Coronavirus and Canceling Travel
I get it. The disruptions that the COVID-19 Pandemic has brought to our lives are both frustrating and even a little confusing. So why do we have to tank our economy and upend our entire lives for a virus that isn’t all that destructive towards the young and healthy? Shouldn’t we all just be “business as usual”?
Related – Our Responsibility: How We Are Changing Our Coverage of Deals Due to Coronavirus
Don’t Be “That Guy”
Yesterday I saw an old acquaintance post on Facebook how this Coronavirus isn’t a big deal and he wasn’t changing his life. Then 75 (yes 75!) other people commented in support. To be fair 3 of those comments were in dissent, but 72 agreed! I get it that looking out for one’s self is a trait we value in America, but taking care of each other is one too. If you’re still traveling or out potentially spreading this virus please stop. You are not cute nor are you funny.
So who should you listen to when trying to determine the truth? Don’t take your advice from a travel website on the internet (but please continue reading 🙂 ). Please don’t! You might also want to consider avoiding advice from memes, conspiracy theory Twitter accounts or your Uncle Joe who says Coronavirus is just a cold. How about you dig deep and find some expert advice. Infectious disease specialists have been sounding alarms for awhile now. Listen to what they have to say. Here is a sample, but find your own answers too!
I Should Feel Sorry For Myself But I Don’t
This is a travel blog so let’s talk about how COVID-19 has affected my travels. It has been pretty terrible. For example my long awaited birthday trip to Disney’s Aulani in Hawaii is of course cancelled. There will be no birthday photo with Mickey, no time hanging out by the pool and no beautiful Hawaiian sunsets. At least not for awhile.
Could I still go to Hawaii? Absolutely I could. The flights are not cancelled and the hotel is still open. The chances of us getting sick are probably fairly small too, but you see it is just plain wrong. When I cancelled the trip I was given a voucher to re-book it at any point this year. That means I can swim in the ocean, splash in the pool and take my photo with Mickey another time. So why would I put others at risk just to take the trip now when I can do it later?
My travel woes don’t just stop at Hawaii. Shortly after returning from Hawaii we were supposed to go to Europe for Ellie’s birthday (one week after mine) and a fun European road trip. That was followed by many other trips, with the ultimate goal of getting in as much travel before Ellie starts Kindergarten in August. Months of travel now canceled or on hold.
What Will Happen in the End?
Just like many of you I don’t know how long this disruption to my life will continue nor do I know how my travel plans will shake out in 2020. Maybe I’ll be stuck home all year, but I am hoping that isn’t the case. If we can get control of this thing then perhaps we can salvage this year for community gatherings, sports and other things that make life feel “normal”. Oh yeah and travel. I’d love to salvage some of that travel.
Right now we have the ability to social distance and do our part without being completely locked down in our houses. If you decide to travel, to potentially expose others and more importantly to just be a jerk, then you risk forcing us all into a situation like we see in Italy. People on full lockdown. Cases spiking. Lots of people dying. We don’t want that.

Flatten the Curve
You’ve probably heard the term flatten the curve over the past few days. The idea is that by self isolating and following great sanitary practices we can slow COVID-19 down enough that our health care system can avoid becoming overrun. It is believed that many people in countries like Italy and China died simply because they couldn’t get the treatment they needed.
But again I am not an expert, but I do seek out the words and advice from people who do know what they are talking about. They are saying to stay home. They are saying it isn’t okay to travel. Who am I to say that a birthday date with Mickey along with my own self righteousness gives me a boarding pass to fun?
How We Cover This Stuff
As we move into this next phase of Coronavirus in the United States we’ll continue to be here covering the latest news in the travel industry. Players big and small are under intense pressure and I believe the travel industry will be changed forever because of the new realities of the world. Only time will tell.
In addition to covering the important virus related news, we’ll do our best to continue to provide great miles/points content along with the best deals we come across. We know you’ll be at home more and we are committed to providing great content so that you can hit the world full of inspiration when we can all travel again. And yeah all of those awesome deals that are sure to come, we’re ready to share ALL of them! 🙂
Bottom Line
We all had busy important lives before the virus and unfortunately much of that has to go on hold for now as we seek as a country to get this under control. I had months of travel that just blew up and I don’t care. At this point we must work together to help slow the spread of this virus, to help protect the vulnerable and to help bring normalcy as soon as possible. At the very least, don’t be a jerk.
Stay home, stay safe and get informed.
– Shawn Coomer
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Opinions, reviews, analyses & recommendations are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, endorsed or approved by any of these entities.
[…] Don’t Be A Jerk! Why I Have Decided To Cancel Months Worth of Travel. – We all love to travel, but we have to do our part. Whether you get sick or not, you could infect someone else who is sick or elderly. I miss traveling right now and I hate to have to cancel so many reservations, but it is truly the best thing right now for all of us. […]
I know this post is rather old at this point but I was wondering if you have any updates to share on how you are approaching travel 4 months into the pandemic. Specifically, if you have any tips for us (historically) frequent travelers who are both: a) interested in not being jerks and needlessly exposing others to sickness but also b) sinking into actual despair at the idea that any travel in 2020 is off the table (and 2021 isn’t looking much more optimistic). I know we aren’t supposed to feel sorry for ourselves but these feelings can be hard to push off forever. It seems that most of the advice available falls into two camps: a) do whatever you want without regard to anyone else (i.e., the jerk camp) or approach the absolute drudgery that our lives have become with a stiff upper lip (i.e. the wartime duty camp). Where is the advice for all of us who feel the need to recognize that this sucks! Maybe there isn’t anything to do about it sucking, but we actually want it recognized and some constructive non-jerkish suggestions about what to do with our time other than work and chores (or indoor hobbies that actually feel like chores at this point) .
[…] else’s life. My friend Shawn of the blog Miles to Memories so poetically put it, “don’t be a jerk.” And yet a lot of people were just that. If we want to enjoy all the advantages and benefits […]
“We recently got back from Cebu via Dubai on Emirates. Flight was full. In reply to The post by Chris we were no locked up in our hotel and business was usual until right before we left when they closed the mall, churches etc. our flights to the US were full and Dubai airport was open for business and very busy. Here is a post I made on a local Anchorage web site upon my return. Maybe this will open up your So I just got back to Anchorage coming from the Philippines. We traveled via Emirate Airlines from Cebu-Dubai, with Seattle being our US entry point. Emirates staff gave each of us (3) a form titled United States Travelers Health Declaration which took me 10 minutes each to fill out and included a detailed history of where we had been, where we were going and where we lived. Form asked for all demographics. Was also given the standard (1 per family) US Customs and Border Protection form to fill out. When we got to Seattle there was no one taking temperatures and no one asked about the health form or offered to take it. They did not even take the customs declaration form. We were basically waved thru after using the global entry kiosk. I was disturbed by this. In Dubai and Cebu City our temperatures were taken and we were asked questions in regards to our previous travel etc. If any of you think our borders are secure from this virus think again. There are more precautions in the Philippines where I own a home than here in the US. The Philippines is still a 3rd world country! What good are all these precautions we are now taking if any one can come into the US from a foreign country without being properly screened. Myself, wife, daughter are self imposing a quarantine due to our proximity to elderly relatives we live with whose immune systems are already compromised. However I doubt a lot of other travelers coming back to the US are taking similar steps. Honestly after seeing what I did at the airport I thought about going right back to the Philippines. I felt more secure there and the store shelves were full lol.”
Just to have an idea Philippine ranks 53 out of 195 on the ability to handle a pandemic. If you dont understand that it’s about how well a country is prepared to prevent, detect & respond, which creates a level of risk. A single infected person traveling to a low risk country is like setting off an explosion at Disney land compared to a prepared country like setting off a bomb on a beach. A drastically larger amount of people will die in low risk countries due to low their resilience level due to selflessness of a small group of people need for pure travel enjoyment. It’s crazy how people don’t understand this basic concept.
Current list of country boarder closures
Before thinking its fun to grab cheap flights realize that your trip could be one way as you very well could find yourself trapped overseas.
Great post. As a frequent traveler, I am glad we are working from home. I celebrate a milestone birthday this year. I’d planned on taking a trip overseas to celebrate. Not………all plans cancelled and I no longer feel the excitement I previously felt. Those that continue to “not care” are selfish and do not realize it not about them. It’s impacting an entire world and their actions are beyond selfish.
Check this out to see how important each of our choices is … great animations showing why #SocialDistancing and #StayAtHomeForAmerica works … and is required!!
Click on the link to see the live simulations with great explanations. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/
Please share to help folks that will soon tire of the “cabin fever” or are letting their kids play together like there is no virus spreading.
Thanks Washington Post!
Not only for the simple fact that stopping leisure travel is the right thing to do its beyond me why anyone would want to take non-essential travel even if it was free. The world situation is changing by the min everything is shutting down by the hours. Why would someone want to travel deal with rigorous airport screening as we seen people jammed up in Chicago for hours in packed mobs that only increase your risk to transmit the virus. All of that risk and hardship to basically travel and sit in your hotel? What fun is that? With near 5000 cases and 100 deaths within the USA we will be on the high risk country list and you can even be denied entry in to another country, Mexico & Canada already closed its boarders to USA residents. The risk highly outweighs the reward even if your tickets are free.
If your planning to come to hawaii what is the point, here is a snapshot of everything that’s closed and closures are not slowing down. More and more local places are also closing.
[…] Respect to Shawn of Miles to Memories for this: Don’t Be A Jerk! Why I Have Decided To Cancel Months Worth of Travel. […]
You are right period. As I write this I’m dreaming of the cruise that was leaving this afternoon with 15 friends onboard,now cancelled. What a privilege to be able to complain about that. So easy to forget how very lucky we are, mostly by chance of birth. Will I get sick…no. Can I get someone sick and perhaps lose their life…yes. Worried about service workers, go buy a gift card from a local restaurant use it when this health crises has passed. Donate a portion of what you would have spent on your trip.
I, too, applaud the comments you have expressed. As a Boomer with a 90-year old parent for whom my siblings and I are responsible for, self-limiting contact with others is being practiced faithfully. One of my sisters and I have cancelled trips next month and in May for Spain and Central Europe. We are appreciative of our travel agency for permitting us to do so and to reschedule when things have settled down. On behalf of my family, composed of many over 60 years of age, a huge “thank you” to all younger and healthier folk for thinking globally, rather than just personally. I hope I would have been just as responsible as you all are when I was your ages.
[…] are so low. I can’t say it any better than Shawn from Miles to Memories in his post “Don’t Be A Jerk! Why I Have Decided To Cancel Months Worth of Travel.” I also found a letter telling people, “Now Is Not the Time to Travel Abroad (An Open […]
That’s right. Everyone stay home, shelter in place, don’t go out. More room for me on the highway and cheaper flights and cheap hotel rooms with crazy incentives. Stay home and live in fear while my family and I enjoy the next few weeks somewhere in the sun.
You can’t travel when countries are on lockdown and airlines aren’t flying. Simple as that.
You can travel but have to be flexible and creative
Over 60 years old here. I’ve cancelled 3 trips for the months of March, April and the beginning of May (the Kentucky Derby). My husband and I decided to self-isolate 2 days ago. We have enough food to last for 3 months. After that, we can re-evaluate. It’s the responsible thing to do…we all have a duty to #FlattentheCurve. Is that trending yet? It should be. If not, older people will die, younger people will end up with permanent lung damage. None of this is fun.
Thank you for posting this Shawn.
You are not looking at the big picture Shawn! I am currently in the Philippines with my wife and 8 yo daughter. There are far fewer cases here then back in the US. The hotel we are staying in relies mainly on foreigners. They are laying off staff with no pay. The bartender told me he has two kids and doesn’t know what he will do. Taxi drivers, service workers are all being sent home again with no pay. Your self righteous attitude of us westerners staying home and refusing to travel has a direct impact on others much less fortunate than the readers of this blog. Without pay these people cannot feed their children, buy medicines, clothing and other necessities. The media has blown this out of proportion. Common sense and precautions no longer prevail. Very disappointed in your statements here and the corresponding comments. Remember every action has a reaction.
By far in so many different level this has to be the most ridiculous comment I heard by far. Its oblivious you have no idea of the true scale of this, millions world wide will die before any protection/cure/vaccine is released. To start why do you think philippine #s are so low? Its a poor country they can barley afford to eat not to mention actual medical care and or virus testing. There are only 111 confirmed cases of the wealthy and thousands of positive untested. To worry about another country financial welfare is crazy selfish to think people traveling there is actually helping this global problem, tourist may give them a little cash but it will be the end of their life. Tourists are carrying the virus and those working to serve tourist are first to be infected then they bring it back home to their family and villages. If they are laid off it may just give them a fighting chance to save their life. They are better to be homeless eating scraps then for a selfish tourist to infect and kill them. If you think only poor counties will face hardship take a closer look at millions of Americans living pay check to pay check they will also be tragically impacted unable to feed their own families once everything in the USA is shut down. Don’t think the USA is far from a country wide shut down, just as its starting to happen all over the globe to reduce the spread. People that are traveling for enjoyment at this time are not only selfish being a silent killer by spreading the problem wider, they also highly risking being trapped as everything is shutting down. The only travel right not should be reserved for essential travel proving aid to help this global problem or if you have sick or dying love ones that you want to spend their final days together. Think about others, stop your fun travel and do your civil right to stop the spread. Within the next 2-4 weeks the USA will start spiking in survival crimes (stealing & looting). People will be killed over simple supplies such as rolls of toilet paper before we know it.
Agreed!! Its very simple stop being selfish by traveling and spreading your infections all over the world and within the US. The virus can not swim or drive its travels through selfish tourist. Stop moving, close all boarders and give the world a fighting chance to contain the virus. That’s the only way to stop the spread. Stay home build your points, miles and travel when its safe next year.
OMG Chris You’re thinking is so skewed that I don’t even know how to reply. Millions dying? Stealing , looting? Your’e thought process and that if others is the reason why people are panicking and hoarding supplies. The reason people are stressed out and now having other medical issues, strokes heart attacks completely unrelated to this virus. You are the one who is ridiculous. Stay locked up in you’re home and keep your sanctimonious comments to yourself. I have no time for fear mongers. You obviously aren’t living in the real world.
Open your eyes look at the global picture and tell me how unreal this problem truly is, stealing and looting is already taking place. Keep being selfish making this problem worse by spreading your infection globally, what a great tips your leaving everyone. Good luck trying to get back in to the US as everything is shutting down around us, if you even make it out of the Philippine before your quarantined over there. It’s selfish people like you that will cause the death toll to reach millions, we all must drastically change our normal behaviors in order to control the situation.
CMorgan: how is your family holiday working out for you with Manila on lockdown? Hopefully you got some benefit from the cheap travel. Are you stuck at your hotel bar or are you actually out enjoying the culture, food, sites & shopping? Looks like the government just issued this statement: “Foreigners have been set a 72-hour deadline to leave, with international airports in Manila and Clark due to close.” Hopefully your trip was coming to an end and your family does not get stuck over there for months, keep us updated!
I live in St. Louis where they are preparing to call out the National Guard in some parts of the city. I also have at risk in-laws that I cannot be around right now let alone travel (yes trips are planned and will be postponed for now). I am fortunate I have worked remotely for past 10 years but anyone who doesn’t understand what “flatten the curve means” needs to educate themselves and hope their idiocy has not caused them to be exposed and potentially expose others.
I too live in St. Louis and they are NOT preparing to call the National Guard. It’s okay to comment but please don’t instill fear that doesn’t exist. Anyone can Google and find out that this information isn’t valid. The National Guard isn’t preparing anything in St. Louis.
Maybe not in St Louis at the moment but currently in 28+ other states yes the National Guard has been activated as well as active duty military currently has been placed on standby to respond. Military forces will start showing up in cities to provide needed aid, enforce mandatory quarantine, and when necessary help reducing crime and looters.
The Phillippines is on lockdown.
CMorgan how is your family vacation going over in paradise? Im thinking to take a trip to philippines myself i hear tickets are super cheap and you can have 1st class experience in economy class with the ability to fully lay down!!! Your doing great keep that travel sprit regardless of the worlds crisis situation.
Shawn, you are my hero! You know the battle I have at home. Only people like you that have a sense of responsibility and concern for others rate my admiration right now. It is a horrible thought to me that one of my travel buddies might be a cog in the wheel that kills people. Careless, uncaring attitudes are unforgivable.
A number of people have already articulated the reasons why what you wrote is correct, and good, and moral, so I’ll just thank you for writing it.
Sorry Shawn, but this article in my opinion is way out of line. People the world over die by the millions every year through no actions of their own or due to the actions of others and NOBODY in the travel space bats an eye or even cares to be a part of any solution. So bow because this is at your doorstep there’s Suddenly a reason to care? Hypocrisy at its finest. Not to mention not all of us can cancel and reschedule our six upcoming luxury trips for later in 2020. We may get one or two in a year given limited PTO, school schedule conflicts, holidays, unexpected bills, and the myriad other things that keep Americans from traveling. I may be the lone voice on this side of the issue but so be it. I won’t be #travelshamed. Next time I see a photo from the shores of Turkey with a drowned Syrian refugee toddler face down in the mud I expect a similar outcry to the “jerks” of the world.
Millions dying for unforseen reasons or from known virus flu, HIV etc can not be compared to COVID which is unknown, no treatments and or vaccine. There is no protection from this virus besides trying your best to wash hands and not touch your face. It’s selfish to be so careless at least until some sort of protection is developed. If you want to shoot yourself no problem but if your going to do a mass shooting to hurt and effect others for your personal enjoyment there is a huge problem.
So, suggesting people should cut down on travel during the pandemic is a bad thing and out of line? This is a travel blog and the COVID has relevance to travel (and visa-versa). You have no idea who bats an eye and who doesn’t, and this really wouldn’t the place I would expect to see deep discussions of all the world’s problems. Go ahead and travel, but if you care about any of the lists of sad things you listed I would think you would care about the Corona virus also.
Spot on AR! I really don’t care what the other short sighted individuals think! I will pose this question however. How many people will die or become ill due to the side effects of a world wide recession caused by an overreaction to COVID19
The recession is already here because of the spread. The spread happened because of people traveling and not listening to warnings. Why did Italy, Spain and France shut down their countries? Because of the spread of the virus from people not following the warnings and still going to pubs, restaurants, and town meetings. Why did the cases stop growing in South Korea and Hong Kong? Because people listened to the warnings.
Do you think if the people in Italy, Spain and France all stayed home for two weeks and lessened the effect of the virus it would have been better or do you think the country completely shutting down now after the fact will do more damage? Now that hospitals are overwhelmed and can not treat everyone. Now that they have to decide who gets treatment and who drowns in their own fluids.
Do you think medical bills and a long term medical issue like scarred lung tissue or do you think losing your job for a little while will cost people more money?
I think you are the one being short sighted here. If we are wrong and we are overreacting then things go back to normal in a few weeks. If you are wrong people die and the whole world gets locked down for months. Which side of wrong would you rather be on? And does this really seem like an overreaction when scientists and microbiologists said this very thing would happen months ago and almost no one listened? I guess I would tend to listen to the experts on things like this.
Agreed! The US is behind and we need to be proactive not reactive. If your not looking as lessons learned from other countries we will just be the reason for our own destruction. Don’t do as they did, do as the experts say. STOP UNNECESSARY MOVEMENTS!
I agree that folks should stop traveling if at all possible and we should all help to slow this down if we can…even if that means locking down for a while until we can get past this. HOWEVER, please don’t lay the spread of this at the doorsteps of folks not taking heed to the warning. Sure, that is a part of it but (and not to make it political) but our President whom I’ve supported in many ways, CLEARLY dropped the ball here. He downplayed it, and to an extent, still is, and it allowed for something that could have been somewhat contained to spread the way it did.
Insistent travelers during this time is surely making an already difficult situation worse but please place blame, at least initial blame, where it belongs…and that my friend is with the fine folks who are at the top and who run this country.
I am 65 and in pretty good health. I may not quite be in a high risk group, but I still want to thank all those in lower risk groups those that realize that taking the proper precautions works to protect those that are at higher risk.
It’s time to be thinking of your parents and grandparents (even if they are Boomers).
Thank you for being a voice if reason. I hope things stabilize soon but I also think there’s a chance this lasts quite awhile.
I have struggled with how to respond to people posting about travel the last two weeks. It’s horribly selfish and foolish to travel right now. The attitude that young healthy people have been expressing about how they don’t need to worry because they are low risk is horrible. Selfish and stupid are a dangerous combination.
I am also not amused by all the business travel people are doing but in that case it’s the Human Resources department that’s being selfish. I have a friend that lives in one of the hot spots who was in 4 cities last week on business trips. Totally unnecessary meetings that they have every year to touch base with remote offices. 100% could have been delayed.
Shawn, you earned the back link from me in this post, thank you.
Oh boy! 🙂 Can’t wait to tell Mark about it!!!
Shawn — this situation has caused me to take a hard look at which blogs I respect and which I will have no use for when things are back to normal. Travel discussion and boarding area in general has really exemplified the divide since travel right now lays bare the discussion between inconvenience and protecting the herd.
There is real economic consequence to self quarantine but it pales in comparison to the long slow national recovery challenges we will face if we do not flatten the curve. We delayed several days that we can never get back. But now we must just keep educating and not exacerbating.
There will be a day of reckoning when this passes. Some will have to look in the mirror. Others will know they did what they could to get the message out and save lives. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Larry!
Thank you! It’s all about flattening the curve and not overwhelming the health system. If we don’t do that, people will die, not just from Coronavirus, but from numerous other illnesses because they are unable to receive any, or adequate, treatment in overwhelmed hospitals. I especially urge older adults essentially to self quarantine if they are able. And plenty of retired Americans are in a position to do this. (Yes, it’s unpleasant, but that’s really hardly the point in this situation.) Although younger adults can certainly end up in the hospital, and should also practice social distancing, the risk rises as we age. Frankly, I am quite mystified why I haven’t seen more public discussion of self quarantine by older adults, not just to protect themselves, but to protect the health system. It just seems like the logical and moral course of action.
Thanks Kate!
I too agree and applaud your blog on this. I am trying to cancel a trip to Asia in April, that I booked with points. The airline is swamped and calls cannot go through. While we could still go, what happens if we get there and the other country will not let us in, or not give a Visa, or puts us in isolation for 14 days. Just too many risky things to travel. We also have a trip planned in June to Hawaii and Australia. We are hoping things come back to normal by then.
Thanks Byron! I too hope things get back to normal as soon as possible. We are all going to be stir crazy soon.
Thank you! We should all be practicing social distancing not primarily because we are worried about ourselves, but because of the impact we can have on everyone – this thing spreads exponentially, and each person that refuses to take that into account can cause so many other people to get sick (potentially very sick).
It is shocking to me how many people don’t get this (or don’t care).
I have a Europe trip for the month of June. I don’t plan on canceling unless it is by default.
The 2003 SARS (coronavirus family) timeline started dissipating in May, June, and July of 2003. So I am hoping this will happen here.
MERS on the other hand was not seasonal.
I don’t blame you for keeping the June booking in tact and playing it by ear. Let’s hope things are back to normal by June. If not, hopefully you’ll have waivers, etc. to be able to cancel without penalty.
I applaud your sense of moral decency! We should be socially responsible and do everything we can to stop the spread of the virus. Yes you may be young and healthy and may only get a minor illness but while you travel who will you infect and kill? Also this is not just a disease that affects older people ! The scary part is you don’t know who will become severely ill. You young people may survive but you may have permanent lung damage. Also while you are out infecting everyone , me or a colleague of mine is trying to decide who lives and who dies because we don’t have enough resources to care for everyone!!! This is true even if just a fraction of people end up in the hospital. Our system is already at capacity from people with influenza. Those other illnesses don’t just go away because the Corona virus has moved in!!!
I have cancelled my month long vacation in Spain to prepare for the onslaught of sick people expected to overwhelm our health care system shortly. Thank you Shawn for sharing why social distancing is just the right thing to do right now.!! # don’t overwhelm our healthcare system
Bravo! #FlattenTheCurve is the only way to try to give our health care system the possibility of having enough resources to go around.
And we must remember that any of us could unknowlngly spread the virus to a waitress who lives with an aging, ill parent; a hotel worker with an asthmatic child; an airport employee with diabetes. Those are the folks who are at much greater risk for serious illness and death. And our staying home protects them while slowing the spread to flatten that darn curve.
Thanks for helping to get the word out.
It’s one way. Rarely in life is one way the only way. Maybe more effective to tell vulnerable pops to isolate and provide services / payments to enable that.
But neither of us is a public health official. Let’s hope they are pragmatic, skilled, and given what they need by elected officials and business leaders.
Tend to agree but I do think there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of rock bottom pricing on airlines, hotels and cruise lines for travel later in the year. Agree right now is bad but August, September or November may be fine. Worst case if the virus is still a problem you can likely cancel or rebook for a date farther in the future.
Nothing wrong w taking advantage of pricing provided you have flexibility and plan it for a time when things have hopefully settled down.
Also I canceled travel for March and first half of April but still have trips scheduled for later in April, May and June. Can always cancel if things don’t improve but taking a wait and see approach over next month or two.
Yeah I don’t think people should cancel all travel through the end of the year. I’m personally hoping to be able to travel in late May or June, but of course it will depend on how things go. I’m not booking anything now, but have other bookings for late in the year that I’ll keep. Let’s hope things can get back to normal as quickly as possible!
Well done,
I think you absolutely did the right thing. I cancelled a long planned trip and possibly lost thousands of €, but ultimately I consider it the most responsible way to go.
Glad you posted this article!
Completely agreed! Good point!
Government has to mandate full stoppage of travel!
Sick and tired of listening about effect on economy……Let the government tax so 100K+/year “professionals” to 60-70-80-90%. Those are pencil pushers anyway and never did real (physical) work….
What an idiotic comment. Taxing persons making more than 100k per year 60-90%. Do you even gave a clue what this would do to the US economy. 100k is not a lot of money anymore.
Thank you. THANK YOU for being the first “travel guru” to address this very real problem and be selfless about it. Below is from an article I read today, and it really hit home. I might be ok (I hope). But I do not want my parents or my friends left to suffocate and die because of the self-centered people out there did not heed the warnings, caught and spread the virus, then taxed our medical system.
“ This is not theoretical. It is already happening in Italy, where people over 65 are being left alone on hospital gurneys to suffocate to death from pneumonia. They basically drown in their own sputum. There is simply not enough medical capacity to take care of them. The United States appears to be about two weeks behind Italy on the epidemic growth curve.”
Best article ever.. i’m so tired of posts bragging about going on trips now while prices are rock bottom. Be responsible people! The sooner we get this under control the faster life will get back to normal and more importantly the less people will die. Just because you are healthy doesn’t mean you can’t become infected and spread it to someone that is high risk.
Thanks Christian!