prove easier to locate both objectors. It was! Ms. Sanchez appears to be object long to the Debt Relief payments; and Ms. Collins has a beef with appropriations for attorneys fees. Both legal docs are 23 and 54 pages long, respectively. Gang, I can’t possibly read through all of them tonight. What I can say is that, based on the dates, these were objections noted EARLY in the Hearings. It appears that Judge Lorenz lowered the gavel with His verdict, knowing full well both dissenters would likely appeal (and they have). What remains to be revealed is HOW LONG before the appeals are remedied. In any event, I don’t see there objections as helping the rest of us—it’s clear they were trying to help themselves largely (in my humble opinion). And, might I add that I remain
pissed off…but I guess this is the nature of lawsuits.
Thank you Andrew for the update. Its much appreciated.
You’re welcome, Lois. I’m not an expert by any stretch, but I’m trying to share as much as possible.
Estefania Osiris Sanchez…her name rings a bell. I know I’ve seen in before in one of the pdf docs. I’m gonna dig back; gotta find it. As for Amy Collins…she’s a Class Member and yet objecting? What the hell? Because she—if not BOTH—are unlikely to receive reimbursement? If such is the case, this shouldn’t drag on forever. Still, I’m going to research further.
Following the Court’s Order granting Final Approval of the Settlement, two objectors to the Settlement have filed notices of appeal. Until those appeals are resolved, the cash and debt relief to the Settlement Class may not be distributed and given to Settlement Class Members. Class Counsel will be acting on behalf of the Settlement Class to oppose the appeals, which claim that the Settlement should not have been approved. At this time, Class Counsel and the Settlement Administrator are not able to state when the appeals will be concluded. Settlement Class Members may periodically check this website for further updates.
Y’all we ain’t getting back shit! Or maybe those two person who filed maybe just trying to help us out on getting more instead of less.
Ok I found a doc it’s at the top, appeal filed 9/21, 2 days after final judgment.
Objector “Estafania Osorio Sanchez” who is this person?
Another appeal filed 9/25 from class member “Amy Collins”
No specific reason stated in the posted docs.
I remain perplexed.
That’s for sure!! Same here, this is the biggest bullshit!
Okay? Absolute BS!!!
I agree, Robert. One thing is certain on my end: once this drama is over and done, I’m saying FUCK YOU to BOA and giving my business to a rival. If a third of all BOA account holders did likewise, we could send them a clear message: BULLSHIT DOESNT PAY DIVIDENDS IN THe LONG TERM!
What the hell now this is really ridiculous!
They haven’t posted new docs on the Eobc site just the status update. I want to read them.
Yup saw the new post. Oh it’s gonna be a good long while if ever. And they’re ramping up attorneys fees and court costs in the process. Whole thing is a joke.
Well guys guess we will be waiting longer now 2 appeals have been filed the new update is on eobc website this is so messed up
Did u all see the new post? Not good
Just read it. WTF!!! I’d like to know WHOM is objecting to the settlement! This is total horseshit!
That’s a good question
One question it says that they where not going to charge the extended overdraft from diciembre 2017 but I been charged since then a lot of them will they have to give me back that money to
@ Vanessa: You are correct—you should NOT be charged extended overdraft fees in accordance with the BOA settlement. These fees were to be dropped for five years. If you are incurring them still, contact BOA immediately and remind them of the settlement terms, and have them removed. Remember, however, that this applies solely to extended overdraft charges only, not the regular overdrafts. My own account has not been charged with EOD’s since the settlement announcement. Best wishes to you!
Yes let’s hope you guys! I don’t think 1750 is greedy at all, for a lot of us these fees put us in financial hardship for a long time, cause once you get that first over draft they know you will get it again and then to slap you back down again with a whole extra fee! They owe us!!!
I had a dream that I got $1750.00 back. I guess that is a decent amount, but I had three accounts with Bank of America that were inundated with overdraft fees.
So now I’m interested to see if my dream was correct. I’m not being greedy, but I hope it’s more than that.
Yes by next week we should start receiving our money hope to God
Here goes hope we are an end to this waiting game, of when and what amount.
Sounds good to me!!
Thank god because we need to get paid what they have. Taken from us I just hope it’s at least half of what they taken from us because a lot of people are saying we are only getting like 5 to 20 dollars
Hey gang! Have hope. The reimbursement process should begin effective October 1st—precisely 30 days past the Judge’s final ruling. There’s no way to tell whom will be paid first, or the manner in which payments are made (alpha order; length of bank history for each individual; amounts to be paid on a high-to-low basis first; etc). I’d encourage each of you to post immediately if/when you receive monies so that everyone can be alerted to the fact that the money is finally coming through the pipeline! 🙂
People are saying that there have been no appeals filed and that other sites are giving out false info. Hope they are right
Has anyone called the lawyers office to check with them about the appeal
I do have one question that I am wondering if someone can answer. BOA closed my account in early 2017 with a $600.00 negative balance in which probably less than half was the actual fees, and most was for a check that overdrafted. Being that they never came after me for what was owed and they charged-off the account, I wonder if I am entitled to anything from that? Of course, that has nothing to do with the 3 prior years that I am sure I had quite a few EOD’s. Thanks!
Yep. Thank you for clearing that up Marta. There’s a whole bunch of fake sites that are trying to get peoples attention & its all false.
Sounds good, thanks!
That’s strange. Wonder why that site says that. Hope you are right, then that’s great.
This is where I found it:
Scroll all the way to the bottom of that website. Notice the disclaimers and the need for cash at .10 a page? These sites are full of crap. Stick with the administrator’s website and the original court docs and there you should be informed with the correct info.
I was told 90 days from August 31st and I believe there has been an appeal filed, so who knows when.
There have been no appeals filed. The timeline on the final court docs gave the administrator 30 days to deposit it into existing accounts, 60 days to distribute checks via US Mail and 90 days to rectify the debt reduction. They have 15 days from depositing the cash into existing accounts to report the progress. The claims administrator is Epiq Systems. They will do the actual calculation/distribution of funds, etc. Like I said in an earlier message, you can’t believe any of the other websites that have info on the class action, just the eobc/
At least 2 appeals have been filed and until all appeals are resolved they cant distribute the money. So who knows how long its gonna be
So not one person on this site has received anything? If you still have an account with BofA they should start depositing the cash into accounts at the end of the week. The court documents said 30 days. If you still have an account with BofA, like me, let us know if you get anything dumped into your account. Hope everyone gets some news soon!
Been following all the messages,I am from Tampa ,boa screwed me so bad ,they would take $25 out of my checking put in my savings charge me overdraft fee for a check that went through,but in 5 days would double it,they would continue to do this ,I only got paid every 2 weeks,I was going to shread all my statements,kept them in only 2 months I had paid over $ never ended until I closed the savings account with them
I think there are different versions of the outcome, if you don’t go onto the official site. So that’s why we are getting all these mixed messages!! Just pray & hope for the best – we will be blessed abundantly.
Lovely. So Top Class Actions is officially bogus in my eyes now.
Wow so strange they are giving so many mixed messages!
I’ve spoke to the settlement administrator and she said the settlements has been approve and there are no one has filed any appeal. So I don’t know if she is just saying that. Idk yall
Typos everywhere I don’t care
Has anyone called them to ask about the appeal and how long more are they going to be with this case let’s take them to the news to higher law oficials there is something we can do
In Washington state as well. Now let’s
wrap our heads around all the interest that 66.6 million is making. .
Let’s do it!
Yes Judge Lorenze & BOA should be exposed just pay the Class Members what they have been Robbed of Repeatedly it’s a shame 5 years being Duked when is all this going to end The Rich get Richer Poorer get poorer !!!!Give Us Our $$$$ Already with Interest we’ve waited long enough
I’m in Washington
I’m here from northern cali bay area contra costa county pittsburg CA. We have to put them on the news so people are aware what this greedy bofa doing to there customers robbing us…and the one who benefited from this is the class actions attorney’s and the judge especially judge lorenz.
This getting ridiculous it says new update 2: On September 21,2018, an appeal to Bank of America Overdraft Fees Settlement was filed. Claims will not be paid until all appeals are exhausted. We appteciate your ongoing patience. Top Class Actions will continue to provide updates as we lesrn more. Fucc bank of america they keep appealing so more fees for attorney’s and to judge lorenz that the loopholes in here keep delaying it.
I am in California Los Angeles
May as well do it, while the appeal is going On! I’m in northern Cali. Anyone else over on this side?
You can call your local news and tell them about the issue and they will do a report and put it on tv news this is to much already there are people and laws that can help us not rob us like they are doing let’s fight back for our rights and our money
@Hans I totally agree with you I’ve brought this up before about exposing them, I don’t think anyone amongst us knows anyone , a shame! But your exactly right they are playing their tactics to the extreme!
Everytime bofa have lawsuits they playing games and do daleying tactics because of the lopholes…The one who get benefitedbon the lawsuit is the attorney’s racking more attorney’s fee and the judges because of the the bank keep appealing till the people or customers get robbed get little or spare change only.
Somebody should take and expose them in local news…I hope people knows someone or somebody to local news and expose them about the updates so people know why bsbk of america playing games to us.
What is the problem BOA just STOP the MALARKEY and give the Class Members Everything that’s owed to them with Interest !!!!!
It’s curious that there’s no new update showing on the EOBC site, unless I’ve overlooked something. And, does anyone have an idea how long it could take to resolve this new appeal?
Yup, anything to work in their advantage! Smh
@Lois I do believe that too! Thanks
Another appeal!!! So all that money is tied upon the bank, Most like!ly a B of A bank earning interest, to cushion the loss for them. That billionaire guy want to stay in the plus , he doesn’t want to loose money.
Okay thanks cecelia
Go to Open Public Records. com, can’t paste the link right not, but if you register with this site you wyget email updates
But where did jack pockets and Cecelia see the appeal because I look everywhere and I can not find it please let’s us know but website or where you saw about the appeal thanks
On second thought maybe they do know and it’s coming from the other side huh? I guess they would rather pay the courts than class members right!!
Ridiculous is right…whoever’s appealed must not realize THEIR racking up attorney fees court fees etc.!!! GET IT DONE WITH!! my goodness everyone is not in line for a million dollars! lol
An appeal?? Why would BOA file an appeal, if thats what they did. They should know they are already in the wrong. This is getting ridiculous!
The Final Judgment was filed 9/19. Eobc page, important documents. Maybe they had to wait for that to file an appeal. But the appeal isn’t on the eobc main page so I’m waiting to see some documentation on this.
Where is the appeal I went onto the website and I didn’t see anything where is it located so I can read it
An appeal?? Why would BOA file an appeal, if thats what they did. They should know they are already in the wrong. This is getting ridiculous!
I haven’t read it but I kind of doubt it’s B of A. They were reluctant to settle when people were getting more cash payouts, more willing when half or so would go to debt reduction. Could be attorneys, class reps, who knows.
Wooooww!!! That’s crazy why wait all this time!?
I have been reading these blogs for weeks, and everyone has some great insight regarding the settlement. I am a class member and has been part of two lawsuits with BOA, and have lost all trust with this Bank. Please don’t worry yourself with all the mess regarding the payments, time of pmts etc, because at the end of the day, whatever we receive won’t be enough to set us for life. So the moral of my point is, whatever monie/credit we get will be a blessing to help with any hardships, we have at this time. “ Be Antious for Nothing”. The money will come just in time for each persons need. God Bless!!!!
Thanks for the positivity, Lois.
So Class Members will get pennies from this Robbery of 5 years WOW if this was a Case was against Class Members they would slay us this is Really Sad The Little People Gets Nothing for being Robbed Repeatedly by Rich
Oh yeah, I just saw it, they filed an appeal, crap. It’s going to take forever before we get anything, if we ever do
Another appeal was filed Sept. 21st…We’ll be waiting forever.
UPDATE 2: On September 21, 2018, an appeal to the Bank of America Overdraft Fees Settlement was filed. Claims will not be paid until all appeals are exhausted. We appreciate your ongoing patience. Top Class Actions will continue to provide updates as we learn more.
If you are getting you information from any other website than the http://www.eobc/settlement, its probably bullshit. None of these court sites have
the right information. Stick with the settlement website, that is the only “sanctioned” site. Or you can call one of the attorney’s offices for confirmation. I especially wouldn’t believe ‘Top Class Actions’. They do not know shit.
Yeah I got it from Top Class Actions you have a point because it’s not on any of the official sites.
this is where i get mine.. it is legit. if you want to see the actual documents you have to pay but who cares about that crap. i cannot understand half of it lol
Update:On September 21, 2018, an appeal to the Bank of America Overdraft Fees Settlement was filed. Claims will not be paid until all appeals are exhausted. We appreciate your ongoing patience. Top Class Actions will continue to provide updates as we learn more.
No more than $35.00 in debt reduction payment per person if eobc charge(s) (no matter how many) were never refunded or charged off. Reporting to credit bureau of eobc charge being cleared. And approx $22.9m in checks/account credits being distributed amongst approx 7m class members. Checks or account credits dependent upon how many eobc charges incurred. Page 3 of the Final Approval Order, eobc main page.
$14.5m for attorneys taken off the top. Must be nice.
And they told us 5.9 million people….
Oh no no I feel the exact same I’m grateful too for all of that and don’t want to sound bitter but I’m in total agreement with you! Lol but I’m just saying I said the same thing before cause we all were done wrong and should get reimbursed just like bofa would get our ass if the tables were turned!! Right!
Gotcha, Danielle. Again, many thanks for the support, and I’m glad you understand me. I’m just so tired of the little guy and gal being given the short end of the stick all the damn time.
@ Danielle: Thank-you for the reply. I don’t mean to sound bitter and hope that I have not. In fact, I’m most grateful to Joanne Farrell, whom initially challenged BOA about the extended overdraft charges. It’s because of her that we will benefit in the end. Still, I believe it’s a bit unfair for the rest of us, unless there’s s guarantee that we will each be 100% refunded for each $35 fee captured by BOA. Sadly, we are left with no promise of this happening, and it ticks me off.
@sja…i agree and I already brought up that point too, but I guess it’s because they brought on the suit, got the lawyers, something to that effect but it’s complete b.s that we will get pennies on the dollar and we ALL got done the same way, screwed out of our money from bofa.
*Are to be paid… Excuse my typo.
I’ve got to ask: How is it that four Class Representatives automatically qualified for $5,000 each, while the rest of us (Class Members) receive whatever amount we are to paid? Can anyone enlighten me?
Thanks but does anyone know if they are paying us any interest rate for the extended overdue to us
Rob click important doc then click final judgment.
It was dated on 09-19-18 I think this the most recent updates. In previous doc it said once the judge approve the settlements then we should start receiving our funds. Here is what it said. That judgment is entered in accordance with all provisions set forth in WKH Conclusion and Order section of the Order Granting (1) Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement and (2) Motion for Attorneys’ Fees, Costs, and Class Representative Service Awards entered as ECF No. 133.
Click important doc
Click final judgment
This paper was updated on 09-19-18
So I’m sure after this paper has been doc online I think that’s when they start issuing out payments. Because it also stated on previous doc that once the judge approve the settlements we should all receive our money.
Here is what it said.
That judgment is entered in accordance with all provisions set forth in WKH Conclusion and Order section of the Order Granting (1) Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement and (2) Motion for Attorneys’ Fees, Costs, and Class Representative Service Awards entered as ECF No. 133.
On 09-19-18 That judgment is entered in accordance with all provisions set forth in WKH Conclusion and Order section of the Order Granting (1) Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement and (2) Motion for Attorneys’ Fees, Costs, and Class Representative Service Awards entered as ECF No. 133.
Talks just check out and click on important doc and select the finial judgement. That is the recent updates. So I’m sure they are sending out payments after this paper has been issued.
Has anyone asked what BANA IS DOING? SO WE will have a more clear ideal which way they Most likely will go… PRAYING THEY DONT WANT TO GO ANYMORE…JUST CURIOUS…IM HOPING THEY ARE TIRED TOO
yup, that sounds like it all coincides with what i been hearing…
I don’t really think we know any amounts of anything yet. Amounts to be paid or amounts to be awarded to us, since each will get a different amount. That depends on times extended overdrafts were charged . Am I correct with this statement? When the web site is updated we will know more. The people at the numbers we call have been trained not to give out info and now read from a script.
Hi does anyone know If they are paying us any interest back and how much interest
right on!!! sounds good;)
Yes we wait, complain and cheer each other up!!!! Right
Ya’ll mean 500 hundred 🙂 each lol . who the fuck knows lets just stfu and wait or wa sounds like plan
I also spoke with a lady, who said she had info about the number of times I had extended over charges. All she could tell was check the web site for updated info.
The person who helped me also said that the Settlment was approved… I already thought it was already approved?!… on the post card they issued all of us also stated that if the courts approve the money will be release… maybe I’m just reading it all wrong. Hmm
Called the number as well. The lady who helped me said that on October 1st check back on EOBC WEBSITE on when they will release the dates of payments. I asked her on my part of Settlment refund and she said they don’t have access information to that data base. Odd but oh well it’s a waiting game at this point again!
thank you for the update. Its greatly appreciated.
Yep, that’s exactly what I was told, 90 days
I called the 503 number and was informed everyone should have a reimbursement within 90 days after Aug 31 direct deposit will go out first they couldnt give me an amount said they couldn’t see that information so hopefully we won’t be waiting to much longer
Does anyone know anything new today
@danielle thanks so much for your answers and I just hope I get all so money back
The guy I spoke to told me 90 days from August 31st. I forgot to write down his name, but I called that above number. Looks like we are getting different info depending on who we talk to.
Guess we will have to wait and see what happens when they update the site.
you are correct, thats what they said the first couple times someone talked to a rep.
I thought 60 days after august 31,2018.
@vanessa oh its so hard to say, there has been so much talk of different amounts but me personally think it will be atleast what we paid in, not 5 or 20 bucks. but im not sure cause bofa are known for this crooked Behavior! and it seems like the judge and attorneys are all following that lead!! its really rediculous how class members are done so wrong. im hoping for the best! and yea the more you were charged the more you are suppose to get back.
@danielle thanks very much do you know If they are going to pay any interest rate for those years of extended overdraft fees I’ve been reading a lot of comments that were only going to get like $5 or 20 dollars do you believe that’s true Because I have paid him for $2000 of extended overdraft fees between the period of a lawsuit to think I’ll get at least some money back
Yes I believe will only be 5.00 they are going to give ev1 the same amount, which I find a little unfair. Weather you had 1 extended over draft fee or 10 you will get same amount but not under 5.00. SO
figure 5.00 because of the amount of people in the suite n the amount of the suite. What a friggin joke
I just called the number and he was not able to look anything up, but just told me to keep checking the website and that we will be able to find out what we are getting when it is updated. He also said that the payments would be dispersed 90 days from August 31st.
Thanks for the info on the phone #’s. I will call the 503 number as the other will not call back. Hope they don’t put me on hold. I have been with this bank way too long. WHY?????
@photizo same here, i totally agree i even remember calling in and talking to them about those extra fees…im glad they finally have to pay, but yes it made my life difficult for quite awhile! along with pain and suffering and other fees on other bills!!!!! lol it definitely was not funny though back then on those days I was on the phone with them!
@vanessa nobody really does know…and one reason why is because each of us will get back a different amount depending on how many over draft fees we paid after the first 5 days of the initial over draft.
I can roughly estimate how many times BOA debited my accounts and overdrafted it, but I have to rely on the accuracy of Bank of America records, to repay all of those overdraft fees
All of my records were destroyed in 2floods and a hurricane. But I do remember the stress from all of those fees and the fear every month that my other bills would bump heads and not be paid.
BOA should have to pay for the pain and suffering, and how they inconvenience us into other areas because of those fees.
I really appreciate all of the information that’s being shared thank you guys
Thanks Guys for all the Positive information it eases my stress 100% But God is on our side I’ve Prayed for all of us We Deserve a Windfall from B O A $$$$
Does anyone know how much we will get
Thank you Aaron!! Looking forward to my direct deposit – hopefully I get back what they took from me!!!
Thanks so much!!
@Cecelia and anyone else who wan info on your settlement the number is 1-503-350-5800 (Settlement Administrator)
@Laeliza if your account is still open you will get direct deposit and a statement about the deposit.
I am expecting a check for my old account with BOA, and a direct deposit for my current account that I have with them now.
@aaron – what about the ones still banking with BOA? Will that get direct deposit or live check? Thank you for the info!
@Cecelia and anyone else who want info on your retirement the number is1-503-350-5800 (settlement administrator)
What is the number for the woman you talkedc to who was able to tell you how many overdraft charges you had?
totally agree we get what we get. I just pray it will be enough to things I NEED done.
Amen. May it be so.
Lmfao rightt thats why im chillin fuck it i get what i get
I really enjoyed reading all the posts tonight. I am calling the numbers you all posted. I have been following this forever and never knew about the posts until this evening. Thanks to all of you.
@Laeliza if your account is open you will get a direct deposit and statement about the deposit.
@Danielle, I couldn’t agree more! Whatever I’m entitled too, I’m going to put it good use. I’ve got my eyes fixated on a couple of treats, LOL.
thanks im glad i found this chat back when i did! @sja lol i wonder that too, but your right now that its getting close a surprise might be better lol
@aaron – what about the ones still banking with BOA? Will that get direct deposit or live check? Thank you for the info!
@Aaron: So awesome to read. I kinda want to know how many extended overdraft charges I had within the 2014 -2017 time period, but doubt I’ll call for the information. It might ruin the element of surprise.
Danielle, we are in this together.
SjA you are correct about the documents. She was on point and she even told me how many EOBC I had during the Settlement time frame. I talked to her yesterday and she said she would get back with me with info and she did.
Aaron you are awesome for the info and even asking for all of us!! :)))
Aaron: This is more in keeping with the pdf documents, and I believe the lady was more accurate with information. 60 days was specified as the amount of time it would take for checks to be mailed to those no longer banking with BOA.
I just got another call from a different administrator. She is also returning my call. But she cleared something up for me. The 60 days is the time they expect to have sent out all payments. She told me that if no appeals by 30 days from Aug.31 payments will start going out Oct. 1st
Thanks for the info!!!…
We’ve all been patient and it will pay off…
Thanks so much for that information Aaron. Its much appreciated.
I got a call from a Settlement Administrator today. He said that if no appeals are filed 30 days from Aug.31 then monies would be sent out in 60 days. I also him questions about how many and how much as well a other questions and he took notes and said he will relay my concerns and call me back next week with some answers. He also looked me up and confirmed I am to get cash payment but do not know how much. I also told him that we are too much In the dark with information. I also told him about you all as well needing info. He said they will update within 2 weeks. You can ask them about yourselves if you like and see if you are getting cash or debt relief or both they can look that up. The number is 1-503-350-5800. These are the people who did the mailings and the emails. And also to Photos I very nice. Well done.
Thanks for sharing, Aaron!
This is a Bunch of Malarkey just give the little people they’re $$$$ and move along 5 years of Robbery Swift Thievery Swift Pay Back all these Games Back and forth is Sickening Judge Lorenze should be ashamed of himself But I Bet he’s getting his share too All of them are a Bunch of GREEN EYED MONSTERS $$$$$ They DON’T ABOUT ANYONE JUST THEY’RE POCKETS Dirty SOBs !!!!! I’m DAM ANGRY
Im with you Photozo. Amen to all you said.
Amen.Thank you, I believe that we will be pleasantly surprised
Getting information from the source is not misleading. Especially if you spoken to one of the rep from Settlment Administrator.
I agree Judah we are just repeating what we were told , we are in the dark to …ugghh
Somebody should protest where ever that court is or judge lorenze or if some have comnection newa station and expose them how bofa screwed us and they doing delaying tactics the attorney’s and the judge go along with them and get a fat check from extended overdraft charges…We the customers of bofa are they screwinf due to loopholes and they could go around.
When the government gave the banks all that money for bail outs, remember that??? I don’t think it was five years later B of A got into another jam and some billionaire brought Hell’s stock to save it. With that being known be sure don’t want to loose that money he invested, that’s for sure.
One thing is certain: BOA raises the bar when it comes to being a corrupt financial institution. A Google search reveals a myriad of lawsuits against this outfit—and yet they continue to thrive. Unreal.
Yep!!¡ Getting wealth on the backs of the noe so fortunate. See I didn’t want to call us poor???? lmao
I hope that we can agree on this prayer/ thought/mantra
That our checks, monies, refunds, relief, rewards, credits restitution, reimbursements, settlements, and recompense,,, will be granted and awarded expeditiously frim this BOA Lawsuit.
We cancel All holdups, hindrances, oppositions, appeals, delays, stallmate, and red tape. Let the release of these monies have free course, and free reign. Now let it come forth to every person affected by overdraft fee’s, and penalties imposed by BOA.
We all agree together on this very thing, so let our unified agreement manifest a great release of checks, monies and deposits in our mail and bank accounts.
It is written in the Bible,,
that if any two of us can agree on one thing, it will be done for us the Father in Heaven, so I hope that there is someone out there with faith to agree with me, if so, then we all shall see a Miracle Trust and Believe
Final decree,
We have suffered long enough, we have waited long enough, let all of our money come forth now!!
AMEN! Beautifully stated,and I stand with you. Thanks for being so positive.
Thanks for trying to impart some intelligence with these good people but alas, I’m afraid you will be typing until your fingers bleed. I agree that BofA will not appeal since the preliminary agreement was completed in 2017 and agreed upon by almost all parties involved. When I read the court documents I thought the verbiage read that disbursement would be 30 days from final approval? I could be wrong because my eyes were bleeding after reading all those documents. Do you remember the length of time between approval and disbursement? If you know for sure could you let me know?
Marta/All: Reading these documents is a chore—with or without prescription eyewear, LOL. But, here’s what I read (likely what you referenced, Marta): (b) Distribution of Class Member Awards. In the event that the accounts from which Class Members paid the EOBCs and that make the Class Members eligible for Class Member Awards remain open, the Class Member Awards will be credited via direct deposit by BANA to Class Members’ BANA accounts (“Direct Deposit Payments”). The Direct Deposit Payments will be accompanied by a description on bank statements to be determined by BANA after consulting with Class Counsel. BANA shall make Direct Deposit Payments to Class Members within thirty (30) calendar days of the Effective Date. Within forty-five (45) calendar days of the Effective Date, BANA shall provide to the Administrator a list of Class Members, and corresponding account numbers, to whom BANA distributed Direct Deposit Payments and the amount of each Direct Deposit Payment.
Key words: Effective Date. Judge Lorenz signed off on this August 31, 2018. Given this, I would presume disbursement activity will commence by the end of September if not before. We can hope! ☺️
Hahahaha WTF?!
It is highly unlikely BOA will appeal anything at this point. While the bank DID appeal during the initial stages of this lawsuit, all parties were in agreement thereafter, and BOA willfully agreed to reparations, going as far as placing the settlement amount in escrow. LINK:
There seems to be a ton of misleading information in the comments here. I won’t call anyone out, but I will say you should be ashamed for sharing ‘in the know’ type information that, quite frankly, smacks of personal opinion rather than substantiated facts. One should also be advised that contacting BOA and speaking to ‘someone that knows’ is highly unbelievable without source information; it lacks credibility in the most obvious way. What it really DOES is lead others to greater angst about what’s truly going on behind the scenes.
Be patient as possible, folks. Further, just pray for the best outcome for all Class Members in the aftermath. We deserve as much.
oh well! so they have lots of appeals and we will be waiting anyway, why not make some appeals too!? but like someone said before its just to rack up more attorney fees so that hopefully comes out of their funds! another tactic huh!
This is true! Maybe we will get something in time for Christmas, unless they decide not to appeal. Doubtful.
I thought the appeals happened already, oh well.
Just spoke to someone who told me BOA has filed several appeals which we all knew they would ….ugghh , a stall tactic , so now we wait some more
Yeah it’s a little weird how an extra 1.1 million popped up and it’s been 5.9 the whole time along… maybe one of the other money mongers wanted to be cut in and that’s how they will get it! Or maybe they needed some hush money for somebody, these days hush money don’t keep people hushed very long anyway LOL
Well as they say the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. This is how they do it.
Also this site says 5.9 million people involved the real #is 7 million so 1.1 million people just added never good news
That’s what I was told by live person
wow! so they really are gonna just dwindle it away for us! i hope they dont want a thank you! that is just $ that gets thrown out there to make the rich richer… smh
What??!!! That’s crazy!!! How is that possible, if they already screwed us by sucking us dry……smh.
That’s what I was told by live person
They said whatever you get they are allowed to subtract 9 percent
@Thomas – What do you mean MINUS 9%? If that’s interest wouldn’t it be PLUS 9%??
They said whatever you get they are allowed to subtract 9 percent
Wow, that sucks
Latest update boa has til Sept 30 to appeal which they will, which means the way the court schudule is they will rule on the case 30 days after and if the appeal loses then boa will have 30 more days to disbursement of funds which is around end of November or early December the amount per person will be determined by the amount of excessive reoccurring charges to your account minus 9 percent.
i totally agree…and nope i havent heard a thing and i left a couple messages.
Any news yet??? Judge Lorenze not Giving a Dam !!! Give us Our $$$$ Stop playing the Cat &Mouse Game I’m Really Fed Up BOA didn’t Care about how swift they took from Class Members Now Be Swift Giving All That$$$$ Back
yes its getting rediculous, we definetly were not priority we were just an excuse for them to get paid fat! i never got a call back either, who knows how how to expose these people and warn everyone bofa is always scamming??
so simple if charge 2 or 4 times extended fee that all you get…there are people that are charge from 2014 all the way 2017 like other people 30 or more than that of extended of $35 so they get more…so if you remember they charge you 3 or 5 times only and that all you get.
This waiting game is really bad it shows what they really think about class members we are the little people so what we got Robbed we should have been they’re first priority just saying
We are all playing this waiting game . I called the 202 number ,got thru and receptionist asked my name and what the call was regarding and my dumb ass was honest and told her. She put me on hold came back said he will call you back. Now I wait.
Anyone have a update?
We all been so patience… it’s so frustrating!
Yes, I know I had several of those during that time frame before they closed my account in 2017 and then it was charged off with fees outstanding. I guess we will see what happens!
i for one was not REFUNDED or did i get anything “charged off” to my knowledge. also the suit is going off of how many people paid the extra fees after the initial overdraft fee…which was another 35$ each time, now once again its supposed to be based on how many times that happen to you within them dates. we will all get back different amounts, and who knows we may find ourselfes in another class action if they screw this up as bad as it sounds for the people….just sayin!!
I still don’t see how we will be getting that much. I keep going back to the paragraph in the settlement agreement where it says that class members entitled to cash portion will get less than 100% of their economic loss (page 9 of 17) and it also says that you will not get a cash refund for any fees that were refunded or Charged-off. Unless we are also getting compensated for interest charged. I guess we will see.
Let’s try to get some answers. Kristina Pierson (1-954-522-6601) and Jeff Ostrow(1-954-525-4100). They are two of the Lawyers who represented us during the Settlement. They are from two different law firms both based in Florida.
Any appeal it says from eobc websitethey should be clear after august 31,2018. The lorenz put a date when they going to resume or any appeals a set court?
They should be a set of date after august 31,2018 if judge lorenz approved the motion to grant for the class settlements,attorney’s fee etc. They should have another for apeals,or resume another dates this attorneys doesny tell us and the eosbc whatever they should have updates besides the august 31,2018 for granting the motions what next?
Frank dodd feom the housing bubbles with ben bernanke they bailout big banks like bank of america to big to fail…if your ordinary citizen you dont get help and your credit score fucc up!
This government democrats created dodd Frank law allowing this to happen
You should call and find out cause right here no one knows shit
Can someone please tell me about the real updates
Nuts and bolts we all got screwed!
The judge name lorenz approved it on august 31,2018 motion to grant everything…they attorney’s or eobcs should let us now when they where in the court that day when the next hearing if its there still more hearing after agust 31,2018 another date why cant they tell us.
Boa is a stock holder bank when shares are sold in bunches then we will get paid because stock holders won’t take a big hit watch the market
so thats a new update….maybe they finally started getting overwhelmed with calls but they didnt say much new info smh
UPDATE: The Bank of America Overdraft Fees Class Action Settlement was granted final approval on August 31, 2018. There is a 30 day period in which appeals can be filed. Top Class Actions will continue to keep viewers updated.
thats true! 🙂
I am pretty sure that once we get to the 27th of this month, then the money should be dispersed rather quickly, which would jive with other settlements after lawsuits in the past. I would be surprised if it took past the end of October. Just in time for everyone to be out of money at the end of the month. haha 🙂
Yes, and I think we are supposed to get interest too, fingers crossed!
oh heck yes! we paid more then that in one fee! lol
Just hope it’s more than $20.00.
I’m sure we all reviving it by late September. I looked on previous Settlments and they end mailing it out 30 days after.
that they are the biggest! but they already knew we were gonna sweat and that we are sweating!! and right now they are just playing us on the waiting game!!! lol shit they know what they are doing…..
It’s all racketeering. This gov is the hardest gang on the just quit should here yourselves never let them see you sweat….
This government democrats created dodd Frank law allowing this to happen
looks that way lol any more opinions?
So in the end, take what we get & RUN!!!!
yea thats probably what they want is more appeal to rack up more fees….we wont fall into that trap again, you are right!
Sounds like a plan. Then we would have more lawyer fees. Right?
Thanks for the update, who wants to appeal? anybody wanna appeal and try to get the lawyers money down?!
Thanks for the update!
I was told there is now a 30 day period for appeals and if there are none after 30 days then we get our money. How much i cant get that answer.
Yes they make mega bucks , even took life insurance on employees well they did when I worked there.
Aaron you say it well!
Danielle you are correct. They want us to wait and beg for our own money that was stolen and the try to give pennies on the dollar. They also trying to position us to be grateful for the little money they pay us. It’s a game and you right the Lawyers,the Judges, are all friend of the bank executives. The lawyers get millions for not fighting to get all of our money back. They take this small settlement and save BOA billions.
ive called only got to leave one voicemail for the guy….ofcourse no call back! heck yes @ Aaron butler it should be a national story bofa has this type of thing happen way to often and people usually dont even hear about it….they should be exposed and it should be known that the class action members get pennies and the lawyers (probably friends to bofa) are getting all the bulk. and the judges always sit back and let it happen (probably got paid off too) i say national story!!!;) now all we can do is bug the shit out of them and make them earn the money like that! lol everybody call….
Has anyone heard anything about any MONEY to be paid back to US?
Here’s hoping for the best
Sounds encouraging, thanks for the update!
I finally got a called back from The settlement administrator. It was in regards to an address update. I also asked her if it’s possible to see how much going to receive back or debt relief and she stated that right now the judge has not given more info on any objections if so there were any. She basically just told me that I should receive something in the mail either i get money back or debt relief but she told me she does not know how longer it will take. I just have to be patient. She was actually nice and answer all my concerns.
What is the phone number I need to update my address.
Any News yet I’m getting frustrated about this situation just GIVE US What we deserve BOA ROBBED US For 5 years NOW They Want To RAPE Us Go figure
it just dont sound right not to pay people when bofa closed the account themselves. but they are crooks so you never know, but im under the impression if u got the post card you are getting your portion.
Judah I got that in the mail back in January. And when I called to check the balance to make sure I wasn’t being scammed. They told me my account is no longer active. Also I paid a few of the extended fees, but once I noticed the bs boa was doing I said to hell with them and left it in the negatives with the charges still piling up. So u only get reimbursed on the extended charges you paid off? Or is it for every time they put 1 on your account
Judah I got something in the mail saying my account was at 0 balance in like January. And then when I try to check the account they said it’s no longer active. So do we have have both criteria’s cover or what?
i started calling yesterday, now i know exactly what my first question will be….
Lets give them 30 days after that we all calling lmfao same time & all
This is true!
My shit got closed too but i know i paid a few times lmfao. We need to get this shit out our minds kux we don’t know shit till we get out shit lol mmkayyy
That’s what I meant. I paid many fees before my account closed last year. It looks like some people may have only had one occurrence of the extended overdraft which led to their account being closed, then they would not be entitled to anything if they did not pay it back.
I think they would be entitled to something under this, since this lawsuit is about the extended overdraft being an illegitimate fee. So it’s a check or debt relief.
actually that don’t make sense to me because I paid many many fees before I let my account close with a negative balance so I disagree there!
My account was closed with a negative balance also, but that is only based on the last occurrence. I know I incurred quite a few from 2014-2016, so the rest that I paid should count. I would think that if your account being closed was the only occurrence, then you would not have been named in the suit.
yes it is suppose to be about the extended fee which yes after both fees the charge was 70$ the 2nd 35$ fee came after the first 5 days of over draft. And i did not get anything saying i owe 0$ that i can remember and my account was closed when i was over drafted at 300$….
How much $$$ are we really initialed to
BoA provides cash payment (“Cash Portion”) of $37.5 million to class members who (1) were charged an EOBC and (2) did not have their EOBC refunded or charged off. So does this mean that if they sent you something in the mail saying your balance is now 0 dollars and your account is closed( even though I didn’t pay if off) then I’m excluded because they charged it off?
@ineed$ did you just received this in the mail recently or when did they sent you that notice in the mail? My account was charged off as well but I also over draft and been chargerd with the extra fee in the past 5 years, but I haven’t received anything that stated my account was close.
Ohh. Yess that’s def. A huge part of it NO KIDS 😉 lol
ok! lol i thought you were gonna say something like 1rst off not having 4 kids lol after i messaged that i thought about it haha
but yup you got it right 🙂
Hiii….you are always so chill and laughing! what’s the secret?!?! 😉
We getting that mula guys chill
Yes you are right, and we always pay with interest but it may not be that we get paid back with interest huh!
They want our money every which way they can take but when it comes to paying us back. They take forever & ever – however long they can stall out this process!!! It’s always in their favor!!!
Me too!!
agreed!! im thinking one way or another all the lawyers AND judge are looking at a fat pay check and we the people are getting stalled out and waited out! but im hanging in there i paid BofA these fees every pay day…sad but true!
Yes, I agree. Sounded like he was stalling
I’m with you I doubt the 7 million as well. You right the court ruled. They should be talking figures now big or small. But that Nathan dude is trying to stall for some reason. Seems shady and to secretive to me. Our money was stolen by BOA. This should be a national story.
I called too – no response yet!! Keep thinking positive guys!!!!! We are in it together – and I know it will be a good chunk of change. :)))))
If the court ruled then they should have to pay. I doubt that 7 million people were notified about this because there would be so many calls coming in, you wouldn’t be able to get through. I got through twice, but he was out the first time. Lets see what happens if people keep calling
yea i can start with when the money will be dispersed….judah i cant remember if i had this address when my account was still open but the post card found me so if you got the post card where ever you guys live you should be good…so yea i left a message and we all should just keep calling! maybe it will force them to update! and give us real answers….
I agree. Not a dime
Danielle just what you feel. You may want to ask when will the money will be disbursed. Call every day until you get paid. He never returned my call. You may be different. You don’t half to give your name every time you call if you are worried about. Keep trying.
I hope everyone updated their address.
i put a call in right after u posted….although im not exactly sure what my first qustion should be!! lol
I need a new phone. Sorry again his name is Nathan 1-202-973-0900. Call him
i just called twice couldnt get through, but i believe his name is nathan Laporte, i left a message asking for a call back lol we will see how that goes!
Not Mate but his name is Mate. Sorry.
Everyone call the number 1-202-973-0900 ask for Mate he is handling our case. He told he was waiting for Friday to see If any more appeal come in (Bullshit). They are cheating us out of our money. Everybody call and voice yourself.I also asked him how many are getting cash and how many are getting debt relief. He said some get both. But he did not have number in front of him(Bullshit)
I need to get a good address on file with the attorneys? I have moved out of state since I had my account (Which has since closed). I called 1-888-396-9598 and it was an automated system that didn’t give me the option to speak to anyone. Help?
I will be glad when this is over…!
So just to be clear all the people included in this class action suit WILL NOT GET THE SAME AMOUNT! because the amount you get back is solely based on how many times you were charged over a 3 year period the extra 35 dollar fee. When I say extra I don’t mean how many times you over-drafted account I simply mean that when you overdraft your account BOA charges you 35 dollars and if you don’t pay that fee off before 5 days is up they will charge you an additional 35 dollars and that my friends is what the suit is all about how many times did BOA charge us an additional 35 dollars over a 3 year period I don’t know how much we’re getting back but I suspect that we might get enough to at least pay off bill in the house…lol
No problem. I hope that doesn’t take too long. I thought they appealed already.
How long do they have to appeal?
I just called the attorney’s office and he told me that nothing has been worked out yet as far as the amounts being dispersed because they are waiting to find out if there is going to be an appeal.
Thanks for the update.
Well, if there was one thing for sure, nobody really knows shit. 🙂 I don’t think we will know until we get the checks, and then the complaining will begin because we received so little. haha
The document on the eobc website says that post card notices were mailed and they also sent notices via email.
Hey guys. We did want to provide a quick update here. I don’t believe the final class size has been announced but it was estimated to be around 6 million. The final settlement document does say only 100 people opted out. There are also a lot of numbers being thrown around as to how much the settlement will be, but here is what will be paid.
$37.5 million to class members who paid an EOBC fee and did not have that fee refunded or charged off.
$22 million paid based on how many EOBCs you have as a percentage of the total class.
Here is a direct quote from the settlement, ” It is true that the Cash Portion recipients, by contrast, will recover less than one hundred percent of their economic loss…”
In other words, you will be receiving back less than you paid in fees if you are a cash recipient. I highly encourage everyone to read the document. You can find it here.
making some sence there guys….
John forget my last reply it did not make sense. Sorry. What I mean is at that time of the mailings the settlement was not final and to make 7 million mailings they would be taking a risk of a loss for any reason fell through. What you think?
Does anyone have an update on who we can call to see how much we are getting or has anyone found out what they are getting yet?
Can someone please tell me how can we know for sure that we are one of the class members included in this law suit?
I did not receive a post card, but I’ve read a couple people have informing them of this law suit.
I received an email. In the email it said that there was nothing that I needed to do. But if I do nothing, how can I be sure that I am included?
Please help.
John the I say 15,000 to 20,000 is because they probably inflated the amount as well with man hours worked on mailing. But this greedy Law firm we have would not have put for 500,000 mailing much less 7 million for a case they did not think we could win. The 7 million come from the probable amount of class members affected. I know for I’m just trying to make sense of this as well. But Like you said the math is the math.
I dealt with a Settlment before. I’m pretty sure we can call to see how much we are getting. They just need to verify your identity then they can tell you to see how much you are getting. I’m going to call tomorrow to see if I can obtain my pay out part. I will keep all you folks updated.
I noticed people have commented about 7 million class members. I think that number was a legal tactic for the would trial. That number got the settlement. The approval document states a cost $53,000. The cost is the money the law firm put out of their pocket (post cards). If the did 7 million post card,the postage alone would be 4 million in cost.So I’m guessing just guessing between 15,000 and 20,000 members get you a 53,000 cost
That’s a damn good point, Aaron, that the rest of us missed. I thought something seemed a little off here, and it was the number of people. So if there are between 15,000 and 20,000 members obviously the amount of money goes up for class members significantly. Anyone here good at math? It just didn’t seem right to me that people would be given $5 or $20 if they were hit by a fee over and over again that is more than what would be returned to them. And if the approval document states a cost of $53,000 for the postcards, then by default millions of class members is not possible.
daaang! see what i mean everybody keeps uncovering all these scenerios! but all the same we all supposedly gonna get a different amount depending on transactions made…but yea its not really cool to have people to get so much more just cause they were able to hire lawyers we all got the same fees, same treatment! im just sayin!
God, I hope so!!! Cause I know I could definitely use it, just like most of us could.
@dawn – I read on the site, each class Representative payout got increased to $20k?? I’m pretty sure we should all see something in our favor. Just gotta be patient & wait for the best!!!!!
Ok ok i see you dawn
K cool we getting $ $ thooo 😉
We are class members.
Ohh damnnn youu rightt !!!!! What are we then thooo?? Lol
Either way i don’t care were getting some type of bread i know it .Lmfao .
So 🙂 ✌
Lol YOU don’t need it . we need those checka Lmfao
For real lol
Lol we getting some type of something 😉 thats fo shoo
What if we lost our post cards?? I can’t find mine anymore.
There is a copy of it on the website under important documents
ok good! thats what im talking about, lets look for the positive, high hopes!!
Its says up too 5000 & i think they have 30 days to send out the checks.
Man HOPEFULLY we get something cool 🙂 ☝☝
It is up to $5000 for each class REPRESENTATIVE. There were 4 representatives, so the total of their payments are $20,000. We are NOT representatives. Those were the people who hired attorneys and filed the original suit. Not being negative, just trying to get the facts straight.
Jeri yup u right it do say that & the post card.hopefully !!
I also believe it states they have ten days to pay us.
I believe in the settlement agreement we are getting $5000.00 each period go read the settlement agreement and ur card u received in the mail. They both say $5000.00
thank you hiiii, keep up that faith 🙂
Lmfaoo im still just gonna wait for my fat check 🙂 i got faith we gonna get a cool amount.
damn!!! no negativity!!! please people!
There is no way anyone could get that much back. The last settlement like this BofA settled at $410 million with 13 million people included and they each got a direct deposit or check for $27. This one is way less than that. Customers got back less than 10% of what they were originally charged.
I pray we get back way more, but doing the math, it doesn’t seem feasable.
Not all of us will have 20 or 90 of the fees charged to our accounts. Some people know how to balance their checkbook! I would not be one of them! Anyway, if you had 5 charges against yojr account then you will get approximately $277 back. There will enough money for everyone to get back what BofA took from them plus interest.
I don’t understand how some of you think we are getting a large amount back. If 7 million people got $5 back, that’s 35 million. They settled on 37 million, so there is no way we are getting more than $5-$7 each. Sad, but true.
Well, 37 million in that case is the cash payout. My understanding is we either receive cash payout or debt relief, not both, unless I’m misreading something.
yooo…thanks for the update and the breaking it down!
No problem
Not only am I waiting on my check, BOA had a nerve to close my account. They sent me a letter stating that in 20 days I will no longer be able to bank with them. So U called to find out why and they said it’s a business decision. Sounds like because I’m in the lawsuit settlement they no longer want my services
Might be better off this way. They don’t have a good reputation.
let Me find out I’m only getting $5.00 and Im praying on a fat check?!.. fml I’ll be darn af!
Chill lets just wait see what we get 🙂
Which means our cut will be about $5 per person, I believe. Smh
The final approval order document is up on the eobc website. It mentions how the lawyer fees, court cost, hourly rate and the plaintiff portion will come off the top. It also mentions that 7,078199 people received notices and that 100 people of that number opted out and another 11 objected. Also 37.5 million will be cash payments to the class members and 29.1 million will go to debt relief for class members. I know its a lot of information, just wanted to give an update to those who haven’t seen it.
I have a feeling we is gonna get a dime thooo 🙂 we have 30 days to wait & see & Thomas is lying he just feels tricked 😉
wooow very mature!
I just made that up to mess with all of you whiners. haha 🙂
It’s just a waiting game now :)hope for the best
yea who knows whats what anymore!! lol
I wanna know if what thomas the other one said about the 750 still valid or naa lol.
Any news
We’re not getting a dime
I agree
@ john edwards ha ha yes you’ve missed alot and to me things are still cloudy about amounts and all specifics… and ofcourse everyones outcome is gonna be different, but one thing we all may be able to agree on is that the greedy lawyers are in cahoots with the greedy judge and they are all gonna get a fat check!!!
Hey everyone, I’m new here. There has been a lot of good information being passed around here. Since the judge has given his unfortunate ruling, has it been said yet how/when the money will be dispersed or what it will be per person? Sorry if this has been asked and answered.
John Edwards…..
What do you think was so unfortunate about the ruling? The settlement class (i.e. US!) will be getting back $35 for every $35 that B of A charged our accounts for a 4 year period. Now I don’t know about your banking habits but mine suck! I had approximately 90 of those charges against my account during that time period so it’s almost like having it in an interest bearing savings account. With interest I’m looking at approximately $3200.
Correct me if wrong, but isn’t this class action for extraneous overdraft charges, meaning an extra charge if you didn’t pay the initial overdraft charge. My understanding is it’s not for initial overdraft charges. Unless you mean you had 90 extraneous overdraft charges. Also did you receive any payout from the 2011 Class Action lawsuit for reordering transactions?
Is it just me but I agree with you Robert. BOA had an extra 35.00 overdraft charge to the initial one. Accounts were being charge 70.00 after the 5 day period total. I were under the assumption that this suits was about the second fee. Which I had and paid the following pay period. So again correct us if we’re wrong but I thought this lawsuit was for the Extended Charge?
Fucc this judgecand attorneys our money they get more than we do. The class counsel attorney’s sought for a fee
$7700 per hour almost $16.6 million total while there lodester claim is only $1.4 million.
You guys could check the final approval in the pdaf of…judge greedy lorenz give or granted rhe class counsel the greedy attorneys instead of $16 millions they were granted $14.5 millions what a joke judge and attorneys are on cahoots and just look for there interest.
I know what does that mean 😐 ¿? 😉
Ooopppsssssss… I meant *MR. lmfao
I’m not perfect! Lmfao the shades though?… I like how Me. Thomas said “YOU PEOPLE”……
i do my best! 😉
i hope all of us get much more than expected! all of us grouches too!!! and all the info has been much appriciated…comments too!
Lol you too nice madam 🙂 love it
I agree
Lmfaooooooo. People dont have to be B s About shit thoo. Bringing in the HELL & WHO KNOWS WHAT 😉
Its all good i still hope all of u guys get a decent amount so y’all won’t be so grouchy 🙂 Pure Peace Yooo Take it easy. May the LORD BLESS YA
The questions right now did the attorney get more off the money or the customers of bofa who been taken advantage by taken $35 more extended fee gets more of the settlements of the money?
such as did the lawyers get what they wanted?! and also “talk texting” does not always make the sentence make alot of since….and i would be embarassed if i made a mistake while calling other people out too! anyway none of us are gonna know what, where, when, why or how its gonna be in the end cause we all have different out comes, so it is what it is. some people must really be stressing on it though!!! maybe thats why you might get your head chewed off if you have poor grammer or ect….
rairrrr i didn’t read it lmfaoooo.
Relax Yooo. Wooosaaa and we don’t have to fucken be spelling shit all perfect when we just bullshitting here THOMAS SO PLEASEEEE KEEP UR ANGRY VIBES TO YOURSELF 🙂 THANK YOU FOR YOUR INFO SIR !!!!
Wht’s actully freeking trebible adn emmbbarrassing is fur somewon two git a magor additude when somewon sipmly aks a qeuston…
Your response wasn’t clear…and reading it on the site isn’t very clear either…judge granted both motions….well just what the hell is both motions…does that mean everyone wins both attorneys and class action plaintiffs…?
Judge grant both motion. Go to and read on it.
The judge “granted” both “motions.” The spelling and grammar from you people on your posts if freaking terrible and embarrassing. Did any of you make it past the fifth grade?
“Is” freaking terrible and embarrassing.
What are you saying Thomas ?? Lol short version please
What I wrote is pretty straight forward, go check the website How the hell could you not understand what I wrote?
Okay, I went to and they just updated for today, the 31st, here it is: Today, the court entered its order granting motion For final approval of the class settlement and motion for attorneys’ fees, costs, and class representative service awards.” Finally, the ball seems to be rolling. I wish they would be clear on when the freaking money will be dispersed. Damn wheels of justice take so freaking long to turn. Bank of America is playing this really close to the vest trying to avoid too much bad press.
thats still helpful info marta…
Go to the homepage of the Settlement document;; from there click on Important Documents.
There are several .pdf files. I downloaded and read all the files dated
August 27th & 28th of this year. There are a lot of documents and most of them
are useless to me (they either don’t pertain to me or I just dont give a shit). That sounds horribly self-centered but let’s face it, there is a lot of useless reading!
Anyway, on page 17 of the one.pdf ‘s dated 8/28’, I’m sorry but I forgot the title
of the file, is the disbursement procedures and benefits related to the case.
Sorry about file name but I’m working on my tablet and storage is limited so I deleted
all of the files after reading. Anyway there are only a couple of files with a present date.
that sounds good! i wonder how many i had, that account got closed awhile ago!
I like your name yooo
Thanks, right back ya
The new legal documents that they posted on the EOBC website are an interesting read. The way I understand it is that any overdraft that your incurred, you will be refunded the total $35. They are also factoring in interest on each transaction. I’m not quite sure how much it is but there is a 2.2% figure in there somewhere. That part confuses me! Anyway, I had approximately 87 charges on my account so they will deposit $3045 into my account, that is without the interest. If my math isn’t too bad that figures out to be $3,111.99. The document said the timeline is within 30 days of approval. There is already preliminary approval listed with the documents. So we should have cash in hand by the end of September at the latest.
Interesting. Thanks
Marta, could you post the link to the website please? Thanks
I want to know if we can contact the lawyer to see how much I’m getting.. hmmmm
Thank you so much for the update. Thats good news.
Man i fucken hope so that sound hella good I’ll be waiting for my check 🙂 thank you Jesus
Thats a whole lots of 18paks 😉
it didnt show all my smile emoji’s though lol
thanks for the good info!!
Okay, so I just heard from an inside source (friend) close to the case that the lowest dollar amount someone will receive will be $750. The amount will go up from there depending on how many overdraft fees you have been charged. I have this on good accord. The money should be dispersed out to everyone by the end of October. Smile everyone, the lawyers lost and the people won.
Thanks for that info
I think we are getting a lot of misinformation here. The action that Robert is referring to is from 2011. That is not the same one that is going on now. Bank of America has had several class action suits against them. The judge has not made his ruling as yet , so there is still hope that we will get something out of this lawsuit. Hang in there guys and gals. Its not over yet.
Yes, you’re right many lawsuits against BofA, and I added that article above showing 90M unclaimed from the 2011 approval. Some of those writing here may be entitled to some of that money. How they can access that now, I don’t know. Would have to do more searching.
I don’t see that on CNN. Are you sure that’s our suit?
The judge has awarded all class-members.97.000.000.also CIE is donating 540.000.00 all of there fee to the salvation army… Whatch the news now on CNN…
What? Is this the settlement that we are waiting for?
11 bucks, lol. I hope not
Lol yes i haven’t looked since june or July 18 or someshit like that.
But fr 11 bucks not even enough for 18pak Lmfao
I’m dead! lmfao
you just noticed that! i hope its not true!!! lmao but i feel the same!
Theres an updat already says we have to wait till they decide. & also ima be pist if y’all talking about 11 bucks cause last time i was in something like this i got like 1200 !!!! so im hoping for at least 300 lol kuz my acct got closed with that
yes ive noticed that…its crazy how much they get compared to our little to nothing!
@danielle – it’s always been like that in any kind of class action lawsuit. Lawyers always end up getting more for some reason. 🙁
woow thats rediculous! the judges are getting a fat check too huh!! smh
Apparently from January 2001 – May 2011 BofA received 4.5 billion from it’s overdraft fee policy. Total class action payout 410 million, approved 2011, that stated customers would receive a minimum of 9% of the fees they paid.
Similar objections to this one, lawyers’ fees of 123 million, Judge sided with the attorneys instead of dropping that number by 50 million to give additional payout to the settlement class.
My bet is on more lawsuits headed their way.
From 2013
$90M Unclaimed in Bank of America Overdraft Class Action Settlement
Reading through the comments of above link and some others, it seems BofA has done a few things to get in the way of people receiving their money: sending payouts on postcards instead of envelopes to possibly be thrown away as junk mail, sending the bulk of the payout to an old address and a partial amount to current address, claiming to not be able to find payee when postcard was mailed to payee’s current address, sending checks so that they’re received past their date therefore not eligible to be cashed. I’m not sure who’s generally in charge of distributing funds but the past here looks a mess.
If they do ever approve payout be sure to scan every piece of mail, it might be on a flimsy postcard. Apparently it’s been done in the past to save money on postage.
On YouTube it said payout was each around $12??
@Robert, thanks for the insight…its nice to hear of good outcomes.
There was a BofA Class Action 2011, ruling was for $410 million. That was one for processing debit payments in the order of highest to lowest to maximize fees. I read of payouts in the thousands.
Ya im JUST chillin waiting for my check lol
Very stated Danielle!!!!!!!!!!
Very well stated Danielle!!!!!
@Hiii you have been silent lately lol
that just figures! we may as well not think it will happen this week! especially if so many people have the negativity that it wont be enough to even pay postage! lol but im gonna be positive and hope for the best and that the judge will have consideration of all our loss! im sure for those of us who had to over draft and then pay all the penalties each time obviously needed the money and still do…we couldnt afford it then or now. i have to say im thankful for the ones who stood up and pointed bofa out on this issue in any case. cause the bank as well as the lawyers are greedy s.o.b’s hopefully atleast the judge can see it our way! thank you!!
I called and he is not in the office
Well today is Wednesday they said the man who handles this case is supposed to be there today right?
What’s taking so long? How much longer does this judge need? Its not nice to tell someone you are going to make things right then keep them dangeling for heavens knows how long.
@judah – Don’t forget, plus the interest too we are getting back.
awsome, thanks
im still curious why 11$ was mentioned!
So….what exactly does that mean?? To wait more like what we have been doing?
Update August 28, 2018:
Following the Final Approval Hearing, Judge Lorenz requested further briefing pertaining to approval of the Settlement. The briefing was completed on August 27, 2018. The Court will rule when it is ready to issue its decision. Class members may check this website for the status of Settlement approval.
11$???? how do you know?
All this b.s. for $11.00 are you kidding me,
It’s stated the will reimburse the amount of time you have been overdrawn extra fee so I’m sure it’s not 11. I will keep you update once I speak with Nathan in this matter
Just give it until tomorrow or at least Friday
The Court Listener isn’t showing any activity on this case. What’s going on?
How come there hasn’t been any activity on the court docket? There should at least be some motions filed. Just silence. Was the court supposed to convene on the 27th or what? Losing patience.
How come there hasn’t been any activity on the court docket? There should at least be some motions filed. Just silence. Was the court supposed to convene on the 27th?
Anything on when the money is being disbursed.
It’s from 2011.
Have any one seen this?
Watch “BofA Settlement, a Real Victory?” on YouTube
We will definitely be getting good news!!! Just be patient guys & gals. This will teach the bank not to mess with us again!!
They are turning me grey hope I’m alive when they do pay or if they pay well they are out of days by law so we will see
We should be hearing some good news soon!!! Just hang in there guys n gals. That’ll teach them a lesson to mess with us next time.
I mean, 66.6 million divided by 5.9 million people is about $11.00 each. Doesn’t sound like a big deal to me, really. And court cases always take a long time, what’s a couple days to us to think things over is at least a month to them.
The court might not have even ruled yet, the Judge’s schedule was to complete briefing by August 27, with ruling coming after that date.
I wonder why only 2014-2017? Guess I’d have to read some background..
66.6 million divided by 5.5 million isn’t 11$. It’s 11 million. Clearly we aren’t each getting 11 million. But your math is way off.
Natalie your math is actually way off. 66 million divided by 5.5 million is $12.10 per person. That doesn’t include lawyer fees or anything else either.
Oh my gosh! You guys are right. Sorry!! Having a sleepless baby isn’t helping my math or people skills lol. Sorry!!
You’re right Natalie, clearly we aren’t getting 11 million each. Because there are 5.9 million people, not 6.
Somebody’s right and somebody wrong
thank you!
Yes but the lady said she could not give me the information because she is not the one who is handling this case. Don’t worry I will keep all of you updated
wow all this time and then they say call weds. you would think they would have a answer ready by 27th!!
Thank you for the update. The information that you give us is certainly appreciated.
So guys I just called to check on the status and they said call back Wednesday to speak with a guy name Nathan Laport who is handling this case. So I guess I’ll call back on Wednesday to see if the judge ruled in our favor
They may have the results in, just haven’t updated the page yet. Could monitoring this site laughing their butts off at us. All good right?? Just show us the money, dam don’t show is give us the money.
we sure are excited! we have been waiting a long time to get paid back….and we should at the very least get what we paid!! but its definitely going to be a Payday for the lawyers that sure didn’t pay anything into the fees smh
I’m guessing we all won’t hear any news until tomorrow just because today is the briefing decision. Let’s cross our fingers
They love taking their damn time, don’t they??
Any news
i know!!! waiting……
Time is up and nothing but silence hmm
Lol u guys way to excited over getting a lil of your EODF back. You will not recover all of the fee you paid but only a portion of each fee….
(thought bubble) wondering if Uncle Sam will have hand out….
Any news yet?
I hope this judge do right by us today
So nextime bofa get a lawsuit like this you guys knows already the judge give nice ruling to the attorney’s for there fees and leave the customers of bofa get less of the settlement.
Well today is the big day.. Judge please by us poor under under paid people. We are all waiting.
You GUYS?……. tomorrow is the big day well at least it’s big for me… I hope we all get something big it’s been a journey I’m sure I’m not getting a check until October
Since my account is still current, I pray my funds will be there Monday #PleaseLord
Please keep me informed Travis and to the other clients… Thanks for the information!!!!
Right! its been fun being able to chat and wait!
Judah,when you get paid you just gonna dip and run??? No bye nice chatting I got mine??? Just joking. I will say bye because it’s been nice knowing I am not the only one waiting
Once’s I get me check You won’t hear me hollering back on here. Lol
yea just first name bases…theres plenty of danielle’s lol hey! when we get checks…
If any of y’all wanna buy some scentsy when we get our CHECKS holla lol
noo i won’t change my mind lol and noo about my name i like to be low key lol . but its crazy with kids & im good without them i got doggies they my BABIES v
you may as well change hi to Anette now lol
twins are the most trying thing ever! you may have kids some day! ill tell you 2 is perfect… more no less! lol
Lmfao the name is Anette & your not lol we gonna get some mula yoooo ☺
I hope ur right hi I would not enjoy saying I told you so
I told you to chill Thomas after Sept if we don’t get shit then we all flipping lmfaooo k so chill 2 more weeks
We need repeal of dodd/Frank law which allows corporate banks to screw with us like they are
Ohhhhh my Lmfao. thats cool na i dont & i don’t want too. Lol its tuff. How is it having twins
yes i have twin girls 4, son 16, daughter 10….wide range i know, after the first i didnt think i was gonna have more same after the 2nd! lmao… started kinda young but only one baby daddy!! lol thats always a question! your 26…hmmm you have kids?
You have kids? I’m 26 & Santa Barbara
norcal (sac area) & 35…you?
Since u wanna chat Lmfao where you from & how old is you?
ok cool…thats why i dont mind it too cause all the different personalities! its always a laugh lol
Lmfaooooooo im just messing & l know you don’t mind it
I’ll let you know when i get my check
lol i dont i just get notified when you guys comment…smart ass!! one of those other comments didnt make since! btw i dont mind the chit chat though
Lmfao no how could you if you stay on here wanting to chat
did i miss an update?
What if you change your address who would you contact?. I just don’t want my check mailing to to wrong address.
see what??
Have any one see
Lmfao thats why y’all need to chill & wooosa till then
oh dont say that! thats the last i wanna hear!! ill be done waiting!!!!
Let’s pray that this date doesn’t get postponed until next year!!!!
The days are going by so slow as time is almost near… 9 more days until we hear some news
It should all be good news….I’m sure the judge will make a fair decision on Aug 27th in our favor. We just need to pray for the best & keep positive!!
yup thats the last info that was put out. i hope the judge does it right!!
august 27,2018 the judge will give his judgment it used to be june 18,2018 the reason the judge postpone it because the attorney want everything.
All we can do is wait and pray, we get a financial blessing.
Ur right judah
I bet the we all are not going to receive the check until October I’m over this waiting..
lol i am chill…..i guess thats why i have time to comment on here cause i dont get involved with all that social media bullshit! sorry stuck with me here lmao
Lmfaooooo we don’t need a bunch of loser commenting lol y’all need too just chill b4 y’all jeeks us
Just relax read the bible or something keep your mind off this shit already will get it when we do & thats that. U guys could blab on Social Media lol
U rant on us you don’t even give your name lmoa
hey yea that works!
Happy hour prices only! Lol
but im sure that being said we could all enjoy a celebration!!!
thats all true! now DRINKS! that all depends on how fat the checks are lol we all have determined we are all for the most part “broke ass’s” with high hopes!
Who’s buying drinks if we ever get paid?
Well I understand everyone opinion, but they robbed us, now they torture us, enough already
actually i welcome all comments! thats what its for we can keep up the convo with people in the same situation also see the frustration we all share!! lol
Summer almost over would be nice to enjoy it with $they owe us!
We still luv you no hard feelings, you try to cheer everyone up,your a good person thnx
Ur great but I’m sure mine and everyone else patience is done
It’s a lousy prank on all of us.
Lmfaoo omg Chilllllllllllll
Its fucken coming guys !!!!!!! We gonna get some mofo mula just wait & see
How do you know it’s going to happen?
thanks for the information. Its appreciated.
When will we see our money
Great question
Hope this email will help someone that may need more information about what is taking place.
I went on the website that is called EOBCSETTLEMENT.COM. On this website you can find out some information about what is about to take place for the settlement. The website says that the briefing will not be complete until August 22, 2018 and you may cheek back on the website afterward.
Phone number is 1888-396-9598. The address to write is EBOC LITIGATION PO BOX 3170 PORTLAND OR 97208-3170. Look on the website above for the case number
Thanks for great info, but I was told aug 27 keeps changing that’s why it looks like a lie
okay people! one week into aug. its getting closer! lol hopefully no more delay’s im ready to see the outcome of this big ordeal hopefully its good for all of us, we all seem to need a “pick me up”
It is my understanding that it will be applied toward your debt. Yes.
What if I overdraft more than 200 times will that be credit back after the debt relief? Because man I can use the extra cash! Yessss just one more week or two
What if your account is close but you still owe more than 300 will that be considered a debt relief? Because I’ve overdraft so many times in the past years.
The maximum debt relief per customer is $35.
I heard that it was to be like that too, but nobody has said so for certain….lots of different opinions and understandings going around!
I agree with you Lois. Plus don’t forget the interest on top of that too, right?
Its my understanding, that it will be based on how many times you were overcharged. If I was only overcharged, say three times, I would get less than you who were charged maybe, fifteen times.
i also wonder how that all will work out. maybe just because we were all done wrong no matter how many times we are all gonna benefit the same. but as i said before its happen to me on regular basis so who knows! its getting closer though!!
So im curious…..if i was charged overdraft fees 30 times in a year and someone was onlu charged once, do we get the same amount in a settlement?
Bruhh if we knew we wouldn’t be here Lmfao
When will I get my money and how much from the BofA settlement
Lmfao chill like last year they send me one of those post cards from a college i went to and next thing you know i got an extra 1200 check lol i mean it aint that much but shit came thru just in time for xmas so just ve patient bro .its coming 🙂
It’s a scam to punish us for banking there
Just in the last couple of days, I was charged $35 twice. The funny thing is this: Instead of BoA rejecting a debit from ones account due to insufficient funds, BoA will allow the transaction to go through, but then charge you the $35 fee. Seems that is inappropriate and deliberate.
Relaxxxxxxxxxxxx people…….wooosaaa
The whole thing is bull!
agreed!!!! i had problems way before 2014 too. but glad to be in it still…
from what i gather, we all think it is gonna be sometime in aug.
When will I get a check from the settlement
No updates
supposedly pretty much finalized, but lawyers are asking to be paid far to much so now the judge is thinking about if he/she is gonna let them take that lump sum!! and leave the rest of the crumbs for the rest of us
to share!
So what this isn’t finalized yet? The judge could say no. I thought it was s done deal.
ollowing the Final Approval Hearing, Judge Lorenz requested further briefing pertaining to approval of the Settlement. The briefing will be completed by August 27, 2018, after which the Court will rule. Class members may check this website after the briefing is complete for the status of Settlement approval
Yea hopefully we get a fatttaasss check lol
Aug something
You know it’s only us poor folks getting the fees. I know from experience the ones with money could just call and get them waived. Us little people were just stuck. They make big bucks the bank does. I am waiting on the settlement also. I pray it is a nice lump of change. So we should know by September . Right?
Does anyone know when checks will be issued anytime soon?
Do we know how much longer for the checks to be issued?
Thanks for cheering me up
Ur great thanks for cheering me up!
Its kinda fun just waiting,who knows???????? Could be phat
Lmfao womennnnnnn don’t neither tf lol
Will see relax will get something
I understand but now no post card explaining what’s happening, called them everything is not updated, it just seems phony. Lol I am a man, and men don’t like to be teased just sayin.
I’m beginning to think this is a joke
Omg RELAX guys be patient its coming !!! Lmfao just wooosaaaa. Its better when its random and you’ll get it when u need it the most it will come thru whatever change it is 🙂
ha yes lets hope!
I didn’t pay. Lol they closed my account .
But either way hopefully they break some bread much needed still a broke fuck Lmfao
@Hiii!! you can see it that way lol or that we paid our fees/dues….and then paid again, because we were/are broke fucks and didnt know better at the time!! but ofcourse we should all be blessed for being taking advantage of at the least….ect.
Thanks for the help I hope we all get what we deserve in the f@@@ up matter.
Lmfao we shouldn’t even be getting shit for being broke fucks and irresponsible
But hopefully we get blessed
Thanks for the updates guys.
i also had to let my account go as it was over drafted about 300…i use a direct deposit card that does not belong to a specific bank now. i did it for a couple yrs too. and nope no compensation yet!! im hoping for the best for all of us for those of us who admit it or not its really hard to get by especially with extra fees and we can all use all the money we can get.
I haven’t received nothing
Thomas has anyone receive their money yet
Has anyone received compensation yet?
@Konetski so you dont wanna give us any insight of the past suit and how it may look for us on this one….nobody is asking for specifics but any insight would be nice, wont be holding it to you if it turns out way different!! but for those of us who never been in a class action suit this size before have no idea what to expect. so just your opinion? and yea that guy who got a check for 209 must be for something else. A little in sight on my part: every direct deposit (every 2 weeks) i paid the fees i remember calling bofa and asking or we could say complaining about the extra $35 but once they draw you in and you owe so much each time, most of the time it leave’s you little to no choice but to have to keep getting the over draft due to the extra fees your check is already chipped away and you havent even had a chance to pay bills yet!!! i wound up having to let that account go after a couple yrs….anyone else have a similar situation?
Yea I did to. I kept over drafting and the Extending fee kicked my but so by the time my direct deposit came in I’m already short handing myself for other bills and I had no choice but continue to do it. Now that I’m unemployed it cause my account to be negative by $300.00 and that was just last year. I’ve been overdrafting since 2013
I have been in a similar situation like this but it’s for work and it took 1 month for the check to be issued out. I believe we will all get our check maybe the end of September or early October. Let’s just hope that the judge decline the amount the lawyer had ask for.
Any updates about this yet?
It’s probably for something else then, cause I don’t think anyone else got anything – I sure didn’t!!
I been waiting for new information on this case and it seems a long time already .
Hmmm…and I wonder why would they send out a check first when sending the funds electronically would reach more people a lot faster…
i guess nobody else got a check huh?
wow so you already got paid out and supposedly they havent made a full decision! might i ask how many fees you paid!?
Just got my check. $209
How? It’s not finalized until August 27th
Thanks everyone for the update.
To clarify (from my understanding): the overdraft fee itself ($35) does not breach the anti-usury law. This is because the fee represents a service by the Bank (it is permitting you to overdraw your account). It is the “extended” fee of $35 imposed by the Bank when you omit fully to rectify the overdrawn amount (including the overdraft fee of $35) by a certain date which is the subject of the action. This “extended fee” is in substance a fee on a fee: the Bank is providing *no* additional service to you for which they can legitimately charge, and thus this fee does breach the anti-usury law.
By the way. Has anyone noticed that, three months ago, a “monthly account keeping fee” started to be imposed (at least on my account). It is $12 a month, $144 a year! For the privilege of BoA using my money! If I cannot get this fee significantly reduced or waived, I’m moving my money elsewhere.
A watch pot never boils
Hey y’all I just checked the website and they posted this so I am copied and paste this for all the people who is concerning when will they have there final answers.
Update July 6, 2018:
Following the Final Approval Hearing, Judge Lorenz requested further briefing pertaining to approval of the Settlement. The briefing will be completed by August 27, 2018, after which the Court will rule. Class members may check this website after the briefing is complete for the status of Settlement approval.
What website did you find this information on?
I just realized that the bank is still taking out the overdraft fees and not keeping up with my keep the charge in my account that ended up with my account to receive the overdraft fees I just want this to hurry up so I can gladly get a new bank that will help.
hello everyone any new update yet im a member of this lawsuit also im a vet they screwed me over and took alot of my money stupid people with power makes poor people suffer everytime
yes thats who i meant☺ thank you for the info. and laEliza thats exactly what i was asking too.
@Harrison – I think Danielle was referring to Thomas Konetski not Thomas Harrison.
@Konetski – If you don’t mind sharing, what was the previous settlement for & what was the grand total amount won by the lawsuit? How many members were involved? Just curious if you would like to share that info with us all. Thanks again!!
To Thomas- you were involved in a class action suit with B of A in the past I’m not asking for your exact numbers but is there anyway you can give an example of how this one might turn out for us members of this settlement individually, if you can give any insight of an outcome at all? I’m just curious in case the last one was similar in numbers and you may be able to give a more accurate number for us then anyone else has been able to come up with! i know all of them are different but you have dealt with a similar situation so what do you think of the numbers involved with this settlement?
No, I have never been involved in a BOA lawsuit, Travis posted that he has been. I only know a little about what is going on because I have called the law office in Washington D. C. that is handling this and have read up on information via the links I posted earlier. You might as well put this out of your mind until late August, as I won’t be calling again for another six weeks. I was told that is the earliest date for getting to a resolution. And, when it comes to the amount, if you go back and read the previous posts from everyone, nobody has any real clue as to what we will be getting. It is just a waiting game at this point. Sorry, there is nothing more to add. I suggest you refer to earlier posts and brush up on the information that the links I posted will provide.
What does that mean?
I think i read on motley fool, June 19,2018, that the judge said it violated the national bank act’s usury limits. I really hope this is true!
I was involved in the last BofA class action settlement back in 2011/2012. I ended up getting a nice chunk of change when it was all said and done. Unfortunately I learned nothing from that experience as I am once again a BofA checking customer, and once again am involved in this current class action lawsuit. I hope a decision is reached soon as I am receiving spam related to ” a class action settlement payout” daily that has already, wait for it….resulted in fraud on my BofA checking account. BofA of course has been no help at all, insisting that I am at fault. Please keep the updates coming as this is the only place I now trust for information.
How much chunk of $ we talkin about
Would you care to share a round off amount you received in the past?just asking thanks
I give it until October for the final decisions
Any word on a decision?
Any updates on the case recently?
Travis or Thomas;
The two of you seem to have kept up with this case and have the most knowledge on it. The legal jargon in the court documents is ridiculous. It makes me feel like a dummy when I read it. Anyway, I understand that the bank will reimburse us for every $35 extended overdraft fee that they charged and also interest on that amount. My question is this, what percentage of interest will they pay and if we have an interest bearing checking account will they pay the rate that my account was yielding at the time that they took it out or amount it yields now? I keep seeing 8.8% but like I said, the legalese dumbfounds me. If you can answer my questions I would really appreciate it. I’m looking at about seventy-five $35 fees between 2/14-12/17. That would be a nice little xmas fund! Thank you for all the information that you have researched for us thus far.
Marta Binkerd
Lmfao are we all broke
Just following the suit, as it relates to me.
Exactly!! I AGREE with you JoAn. I would check my balance & it would reflect a positive balance. They would make it to where my balance would fall negative discreetly & unnoticeable, so that they could start rolling out EOBC. I would question & ask a rep. but their answers were so vague, it just didn’t make sense. I quit calling after that cause I knew they would always have a hideous excuse to cover up themselves. Sad but true!!
Me too. They got me like 2 to 3 times weekly for a year in half. Can’t wait to see my outcome.
B of A are experts at re-arranging transactions so you always get charged overdraft fees. I learned this the hard way.
I could also use the money they charged me. Seems like they re-arranged my purchases to make sure I had more than one overdraft charge.
That’s what I’m saying. I’m a at home mom so I can use the money they charge me.
I totally agree, people that weren’t even affected from these charges are getting overwhelmed with greed! They just can’t pass up a peice of any Ol’ pie!!!
We just have to be patient & wait for the outcome. As long as I get back what they took from me (charged me), that will suffice – it seems like it’s dragging out cause certain people are getting greedy & wanting more??
Travis lmfao we wish.
How to know if you are Included in the settlement I did not receive a post card
I am aware of all that, either way $66.6 million isn’t going to be much once it is spread out. It’ll be a couple hundred at most per person. One could make the argument that BOA should only have to repay the $35 fees to everyone. I couldn’t careless if this is only going to be fifty or a hundred bucks.
Thomas you misunderstand me yes the money will be spread out amongst all of us however it will not be spread out eqaually as I said before it’s based on how many times an individual included in this lawsuit was charged the extended overdrawn balance fee and from my understanding they are paying back the exact amount of money that they charged us in terms of the extended overdrawn balance so that would mean all the EXTENDED $35 fees that they charged us they would have to pay that back with interest I don’t believe that all of us will get the same amount because some people only overdraft maybe once in those three years from 2014 and 2017 but others may have overdrafted over a hundred times in that same period like me LOL so the money won’t be split up equally and like I said I tend to agree with you that yes we won’t be receiving any great amount of money in our bank accounts because they will figure out some way to give it to somebody else I was just saying it seems like it would be much simpler if they just paid us all a million and just shut the hell up LOL
This is saying that anyone who did not pay the overdraft fees and let there account close will not get anything. They r only gonna pay your 35 thst is owe to bank that means that that these people will not get interest tha people that paid there overdraft will get interest and the real money. Believe me most of the 5.9 million people r people who did not pay and let there account close. So that how some people will get a nice check and spme won’t. So if u closed ur account with a negative balance will not get anything.
Yes, I know that 11 million dollar number as well trust me I did that first…lol I suspect we won’t be getting that amount but we still could end up with a nice little bump in our accounts okay so from my understanding here is what I know to be true Estimated Award
Current Bank of America accounts holders will receive a cash payment deposited directly to their account. Former Bank of American account holders will receive a check payment. Actual settlement payouts are dependent on the number of overdraft fees incurred by Class members.
Additionally, “debt relief will be provided to Settlement Class members whose checking accounts were closed in overdrawn status with an EOBC still pending and whose overdrawn balances remain due and owing to BANA. Debt relief will be provided in the form of debt reduction, in an amount up to $35.”
Thomas That 1.2 billion dollar number is referring to the money that all us as account holders will save over the next five years because BOA will not be charging that extra $35 now this is how the money will actually be divided What does the Settlement provide?
The Settlement provides that BANA will provide sixty-six million six hundred thousand dollars ($66,600,000) to settle the class action (the “Settlement Amount”). Of the Settlement Amount, BANA will pay thirty-seven million five hundred thousand dollars ($37,500,000) in cash, and BANA will provide debt reduction in an amount estimated to equal twenty-nine million one hundred thousand dollars ($29,100,000). After paying certain other costs and court-approved amounts, the cash relief will be distributed among Settlement Class Members who paid one or more EOBCs that they incurred in connection with their BANA personal checking accounts between February 25, 2014, and December 30, 2017.
Settlement Class Members who currently hold the BANA checking accounts from which they paid EOBCs during the Class Period will have their cash awards deposited directly into their accounts. Settlement Class Members who no longer hold the BANA checking accounts from which they paid EOBCs during the Class Period will receive their cash awards via check. Each Settlement Class Member’s cash award will depend upon the number of EOBCs the Settlement Class Member paid and on the total number of Settlement Class Members. The debt relief will be provided to Settlement Class Members whose consumer checking accounts were closed in overdrawn status with an EOBC still pending and whose overdrawn balances remain due and owing to BANA. Debt relief will be provided in the form of debt reduction, in an amount up to $35, but in no event exceeding the amount of a Settlement Class Member’s overdrawn balance remaining due and owing to BANA. Debt relief will not result in any cash payments to Settlement Class Members.
$1,268,600,000 divided by 5,900,000 is $21,500. Of course this is before the lawyers chime in with their absurd demands. Assuming I have it correct that the 1.2 billion is the “real” number going to be dispersed to the masses.
Give the above link a read people, there is a lot of lawyer jargon, but the more you read it, it does start to make sense.
Travis, you may want to go back and check your math again. The number that has been agreed to is $66.6 million and there are 5.9 million people, that is $11.28 per person. I don’t know how you came to “if each person is given a million dollars there is still $55 million left.”
After clicking on the link below, scroll down to the top of page nine and look at the “amount” and “description.” The $66.6 million is just for cash payments and debt reduction. Have you come across anything regarding the $1.2 billion number? Is that the REAL number to be dispersed among the 5.9 million people? That would make more sense than just $66.6 million. Feel free to contradict me if I have this wrong.
My bank account with them is now closed due to all the fees they chagre….i know I paid these fees numorous times but how can I find out how many/ how much??
I just called the (202)9730900 number as of July, 3,2018 and was told that we will know by September what the amount would be. I talked to a guy named Nathan Laport. Remember this is not the only time that this has happened. If you type on line you will find out that this is an on going situation with this bank.
Thanks, Francine and Thomas for the information I am glad we all connected like this we have something in common the Banks is screwing us all over this Country is losing sight of what’s important and that’s the people. please continue to comment and remember much more joins us than divides us and right now this Lawsuit binds us to the whelms of the court and I pray that our luck holds!!!
I agree Travis, it is going to come down to how much the judge gives the lawyers. A significant amount of the majority of the money should go to the people who have been done wrong. And by the way, your math is absolutely right. Sucks that we may have another six to seven weeks of waiting. I will call back in a few weeks to see if anything new has materialized. Hopefully, the judge asking for a little more info on a part of the case, which he did recently, is the last hold up. At least he is taking his time and being thorough, that may be working in our favor. If one is to go to the website per the links below you can see that this company, Competitive Enterprise Institute, has a great track record of winning cases like this. I have copied these links again as we have some new people posting comments.
I wonder how the interest gets factored in? Looks like I got charged over 60+ EOBC without my knowledge. 🙁
Why I agree with Thomas that we won’t really receive windfall profits on the order of thousands of dollars in our account I did just realize exactly what’s going on in terms of the numbers here so let me lay them out for you the lawsuit is 66.6 million dollars there are a total of 5.9 million people involved in the suit that means even if they gave every one of us a million dollars each there will be something like $55 million dollars left, give or take a couple hundred thousand or two so I have a hard time believing that we won’t get a substantial amount in our accounts, however, there’s the lawyer fees to consider and court cost and that’s where we have our rub the lawyers involved in this case are being very greedy and I’m told that it’s creating procedural issues in the Southern District of California Court I would expect to hear a decision soon on this matter but that’s just something to go over in your minds how do you split 66.6 million dollars amongst 5.9 million people plus the lawyers? In the court case as I stated earlier the amount is based on how many times Bank of America charged you that extended overdrawn fee of $35 after 5 days yes there is interest I’m told on each transaction Bank of America will have to pay some interest back on each transaction. That’s all I have for now but anyway guys if you want to read up on the lawsuit and want to know more information here’s the link to the website for this particular settlement.
do we get intrest they charge us intrest
Thanks for the update
Thank you thomas
Okay, so I just called and I was told that the judge has asked for more briefing on one of the points of the case, so this is going to last until, at least, late August. We won’t get a ruling until then at the earliest. Sorry for the bad news everyone.
*I will keep checking every couple weeks just in case this changes.
Okay, so I just called and I was told that the judge has asked for more briefing on one of the points of the case, so this is going to last until, at least, late August. We won’t get a ruling until then at the earliest. Sorry for the bad news everyone.
Thank you Thomas!!!
Thanks to all!! This is the only place I’ve found updates that are up to date….i know I had to let that bank account go due to all the fees I know the charges came to me often but too often to know for sure how many!
Thank You May The Higher Power Bless You.
Thank you Thomas.
THANK YOU Thomas for the continuous updates & follow-up!! We will be looking forward to hearing from you soon again.
Thomas did you call
The last time I called was Wednesday, June 26. I will call again on this coming Friday, July 6. Nothing more to tell than this, though maybe it’s a good thing that the judge is taking a little while. It may mean that he is not completely in step with the lawyers and is giving this more thought.
I’ve been following this case since I received the post card that I am apart of the settlement and it’s so unfair that the lawyer wants more of our money and leaving us with so little to nothing. Please keep me updated
Thank you to everyone in this thread! I have been researching for days just to find out if the judge made a decision. What a cluster! Between the lawyer ads and inaçcurate news articles I just about gave up.
Bank of America has been charging this fee on my account, at least 2 times a month, since I opened the account. I just wanted to find out that they [B of A] will have to pay me back the $35 that they erroneously charged me when I could least afford it!
Thx guys
So I just called the law office and the judge is not back yet with his ruling. I was told they don’t have any idea when it will happen, and it’s tough to put a time frame on something like this. I will call again on Friday.
The number I called: 202.973.0900
Thank You for the information. Any updates?
Thank you especially Thomas
Okay…thank you!! Cases like this, I always feel like it’s always in the best interest of the lawyers & never for the people. No matter what, the lawyers end up getting the bigger chunk of it & we are basically wasting our time. Yes, we should deal with it fairly & split it accordingly so everyone goes home happy!! As always, thanks for the continuous updates. 🙂
@Thomas I just thought the settlement was not finalized cause I read something, someone posted about what the lawyers are getting is asking too much money. Besides that, it needs to be finalized b4 anything comes through to us, which might take longer than a month?
The settlement has not been announced because the judge has not given his final ruling on it yet. And, you’re right, the lawyers are trying to get much more than they deserve, a lot more. I really don’t know how long it could take to have the money dispersed, I will call back on Tuesday or Wednesday to see where it all stands. There is a woman named Rachel Threatt who has filed a lawsuit on our behalf. Scroll up and click on the links and read what’s there.
@Thomas – So does that mean, it’s going to be even longer to get a anything back?? It seems like it’s gettung even more complicated.
Travis wrote earlier: “The last time they had a class action like this one it took about a month to get everyone’s funds out to them.” We are dealing with millions of people and millions of dollars, this could be a while. I will call back on Wednesday and post here what I am told. I will also ask if they have any information on the amount and when we will receive it.
True. No other place
has info you people coming thru with the info
Here you go people.
But we should get all our overdraft charges back to us, correct? Even though they have to spilt among everyone else. (Meaning they’ll have enough to pay us back our EOBC?)
Don’t expect windfall profits here people. At most it’s only going to be a couple hundred each. Maybe a little more for someone with numerous $35 overdraft fees. Thousands being deposited into your account is not going to happen. With that said, thank you for posting what you have Travis, better information coming from you here than anywhere else I searched online.
***I just called, (Friday, June 22 at 1pm) the lawyers office in D.C. and was told the judge’s ruling has not come down yet, and maybe the middle of next week we will know a little more. – Tom
True. No other please has info you people coming thru with the info
Yesss keep me posted too lol
Thank you for the updates Travis! Please keep us posted. Thank you!
Hey Travis. I do appreciate the information. I Sharnette is very concerned about this class action lawsuits also. Hopefully, this will be resolved ASAP.
Thanks Travis for the information
Also, one other thing I called the lawyers office and the judge has not yet come back with his decision yet the lady says to call back in a couple of days and they may have new info here is the phone number and address>>
Address: 1828 L St NW Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036
Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 5 PM est
Phone: (202) 973-090
I been trying to find out how the court went yesterday and i emailed pple thats involved in the case, googled it and did everything i could to find out but nothing!. If you find out something please email me :
Thanks travis for that but whats thelast number to the phone number and i have been keeping up with this until the court date yesterday and cant find no info but what u said. The greedy ass lawyers want it all. But we have Rachel Threatt and her attorney sticking up for the consumers, they are called COMPETETIVE ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE CENTER FOR CLASS ACTION FAIRNESS. They objecting to the attorneys asking for most of the money.
(202) 973-0900 sorry about that and no worries I’m keeping up with it. The main reason why there hasn’t been any news just yet is that the Judge has not come back with his ruling yet when I find out I will let you guys know first… That is correct Brian COMPETETIVE ENTERPRISE is indeed fighting on our behalf Rachel is our New best friend, fingers cross guys if she’s successful we may be getting a lot more back than we realize!!!
Thanks Travis!
Do you think the settlement will atleast be 500 dollars lol
Well, Sarah, that depends How many times you Over Drafted your account between 2/25/14 to 12/30/17 and out of those times how many times did BOA charge an additional $35 after 5 days? like in my case I had to overdraft nearly 3 times in a month EVERY MONTH….lol
The big issue is the damn Lawyers they want more than they should, leaving us with just 10% of the total amount of the claim the Judge will not allow them to get that much hopefully>>> the terms and fees that the Lawyers want is being Challenged by another BOA victim…
How long would it be before he get the money
It won’t take that long the last time they had a class action just like this one it took just about a month to get everyone’s funds out to them.
as of 9/8/18 I have got nothing yet.
Folks the ruling happen yesterday on June 18th in the US Southern District Of California CourtHouse I don’t if they approved the settlement or not but I do know it took place at 11am local time so if you live on the east coast that would be 2pm for you and 1pm CST. The amount that you get is based on how many times BOA charged you that extra $35 after the first charge of you over drafting your account the amount to be paid out is 66.6 million dollars to 5.9 million people they have to pay out for 3 years so do the math although it won’t be the same amount of money for each person it still is a nice little piece of change!!!
Thanks for the update Travis!
Quick question if I need to do an overdraft to get supplies for a job what is the most I can overdraft if I make around $11 an hour and in trying to start a business I have a business account
I wouldn’t overdraft any amount especially if you are unable to repay the overdraft within a day or two since you will get hit with heavy fees.
What happened and when will we recive results? Ty
66.6 betwen 5.9 is 11.28 usd
exactly.. how is that a nice little piece of change? that is not even the 35.00 that was charged! unless they mean that 5.9 million is how many overdrafts they have to pay back and not how many customers.
Please read all documents before commenting I’m not reading 11.00 or counted up INTEREST at 11.00 sorry maybe u dont belong if u cant read
I just feel it’s unfair to reward ppl from 2014-2017 only this is so unfair. I had overdraft issue with this bank back in either 2008 or 2009 and I had a big problem with them but no action was taking. So i believe they should reaward everyone that had this issue and not just certain ppl.
How much are we getting?! I need a car!
It is my understanding that we will receive 10% of the value of our claim. So if you had 1000 in overdraft fees, you will get 100 dollars. Guess its better than nothing.
66 million payout, 5.5 million or so people affected. 10%???? With that much money all those 35$ charges should be paid back.
We talking about illegal interest that the court agreed too in the documents provided by the case hopefully u read the whole document correctly as stated in the document order to show cause BOA stated they took 871 million from ACCOUNTHOLDER and 29 million from DEBT HOLDERS. U cant justify those numbers please read.
I’m not really sure how much we’re getting probably what they charged us in fees maybe if we’re lucky a little extra
Well if its a 66 million dollar lawsuit and the article says 5.9 million customers may be eligible that works out to approximately $11 eachm and thats before the bloodthirsty lawyers get thier share.
Its all for the lawyers not for the people there wanting to make some money.
Febuary 25 will be the cut off date and after that it could take 60 to 90 days
Have you heard anything from them? I went to their website but it has not been updated and its 2 weeks from what they settled on February ,25.?
Now it’s saying to check back in July 2019 think it’s a scam
I received the card and every time I went online to complete as I normally would do it said it wasn’t necessary and gave no option to fill anything out- it said if you received a card, you were automatically included and would eventually receive a settlement check when completed. Boa was the worst bank I ever had…they always moved around my transactions to charge multiple overdrafts
I have been charged overdraft cbarges 5 or 6 times i have received no notice and i am in the middle of moving .now how can i follow this law suit who can i contact .
samething with my husband. he got a card in the mail stateing he was in the settlement. he moved from time. what to do. how do we find out if the check was sent
People, let’s to give a call for the Judge !! Anyone here has the right phone number from there ? I sent a letter for them last month but nobody replies.
When will we get our money I got an card stating i would be gettingbit when the judge signed?????
I am not sure – these things usually take a long time.
Mark Ostermann.
Have you been looking at this website recently?
It has turned into a racist, foul language website and needs to be shut down. It is not serving the purpose that you intended it for. It was great getting the info on the settlement, but now has turned nasty.
Lois I removed the comment and anything that involved bickering and also posted a comment below. Hopefully this will settle things down and we can get back to the topic on hand. Thanks
Thank you. I appreciate your attention and your prompt response.
Any time 🙂
It’s now January 2019 and still no money when will it be in the mail??
I don’t think anyone can answer that question.
Well I have been checking everyday and still nothing here it is going into February ad and still NOTHING WTH!!!!!!! I THINK IT’S A SCAM
Well here it is February 20th and still nothing does anyone know what’s going on?
I dont think anyone will get crap the lawyers will get a third
They are thieves, and charge an obscene amount for overdraft fees
Really thieves??? you guys are the ones who over drafted your account. You are not getting anything back but a dollar something really people relax and stop find something more important to do!!!
This is the most halarious repospose I’ve ever read. Sounds to me like you need to find something important to do with your time. If someone stole money from you wouldn’t you want to recover all of it back pr at least something back. It’s obvious this is is so damn important to you to read these frustrated peoples responds. I find this funny as hell. Thanks for the good laugh. Hahaha lmao!!#