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Southwest Credit Card 60k Offer
Southwest Airlines is sending out targeted offers for their Premier Business card. The offer gives 60,000 points after $3k spending during the first 3 months. This is the best offer I have seen on this card to date.
The normal public offer on this card gives 25,000 points after $1k in spend, however there is almost always a link for a 50,000 bonus point bonus.
The Offer
My wife received this offer via email and I suppose other members will receive it as well. I am hesitant to post the link since it seems to be targeted and there is no landing page for the application.
Here is a link to the application. There is no landing page. I strongly caution that this offer may be targeted and that you may not earn the 60,000 bonus if you apply through this link. Do so at your own risk.
Application Link (The Application link has expired.)
Update: Doctor of Credit also mentions that you may be able to get the offer by calling 1-888-883-2721 and asking to apply for the Chase Southwest Business Premier card. Mention the offer code: DF01.
Update 2: Several people have reported to me that they have confirmed the link works for the 60,000 bonus point special.
Quick Details:
- Start with 60,000 points after you spend $3,000 in the first 3 months of opening your account. This bonus offer is available to you as long as you have not received a new Cardmember bonus for this product in the past 24 months. $99 Annual Fee will be applied to your first billing statement.
- 6,000 Anniversary points after your Cardmember anniversary.
This appears to be the normal Premier Business card with a $99 annual fee and 6,000 points on the anniversary date. I am definitely considering applying for this myself since my wife has the companion pass and is not yet eligible for another bonus on this card.
Have you been targeted and have you ever seen a better offer for this card? Let me know in the comments.
 Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Learn more about this card and its features!
Opinions, reviews, analyses & recommendations are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, endorsed or approved by any of these entities.
What if anything can I do to increase the likelihood that I will receive future targeted offers for the Chase Southwest Rapid Rewards BUSINESS credit card?
Thank you in advance
I really don’t know about what would trigger it. Having other business cards with them and opting in to receive ads is a good start though.
What if anything can I do to increase the likelihood that I will be targeted for future Chase Southwest Business Card offers?
Thanks in advance!
I can send you a direct link to the 50,000 Southwest Rapid Rewards Premier card! Only available via referral. Email me lcomstock07(at)gmail(dot)com
[…] out this post on Miles To Memories for more details about how to get this […]
I used the link for the offer code DF01 from the Doctor of Credit website to apply for the Business Premier card online. As noted, there was no landing page but the page address did show the 60K offer. I completed the application online, but at the end of the process was told I had to call the phone number on the screen to complete my application. I did, but it turns out that because the application is for a BUSINESS credit card they needed to verify some additional information about my business such as income, expenses, etc. Fortunately, I already have my other business accounts with Chase so that process went pretty smoothly but YMMV. I would caution those of you applying for this offer to be sure you actually have a legitimate business set up before you apply, otherwise you may be out of luck.
And once they approved me, I verified that I was enrolled for the 60K/$3K spend bonus so yes, the link does work with the caveat I just noted. However, since I just got the card I haven’t actually met the minimum spending to see if indeed I will be able to get the 60K bonus miles posted to my account.
Thanks Jaxon. Yes it is a business card and you must qualify based on the business merits. Chase is definitely more difficult when it comes to business cards as well.
[…] an amazing offer comes along. For example, Chase just released the highest ever offer on their Southwest Premier business card. There was also the Hyatt 20% bonus that lured many people to apply for that card. These situations […]
[…] HT: doctorofcredit, milestomemories […]
“Update: Doctor of Credit also mentions that you may be able to get the offer by calling 1-888-883-2721 and asking to apply for the Chase Southwest Business Premier card. Mention the offer code: DF01.”
Just a little update, you can just call that number as it’s a dedicated line for this bonus. No need to mention the offer code apparently.
It seems they are asking for 12-digit code to match the offer. DF01 is not working.
Notice the new wording in the Pricing & Terms section:
“Chase card members who currently have or have had a Chase credit card in any Rewards Program associated with this offer, may not be eligible for a second Chase credit card in the same Rewards Program. Chase card members currently receiving promotional pricing, or Chase card members with a history of only using their current or prior Chase card for promotional pricing offers, are not eligible for a second Chase credit card with promotional pricing.”
Wonder if this is another new policy?
This language has been around for awhile on other cards. (Not sure about this one.) You can Google the terms and you will find it dating back at least a year. That has always been their policy, so it is best to use their cards for more then just the bonuses.
There is no such 60,000 bonus miles Chase – Southwest at Chase or miles either
All of the information you need is in the post.
yes – got the e-mail
Part of the URL is “Chase_Business_60K” I think with a screen shot you could make a pretty strong argument.
I got a target offer for the personal card.
50K and $100 statement credit for the $99 card.
So basically 50K and no fee.
Where did you got to get this offer? Can you please email me the link to
[…] For more detail about the offer, see this Miles to Memories post. […]
Not so ‘hot’ if it’s targeted. How about ‘TARGETED!’ instead of ‘HOT!’
I added the link Greg if people want to try.