American Express Shutdowns: Everything You Need To Know
As we all know, American Express shutdowns and clawbacks have been on the rise the last few years. I figured I would put together a American Express naughty list guide so to speak. I will share previous Amex shutdown and clawback data points all in one place. This will give you an idea of what they are looking for and what to be careful with going forward. Be sure to bookmark this page since I will update it over time as new shutdown and clawback reports come in.
Updated 10/23/21 – updates in bold
Welcome, Spending & Upgrade Offers
Let’s kick this off with the easy, well known stuff. Whenever American Express offers people a new card welcome offer or an increased spending offer it is best to tread lightly. If there are any cash equivalents purchased, like Visa gift cards, then they will often deny or clawback the points. Here are some data points on it:
Welcome Offers
- American Express added anti gaming language to their welcome offers a few years back. If you make any cash like purchases during that time frame or they can clawback your points.
- They have denied welcome offers and frozen accounts for leaked welcome offers too. And if you use a leaked offer they may check your previous applications as well.
- If you close your card before 12 months have passed you forfeit your welcome offer on a new account.
- Amex instituted the Popup to warn when you were not eligible for welcome offers. Although if you don’t see one they may still deny you the welcome offer. Here is how I defeated the Amex Popup.
- Some people have run into issues with the no lifetime language offers. Mainly for using offers that were sent to other people, like their spouse etc.
- Amex has clawed back, or refused, some welcome offers even when the pop up didn’t appear.
Spending Offers
- American Express posts and clawsback Hilton points. They have now sent out letters to people where points were withheld saying that the cash equivalents terms with broken.
- Amex also posts and claws back Bonvoy & Delta points from recent grocery offer.
- Points were clawed back from the Home Improvement 4X spending offers on new accounts and from the refer a friend offer. If people had large purchases of gift cards, or sometimes just large purchases, Amex clawed back the points.
Upgrade Offers
- Amex changed their rules on upgrade offers a few years ago too. They will take back the upgrade bonus points if you close the account (or downgrade) within a year. That is a year from when you upgraded and NOT your original cardmember year.
Regular Spending
- People have still been reporting (August 2021) that they have issues sometimes having Bonvoy Business or Hilton Surpass increased earnings clawed back some months. It appears if you go above the $4-$5,000 threshold in a billing period that they may claw back points. Even though this is standard earning rates and not a part of a spending offer etc.

Card Perks Lead To Clawbacks
The caution does not end with welcome and spending offers though. They have slowly, but continuously, ramped up their rules on card perks. Whether it is statement credits, airline incidental credits or Amex offers they have become a minefield. Here is what you need to watch for:
Statement Credits
These are credits you get yearly from various promotions like the Saks Fifth Avenue $50 credit on the Amex Platinum:
- Buying gift cards at Sak’s Fifth Avenue leads to clawbacks.
- Dell credits used to purchase gift cards or stacking with Amex Offers may be clawed back.
Airline Incidental Credits
- Amex goes back as far as 2 years to clawback airline incidental credits used on gift cards.
- If your flight was canceled and you are refunded for the flight and seat fees etc. then Amex may clawback the airline incidental. Even though the airline incidental tracker never resets.
Amex Offers
- If you stack Amex Offers with statement credits they may be clawed back.
- You used to be able to add Amex Offers to multiple cards on the same account. American Express finally had enough of that and sent cardholders the bill for one deal in particular.
Referral Bonuses Lead To Issues
American Express revamped their referral system a little while back and it has been mostly beneficial. It allowed people to refer friends and family to other Amex cards, even if they didn’t carry them themselves. I felt like it was a little bit of a trap when it was first launched and people did run into some issues but it has mostly been a positive change.
- Self referral points will get taken back.
- If the referrer or referee gets shutdown they will sometimes shut down the other person’s account too.
- Sometimes using a personal referral can lead to the popup.
American Express Shutdowns: Data Points
I am going to try to focus on the larger instances of total account shutdowns and what led to them. Here are the various data points:
- People that applied for a business card product through a specific banker were shutdown.
- Some people that took advantage of targeted no lifetime language offers were shut down. Even when the mailers were sent directly to them.
- Buying gift cards for spending requirements
- Buying gift cards for Amex Offers or credits
- Self Referrals
- Previous financial review
- Doing multiple pay-over-time offers
- Bonus point spending abuse (too much spending in bonus categories)
- Multiple airline incidental clawbacks have led to shutdowns
- Upgrading and downgrading a card multiple times and not waiting a year in between
- A spike in spending and failed financial review
- Using leaked offer links for new welcome offers
- If you referred or were a referral by someone that gets shutdown you may get shutdown too
- Using a no lifetime language offer intended for someone else will lead to a shutdown.
- Using PayPal Key and Plastiq to pay Amex credit card (most notably with an Amex card).
Final Thoughts
I think I hit most of the highlights lowlights of American Express shutdowns, clawbacks and welcome offer denials. If I missed something please let me know in the comments and I will add it in. Also let us know of any new data points going forward and I will continue to update this.
As you can see there are a lot of landmines to avoid with Amex and the rules are continuously changing.
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American Express shut my business account down for no reason, followed by my personal accounts. They claimed that my payment was due one month out from when they shut the personal accounts down. They had also just charged me both annual fees $550 + per card within 60 days of cancelling the cards. I had 350k + points and have been a card member since 2013 and have spent in excess of $5M on amex cards. What a great way to treat top customers.
Sorry to hear that Aaron. You should be able to move the points out to a transfer partner if you call in. I think you get 30 days.
Excellent updates here Mark. This is a great example of specific,in-depth content that makes MtM one of the top sites. Thanks
Glad you found it helpful Jay
“People have still been reporting (August 2021) that they have issues sometimes having Bonvoy Business or Hilton Surpass increased earnings clawed back some months. It appears if you go above the $4-$5,000 threshold in a billing period that they may claw back points. Even though this is standard earning rates and not a part of a spending offer etc.”
Once the card you have got hit, that card is as good as DEAD on any non category bonus spend. Safest bet is to just close it.
I got caught up in the 12X with the Surpass and have been fine going forward. I think the system auto triggers above those amounts so if you play the long game I think you will be okay.
Hey Mark years ago I had an Amex card went through a divorce and closed it for none payment. Will I be able to open another account?
This post and the comments should have some good info for you on that.
Hey Mark, have you heard about any issues with grocery store spending on the surpass card (aside from the obvious disaster that took place over the summer during the COVID bonus period)?
How about sending bill pays to Amex to pay monthly bill?
There were a few issues in the first few months after that but I think things are back to normal.
Bill pays are usually a bad idea.
Hi Mark,
Did you mean bill pays are a bad idea in terms of earnings miles and points or that it’s a bad idea to use Amex to pay certain bills?
Also regarding Paypal Key, if I use PayPal Key linked to an Amex card to pay my rent, would that cause me issues? The complex accepts both MasterCard and Amex but PayPal key counts as debit.
It is usually a bad idea to use Walmart Bill Pay etc. to pay your credit card bills. That leads to a shutdown from a few of the credit card issuers out there.
“bonus points spending abuse”….
I am no where even close to you pro points and miles folks, but I do use my Gold card for groceries, when not getting 5x somewhere (Chase). Also use Gold for dining when I can. Do not use it for day to day stuff (1x). Am I a target for these clawbacks?
I have not heard of many people having issues with the Amex Gold 4X categories.
If I close an AMEX Delta credit card (for which I paid the annual fee when I opened it) at least a year and a day or so after I opened the card (in order to avoid the renewal annual fee), is it likely AMEX will claw back the welcome bonus? Any data points?
If you wait for the fee to post before closing you will be fine.
Post would actually be useful if you guys added a note about what got updated. Just saying “was updated on 10/31/2020” isn’t enough to figure what new information was added. Where’s the update history?! To me, the post looks exactly like what it was the last time I read it.
Added that in – thanks for the suggestion ATV
Opened my plat about a year ago, put all my 2020 travel on the card and earned the welcome bonus. BUT with Covid, most of my travel got cancelled and I managed to get refunded by the airlines. So far, they have not clawed back the bonus MR and my spend has been negligeble so hoping they don’t close me down. Do you think I should be worried?
I don’t know that there is much you can do about it and it isn’t like you were gaming it, everyone cancelled flights.
I think I have done all of these with the exception of anything related to financial review.
I started cleaning up my act though as I realized a shutdown would actually suck and I kept getting the pop up.
Actually it is not an AMEX shutdown that sucks, but AMEX itself. The article states that “Whether it is statement credits, airline incidental credits or Amex offers they have become a minefield.” But this is way too kind and should say – “Whether it is statement credits, airline incidental credits or Amex offers they have become like a one-way visit to the RAT infested basement of the Willard Stiles mansion.”
These are typical “knee jerk reactions” to the current market conditions the same thing happened in the 2008/2010 recession with Amex as well as other issuers. If you have a business card and feeling the pain of Covid related payment issues call them. Here is what we all have worry about I have heard that some companies deeply effected by the virus are having their accounts shut down and one I know of actually had their account deemed uncollectible and written off by Amex. When I asked our attorney about this they said some lenders are purposely writing down accounts this year to take the loss and whatever they collect next year is pure profit. go figure. For me I have limited cc spend as much as possible and kept that to a select set of cards.
Amex closed / shut down all the accounts earlier this month citing in a letter that my FICO score of 735, no installment account, revolving accts have no balance, too many inquiries in the last 2 yrs.
The true facts are that, after receiving the notice, I pulled all my credit reports wherein it show my FICO score is between 760-775 reported by 3 agencies, not Amex’s 735; only 4 or 5 inquiries since Sept. 2017, not Amex’s ‘too many inquiries in the last 2 yrs’, revolving balance shows almost $4k, not Amex’s no balance. Amex also took away all the existing 21k MR points, citing that pts had been forfeited despite Amex ‘s Rep via chat & in MR dept. stated that customer with closed accts has 30 days to redeem the points.
I feel the real reason for accts closure or relationship termination stemmed from a recent arbitration won few months ago whereby one of my Amex acct was wrongly denied a sign up bonus despite an written assurance via chat that the acct did qualify for the bonus.
As I do feel the inaccurate reasons provided by Amex was false & bias for all the accts closure & lost MR pts. I did already contact Amex Rep. by phone, chat, Amex Executive by email, but no change in decision. I’d appreciate any help from anyone for advice or suggestion on what I should do. Thanks in advance
You did an arbitration with AX? Then you are done, history, blacklisted. Maybe in a decade or two you can try again.
Depends on how much you want to fight this. If the reasons they gave were all wrong, I don’t know … I’d contact a consumer protection lawyer.
Google Alexander Bachuwa lawyer – I think he used to write for FM about some legal matters. I think the guy has had some experience with claims against banks. And he knows the miles and points hobby. Don’t know if he’s the right guy or would even help, but worth a shot.
After inquiring about my Aspire bonus in September and getting confirmation via chat that all my spend counted towards the bonus, I received word via chat just last week that I did not meet minimum spend because the $6k I spent towards paying my federal taxes does not count towards minimum spend. No where in the t&c’s does it say taxes don’t count. This is robbery.
Forgot to mention, I opened the card in June. Paid the $6k taxes July 14th. It is now November and no $150k bonus.
Amex generally counts taxes as spend. It almost seems like a YMMV situation if an account goes to manual review. Maybe some agents are misinformed and then flag it as not spend which stops people from getting the bonus. It’s known that arbitration can lead to a shutdown.
There seems to be a new different kind of blacklist for people who Amex thinks abused the system.
I know one person who had his Amex account closed for alleged “abuse.” He was able to reapply a few months later with no issues. Oddly enough, this was not my experience.
Last year all I did on my Amex card was MS. They cancelled the account citing “abuse.” I paid it off and reapplied this year, and was approved but the card was cancelled 8 hours later. Amex sent the same letter when they cancelled this year citing “abuse.”
When I called it to inquire, several staff members said I wasn’t on a blacklist because I paid it off and was approved. They were not sure if it was perhaps a glitch or other issue and said I was free to reapply again. I did not see any point of reapplying if they kept cancelling my card (not to mention that they pulled my credit when I applied, which is what they don’t do when you are on the blacklist).
Is this issue permanent and will apply to all new accounts I get or will Amex likely let it go after a few years or if I call in to the right department to explain? Is there a particular department or Vice President/director I should contact about this?
I no longer MS and want a second chance. Maybe they determined I wasn’t profitable and now just are going to blacklist me forever and are being mean by doing the hard pulls and giving me false hope of account approvals.
I only heard of one other person who had their accounts closed due to not going through with financial review, and a new account was immediately cancelled after they applied again. I do not know much else about their circumstances. Everyone else is either blacklisted (no hard pull) or not blacklisted and can get cards with no issues.
I think what some people have done is become an AU on someone’s Amex account and then applied 6-12 months later to get in. There is a risk of tainting that person’s account but that is what I have read. To be honest Amex is so cloak and dagger with these things we never really know what gets someone off their list.
Was under FR by Amex Canada.
Send in the documents and was waiting for a response.
MS on prepaid giftcards.
Today, noticed on online banking that accounts were closed.
I still had MR points on there.
Are they gone?
I would transfer them to a travel partner ASAP
I can no longer access the MR points on online banking,
I have to call Amex credit department when they open.
My concern is, can they just close my account without informing me first and give me a chance to transfer my MR points.
Essentially can they just take my points like this? or has this happen to other people before and their points are gone?
I believe in their terms if they think you have been gaming the system they can keep the points. See if applying them to your balance works – only 1/2 a cent each but it has worked for others when transfers were frozen. I would try talking with them first and use it as a last resort to get something for them.
They will likely let it go eventually – I wouldn’t stress too much about it. I’ve had cards closed by Amex multiple times over the past decade and after a few years I am able to get approved again.
Also forgot to ask what card(s) you were spending on?
American Express cancelled all of my accounts last year because of MS. The staff told me I was free to reapply and that as long as I did not “abuse” the process I should be good to go.
I reapplied last week and it was approved and 9 hours later they cancelled the card and sent the same email and letter from last year stating that I abused the system.
I called back and was told it could be a glitch but nevertheless was free to apply again. It was unclear to the representative why I was cancelled again.
If there was a blacklist they should not have pulled my credit or approved me for a card. I found out that they did pull my credit for this card.
Does somebody out there still hate me and find the account to cancel 8 hours after applying or is it likely that there is an endless loop on my profile cancelling all cards from last year? If so, will this issue ever go away? I no longer MS and want a second chance.
I do not see any point in applying again if they will keep cancelling.
Can you provide some additional details on what sort of activity led to the shut down last year?
I.E. Were you MS’ing to meet a spend threshold for a sign-up bonus?
Or was it just ongoing MS for a card you had for a while?
What sort of $$$ volume were you doing? Grocery stores, pharmacies,
Ongoing MS on card had for a while.
MS about $1000 a month for a year at grocery stores and pharmacies.
Yikes that’s pretty concerning to hear since it sounds like you weren’t doing very high volume? Any idea what triggered it?
I’ve heard sometimes if a transaction triggers a fraud alert that can eventually lead to shutdown since it might put human eyes on your accounts.
Starwood preferred guest. It was likely triggered by many CVS transactions.
Will they likely let this go after a few years or decades or is this permanent? I still do not know why they even approved me instead of declining my application without a hard pull. Does someone likely hate me out there or is the shutdown likely automated?
do you think shut downs are forever? I know that chase is for 7 years but some people were able to reapply after 2
From what I have read it is best to get put on a family members Amex account as an AU. I guess that may open the doors sooner.
My accounts got shut down yesterday. I remembered that around 2 weeks ago, I received an email titled “American Express Account Status Review” but I didn’t reply anything. Do you think it caused all my account got canceled?
I am guessing you got a financial review etc. and they decided to close the accounts after that. But usually they call asking for info etc. I would give them a call.
[…] Miles to Memories 16 shares 11 pocketsAmerican Express has been Shutting Down … […]
I have been with AMEX for 25 years and have used autopay as long as I can remember. I had 355,000 points and my credit (per their site) is excellent (785 FICO, 0 late payments, 1% credit utilization). On Friday I received a call that after 25 years I was dropped as a customer. I thought it was a bad prank until I signed in to confirm. Today I received a letter stating “the card was cancelled because it was not being used for it’s intended purpose”. My wife and I reviewed EVERY purchase the past year and it’s travel, groceries, gas, etc. etc. I’m at a total loss and really p*ssed after 25 years that I was cancelled with no explanation.
Wow that is pretty terrible. Were you spending only in those areas so they thought you were abusing the rewards? Have you been able to talk to them and get more of an explanation?
I had a financial review and they closed all of my accounts. I reapplied yesterday and they approved my application but then cancelled my card today citing previous unsatisfactory relationship.
Can I call to request reopening? Also, the agent on reconsideration told me that I am not on a blacklist because I paid off the accounts but now they just cancelled my card right after approval. I find this concerning because that account had no issues or activity on it; it was just opened and I have not even received it.
What should I do? Should I wait some time and reapply? I think Amex has a note flagging my account on my profile for previous closure.
Here is some info on how to get off the blacklist – it will take some time.
My accounts/wifes and parents all got shut down today 🙁
Sorry to hear that did they give a reason why?
“A business decision” is all the would say
So can you give us details of what you were doing that could’ve triggered the shutdown: I.e. how much monthly MS were you doing? Where were you buying gift cards from? Did you use MS to satisfy a new card min spend? Etc
as an update – Amex let me keep my MR (even the pending points were added to the account), but made me transfer them within 30 days. I will miss Amex Platinum and Amex offers though. But on the other hand – if they can shut you down for this with no explanation (no matter how hard I tried to find out “why?”, all they could say was “it was a business decision”), then perhaps it’s for the better (otherwise, I would be constantly worrying if I should or shouldn’t buy even a “legitimate” gift card for a friend’s birthday).
On the bright side – 3 points from Chase Reserve card on that 40K safari charge was not too bad.
Thanks for the update…I am glad they let you pull all of your points out at least. It is always tough when a company is unwilling to fully communicate with it’s customers.
well, here is another DP –
My Amex accounts were cancelled today with no other explanation but “we made this business decision”.
Actually I received a voicemail from Amex a week ago (that said they are from Amex customer service and needed to talk to me) but I simply forgot to return the call.
Today I got this call again (should have probably let it go to voicemail!) and they informed me of cancelling all of my accounts (Amex Platinum, Hilton, Amex Blue business card, SPG business and personal).
I have been with Amex since 2010, no new cards in the past year (so it cannot be bonus-related), always pay in full, no late payments, income in the upper 6 figures, FICO in the lower 800s.
Sure, I did some MS here and there but nothing major (just don’t have time for it) and always mixed with organic spend. I used Amex offers only occasionally, never referred anyone for bonus or added AU.
The only thing I can think of is that I increased my SPG cards spend in the past two months, but well within my credit line. A few Simon Mall card purchases here and there (not even the max), 2 or 3 purchases, but as I said – all mixed up with regular spend. I even planned to put a 40K charge from a safari company on my SPG card! (I have not, so it could not be the reason for shutdown). Well, it’ll go to Chase Reserve now, so maybe this one was for the better.
I had around 300,000 MR, none of them used in the past year and a half. At this point I don’t know what will happen to them. They gave me the number to call about my MR, but that office is till 4 pm and closed on weekends (this being Friday, I guess I’ll have to wait till Monday).
That blows. I am guessing the spike in spending put eyes on your account and then they saw some gift card activity. Pretty surprising though since you weren’t hitting it too hard.
[…] Is American Express On A Shutdown Spree? Reports are Coming In! – Another example of banks cracking down on risky behavior and unprofitable customers. The travel world is changing and the old ways of manufactured spend are increasingly going away. […]
I was shut down without explanation (other than it being a internal business decision) a couple of months ago a few days after redeeming 600k points on United international flights for myself and 4 family members for which I would be eligible for 50% points refund due to the Amex biz plat. I have been with Amex for over 15 years, never manufacture spend (ALL my spend is a million percent legit both personal and business expenses), and I pay my bills in full every month 100% of the time. I called day after day multiple times a day and was talking to a brick wall and getting no info. I finally decided to write an email to corporate and also to file a claim with the BBB. Within 10 days ALL of my accounts were reopened and my MR points were reinstated (and I got the 50% points back shortly thereafter). I still do not know and was never told why I was shut down in the first place.
Wow that is a crazy story – thanks for sharing. I have no idea what would have caused it. I am glad you were able to get them opened again. Are you transferring out your points regularly now?
No, unfortunately not, although I probably should, but I’m having a hard time deciding where to put them. I had not used my MR points for awhile (although I was earning them very nicely through spend my Amex Plat and Gold cards), so I thought that maybe using 600k points at once via Amex travel was the trigger, however those points were earned fair and square through 100% legit spend and it would be disgusting of them not to let me use it. Maybe they didn’t want to have to give me the 50% points back… They would not tell me anything other than a letter stating that I was not using my account for it’s “intended purpose”, whatever that is supposed to mean because all I was doing was charging personal and business expenses same as I had been doing for the past 15+ years in a very consistent manner.
I could see an investigation getting started with a massive redemption but you wouldn’t think they would do a shut down.
What email address did you use to send this email to corporate?? I just got shut down too
Nope. It is MR thing.
Interesting – thanks
One more DP, all my accounts were shutdown this week. All existing MR transferred out, all OBC CBs were cashed out in the same day receiving Amex call. However, no AF refund per customer support. SPG points were credited to SPG account after statement closed later on. No luck for MR and other CB earned from the last statements.
Thanks for the DP. Did they say why? Was it OBC ms?
We have cancelled the account because it was not being used for its intended purpose.
Thanks for the response. I think they are cracking down on OBC users personally.
Sorry im a noob: OBC means?
Old Blue Cash – no longer available but big for Manf Spend.
IME, I don’t think so; there must be something in accounts that trip the alarm for rats to look carefully.
I continue to MS 100% on 3 OBC accounts and have not encountered issues, no FRs either. I do NOT cycle my CL since they gave me substantial CL and with cap of $50K, no need to go hog in just a month or two to reach it.
I noticed since the PO disallowed all VGCs for MOs in Nov 2017, a lot of MSers quit buying vanillas from drugstores. Aside from VGC fees they raised to $5.95, most, if not all MSers found other places to buy their VGCs that can be drained at WM and grocery stores.
I have some updates. I called Amex and essentially did not give explanations. I talked to 2 people from different departments and …just no explanation.. but I did get my MR transferred out to an Airline when they transferred the call to MR department. What I didn’t get is the $800 left on OBC. . The annual fee I payed will be prorated and either credited back or they will send me check… Its really hard to live without centurion.
Do you think it was OBC spend that triggered it?
What level of MS were you doing?
Is the $800 in your OBC acct from earned from last month and has not posted as available? If that’s the case, I remember back in Oct 2014 during the massive OBC purge, people who got the axe kept calling until they got a sympathetic rep who were able to cut them a check for their rewards dollars so even if they were shutdown, they got their RDs. It may not be a loss if you can spare time to HUCA and find an agent willing to help you.
Three data points make a trend? Please.
It’s a well-known fact that one of the individuals in Shutdown 1/2 have been less than forthcoming in their story and they’ve had issues with other aspects of human interaction within this space. An Amex shutdown is par for the course they’ve set themselves up for.
Any further ‘data points’ from such a limited scope of incomplete information reminds me of the hard-hitting journalism behind the likes of The National Enquirer or Star.
There is another data point in the comments that was shut down for the same thing. This is new with Amex…in the past once you got past the sign up bonus it was assumed you were safe. I am sorry that you don’t find new data points that contradict past results worthy of a post. I think many do. A big part of posting this is to hope to gather further data points.
That guy also failed to provide many details besides that he “just do MS on [his] amex.”
I got entire amex shut down this month. Amex shut down your accounts as they notify you that your entire amex account canceled.
I just do MS on my amex
Good luck, people. Amex enforced the T&C
Thanks for the DP. What kind of volume were you doing on a monthly basis?
Can you elaborate on the details:
-Did you have large balance of MR points? Did they confiscate the points when they closed your accounts?
-How many cards did you have
-Which cards were you doing MS
-What sort of MS (Simon, grocery store, GCM, etc.)
-How much $$ per month in MS per card were you doing?
What changes to OBC do you refer to?
I checked the FB post again and have corrected my post. He was just trying to hit the 50K cap before his year reset.
The change I’ve seen on OBC is we can now redeem all our Reward Dollars up to the last cent although min redemption remains at $25. In the past, we can only redeem in increments of $25 leaving “orphaned RD” sometimes just a few pennies off $25 🙁
Ugh, I was the guy commenting on the Ascend article about being very tempted to do some grocery store MS to earn 6x and the free weekend night. On one hand I know first-hand people that are absolutely going crazy on various amex cards with MS but then there are reports like this that give me serious pause.
Seems like it’s just a crap-shoot and the differentiating factor is just whether or not a human being happens to look at your account.
For sure a crap shoot. I think if it is minimal (a few here and there) I would say you would probably be fine but the truth is no one knows what triggers anything at this point.
Yeah I was thinking maybe 2-3k per month, nothing too crazy.
Also, I wanted to say that I find these sort of posts very helpful. Of course it’s just anecdotal but I find it useful for calibrating the overall risk environment we’re operating in.
I agree I think making people aware of things is a big part of our job. Informed decisions are the best decisions
Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.
I’ve seen a lot of cases where even the fattened pigs got slaughtered with the hogs when CCs start the purge. A lot of times, CCs make new rules to justify the purge and their decision can be final.
This may tick-off some…but Good!!
People who abuse the gift of CC bonuses should get repercussions. Hogs get fat, PIGS get slaughtered. I’m fat with miles & points, but never been slaughtered because I *use* the system and don’t *abuse* the system.
These aren’t from abusing bonuses though. Amex has been changing the rules of late. What they used to be ok with isn’t flying with them so much anymore.
I’d still say that even though these reports show that banks are getting stricter, I still think that 90% of us won’t be affected. I love miles and points, and don’t do MS. I keep getting some really good offers from both Amex and Chase and put a lot of genuine spend every month. I’m guessing my profile would be quite similar to a lot of other people who love points and miles and play this game avidly. I guess we have to not panic – since there’s a clear line between MSing and doing actual fraud versus just getting the best sign up bonuses at the right time by playing by each bank’s rules.
I think most people will be ok but for the people that do heavy MSing they have cause for concern. I know a lot of people have been hitting SPG hard before August.
Mark, how do you reconcile limiting AMEX to traditional spend with your recent endorsement of buying gift cards at grocery stores with Hilton Ascend?
David I guess you an I have a different definition of endorsement. No where in the article did I even mention purchasing gift cards. A commentor brought up buying Visa gift cards in the comments. This was my response:
You would be best sourcing the gift cards from the grocery store since it earns 6X and then you earn the free night too getting a return of over 4% per dollar. There is always a chance that Amex RAT will deny the 15K free night purchasing gift cards from grocery stores but that hasn’t been the case so far.
I gave him information and a warning. None of the data points in this article change that fact but if you are risk averse you should avoid it all together. It seems like Amex is ramping up their investigations. I simply provide information and people are able to make their own decisions. That article was about using the Ascend as a non bonus spend card.
Thanks for the comment David – I hope I cleared that up for you.
My follow up comment to another commentor
There have not been any reports of issues with it – but that could always change with Amex these days
Thanks, Mark. Was just looking for a further explanation of your thoughts. Like HoKo I’m trying to gauge where the line is here, but it’s obviously very murky and nobody can say for sure.
My pleasure – I wish I knew where it was but we are all looking for the light switch in the dark at this point 🙂
It seems like they are way more sensitive these days but it is hard to tell where the line is. Hopefully everyone keeps sharing data points so we can get a better picture of it.